The instructions above work, and for all Intel based Macintosh computers. However they have one problem - the instructions describe a route that requires the user to spare the OS X.
For instance Mac Minis use laptop HDDs which are either small or very expensive. Sparing OS X will eat some 15-20 gigabytes of the precious space. Getting rid of OS X partition and getting Ubuntu to work as the only installed operating system is possible. However it requires steps that are not described completely in the above tutorial or its links. To put it short, it's at this moment nearly hellish task for an average user. Some of the Mac hardware is quite reasonaly priced and excellent for running Ubuntu. Unfortunately Ubuntu itself isn't very friendly towards Macs. (Lack of EFI support by default at installer, EFI aware grub/lilo, ability to install EFI bootloader that enables proper video bios functions for accelerated X11, ...) -- Ubuntu as primary OS in intel MacBooks -- ubuntu-bugs mailing list