** Description changed:

  This is a major rewrite of ubuntu-advantage-client. This version introduces 
an updated command line interface (UA Client) to simplify some interaction with 
Ubuntu Advantage support offerings, and interacts with a new service backend 
built specifically for this new streamlined experience.
  Disco, Eoan, and Focal already have this rewrite (but an older version
  of it), but trusty, xenial, bionic and cosmic do not. This update is for
  trusty only at the moment, because the other LTSs and later releases
  have other services available under the UA umbrella which haven't yet
  been fully converted to the new backend.
  [Test Case]
  There are free services available for Trusty and anyone with an ubuntu one 
account can try them out with the new client.
- In order to attach a machine to UA, first obtain a token at
- https://auth.contracts.canonical.com/. With that token, attach the
- machine with this command:
+ 1. 
+ In order to attach a machine to UA, first obtain a token at 
https://auth.contracts.canonical.com/. With that token, attach the machine with 
this command:
  sudo ua attach <token>
  If that's successful, you will have ESM-infra enabled at the end.
  Additional test cases to confirm that the package correctly handles
  upgrades for all relevant cases:
- 2. Script reference 
-  a. Start with a fresh Ubuntu instance which does not have u-a-t installed 
(i.e. ubuntu-minimal is not installed). Install u-a-t from -updates.
-  Do not enable ua. Upgrade to u-a-t from -proposed.
-  b. In an identical instance, install u-a-t from -proposed.
-  c. Confirm that the on-disk results of a) and b) are identical.
+ 2. Script reference
+ https://gist.github.com/panlinux/4caaf069356da7436d97b47afce32234
+  a. Start with a fresh Ubuntu instance which does not have u-a-t installed 
(i.e. ubuntu-minimal is not installed). Install u-a-t from -updates.
+  Do not enable ua. Upgrade to u-a-t from -proposed.
+  b. In an identical instance, install u-a-t from -proposed.
+  c. Confirm that the on-disk results of a) and b) are identical.
  sudo su -
  # adjust if needed, i.e., point to a mirror
  export ARCHIVE_URL=http://br.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu
  export PROPOSED_REPO="deb $ARCHIVE_URL trusty-proposed main"
  mkdir /esm-sru
  cd /esm-sru
  truncate -s 10G file.img
  zpool create -O sync=disabled tank $(pwd)/file.img
  zfs create tank/trusty-minimal
  debootstrap --exclude=ubuntu-minimal trusty /tank/trusty-minimal $ARCHIVE_URL
  zfs snapshot tank/trusty-minimal@fresh
  # confirm no ubuntu-minimal nor ubuntu-advantage-tools
  chroot /tank/trusty-minimal dpkg -l | grep -E 
  # create a clone from trusty-minimal called trusty-2a
  zfs clone tank/trusty-minimal@fresh tank/trusty-2a
  # add extra pockets
  cat >> /tank/trusty-2a/etc/apt/sources.list <<EOF
  deb $ARCHIVE_URL trusty-updates main
  deb $ARCHIVE_URL trusty-security main
  # install u-a-t from updates
  chroot /tank/trusty-2a/ apt-get update
  chroot /tank/trusty-2a/ apt-get install ubuntu-advantage-tools -y
  # upgrade to u-a-t from proposed
  cat > /tank/trusty-2a/etc/apt/sources.list.d/proposed.list <<EOF
  chroot /tank/trusty-2a/ apt-get update
  chroot /tank/trusty-2a/ apt-get install ubuntu-advantage-tools -y
  # clone the first fresh snapshot and call it trusty-2b
  zfs clone tank/trusty-minimal@fresh tank/trusty-2b
  # install u-a-t directly from proposed
  cat >> /tank/trusty-2b/etc/apt/sources.list <<EOF
  deb $ARCHIVE_URL trusty-updates main
  deb $ARCHIVE_URL trusty-security main
  cat > /tank/trusty-2b/etc/apt/sources.list.d/proposed.list <<EOF
  chroot /tank/trusty-2b/ apt-get update
  chroot /tank/trusty-2b/ apt-get install ubuntu-advantage-tools -y
  # get files from both datasets, stripping the zfs prefix
  find /tank/trusty-2a/ | sed -r 's,^/tank/[^/]+,,' | sort > trusty-2a.list
  find /tank/trusty-2b/ | sed -r 's,^/tank/[^/]+,,' | sort > trusty-2b.list
  3. Script reference 
-  a. Start with a fresh Ubuntu instance which does not have u-a-t installed 
(i.e. ubuntu-minimal is not installed). Install u-a-t from -updates. Enable esm 
with 'ubuntu-advantage enable-esm'. Upgrade to u-a-t from -proposed.
-  b. In an identical instance, install u-a-t from -proposed. Enable esm with 
'ubuntu-advantage attach'.
-  c. Confirm that the on-disk results of a) and b) are identical.
+  a. Start with a fresh Ubuntu instance which does not have u-a-t installed 
(i.e. ubuntu-minimal is not installed). Install u-a-t from -updates. Enable esm 
with 'ubuntu-advantage enable-esm'. Upgrade to u-a-t from -proposed.
+  b. In an identical instance, install u-a-t from -proposed. Enable esm with 
'ubuntu-advantage attach'.
