I think the problem is the wirelss drivers workaround patch, this patch
sends -Dndiswrapper when it detects ndiswrapper rather than -Dwext.
This is because the older versions of NDISWrapper did not support the
latest wireless extensions.

I /think/ ndiswrapper > 1.18 (edgy ships with 1.22) support the latest
wext so that patch should be backed out for ndiswrapper.

I don't have access to a box to do a proper diff but this is what should

in src/nm-device-802-11-wireless.c

-       else if (!strcmp (kernel_driver, "ndiswrapper"))
-               wpa_driver = "ndiswrapper";

This was reported on the NM devel list as well here:

cannot connect to wpa personal, but wpa_supplicant alone works

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