+  c. Confirm that the on-disk results of a) and b) are identical.
  sudo su -
  # adjust if needed, i.e., point to a mirror
  export ARCHIVE_URL=http://br.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu
  export PROPOSED_REPO="deb $ARCHIVE_URL trusty-proposed main"
  # these are needed
  export LEGACY_ESM_TOKEN="user:password"
  export UA_CONTRACT_TOKEN="<token>"
  mkdir /esm-sru
  cd /esm-sru
  truncate -s 10G file.img
  zpool create -O sync=disabled tank $(pwd)/file.img
  zfs create tank/trusty-minimal
  debootstrap --exclude=ubuntu-minimal trusty /tank/trusty-minimal $ARCHIVE_URL
  zfs snapshot tank/trusty-minimal@fresh
  # confirm no ubuntu-minimal nor ubuntu-advantage-tools
  chroot /tank/trusty-minimal dpkg -l | grep -E 
  # create a clone from trusty-minimal called trusty-3a
  zfs clone tank/trusty-minimal@fresh tank/trusty-3a
  # add extra pockets
  cat >> /tank/trusty-3a/etc/apt/sources.list <<EOF
  deb $ARCHIVE_URL trusty-updates main
  deb $ARCHIVE_URL trusty-security main
  # install u-a-t from updates
  chroot /tank/trusty-3a/ apt-get update
  chroot /tank/trusty-3a/ apt-get install ubuntu-advantage-tools -y
  # enable esm
  chroot /tank/trusty-3a/ ubuntu-advantage enable-esm "$LEGACY_ESM_TOKEN"
  # upgrade to u-a-t from proposed
  cat > /tank/trusty-3a/etc/apt/sources.list.d/proposed.list <<EOF
  chroot /tank/trusty-3a/ apt-get update
  chroot /tank/trusty-3a/ apt-get install ubuntu-advantage-tools -y
  # clone the first fresh snapshot and call it trusyt-3b
  zfs clone tank/trusty-minimal@fresh tank/trusty-3b
  # install u-a-t directly from proposed
  cat >> /tank/trusty-3b/etc/apt/sources.list <<EOF
  deb $ARCHIVE_URL trusty-updates main
  deb $ARCHIVE_URL trusty-security main
  cat > /tank/trusty-3b/etc/apt/sources.list.d/proposed.list <<EOF
  chroot /tank/trusty-3b/ apt-get update
  chroot /tank/trusty-3b/ apt-get install ubuntu-advantage-tools -y
  # with the new u-a-t from proposed, run attach, which also enables esm
  chroot /tank/trusty-3b/ ua attach $UA_CONTRACT_TOKEN
  # get files from both datasets, stripping the zfs prefix
  find /tank/trusty-3a/ | sed -r 's,^/tank/[^/]+,,' | sort > trusty-3a.list
  find /tank/trusty-3b/ | sed -r 's,^/tank/[^/]+,,' | sort > trusty-3b.list
  4.Script reference
-  4a. Start with a fresh Ubuntu instance which does have u-a-t installed. 
Enable esm with 'ubuntu-advantage enable-esm'. Upgrade to u-a-t from -proposed.
-  4b. In an identical instance, upgrade to u-a-t from -proposed. Enable esm 
with 'ubuntu-advantage attach'.
-  4c. Confirm that the on-disk results of a) and b) are identical other than 
+  4a. Start with a fresh Ubuntu instance which does have u-a-t installed. 
Enable esm with 'ubuntu-advantage enable-esm'. Upgrade to u-a-t from -proposed.
+  4b. In an identical instance, upgrade to u-a-t from -proposed. Enable esm 
with 'ubuntu-advantage attach'.
+  4c. Confirm that the on-disk results of a) and b) are identical other than 
  export LEGACY_ESM_TOKEN=<ppauser:password>
  export UA_CONTRACT_TOKEN=<NewContractToken>
  export ARCHIVE_URL=http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu
  echo -- BEGIN test 4a: enable esm via `ubuntu-advantage enable-esm` on
  typical trusty-updates cloud-images which already have -updates
  # Launch a basic trusty cloud-image that is updated to latest 
ubuntu-advantage-tools from -updates
  cat > update-uat-trusty.yaml <<EOF
  package_update: true
  package_upgrade: true
-  - apt-get install -qy ubuntu-advantage-tools 
+  - apt-get install -qy ubuntu-advantage-tools
  lxc launch ubuntu-daily:trusty esm-sru-4a -c user.user-data="$(cat
  echo "Wait for cloud-init to finish startup on trusty"
  while ! [ "N 2" = "$RUNLEVEL" ]; do echo -n '.'; sleep 1; RUNLEVEL=`lxc exec 
esm-sru-4a runlevel`; done; echo
  mkdir /esm-sru
  cd /esm-sru
  mkdir 4a 4b
  echo "Confirm u-a-t is already installed"
  lxc exec esm-sru-4a -- apt-cache policy ubuntu-advantage-tools
  cat > ppa-key << EOF
  # emit script to upgrade u-a-t
  cat > add_uat_apt_pocket.sh << EOF
  if [ "\$pocket_name" = "devel" ]; then
-   echo deb [trusted=yes] 
http://ppa.launchpad.net/ci-train-ppa-service/3830/ubuntu trusty main | tee 
-   apt-key add /ppa-key
+   echo deb [trusted=yes] 
http://ppa.launchpad.net/ci-train-ppa-service/3830/ubuntu trusty main | tee 
+   apt-key add /ppa-key
-   echo deb $ARCHIVE_URL \$pocket_name main | tee 
+   echo deb $ARCHIVE_URL \$pocket_name main | tee 
  lxc file push ppa-key esm-sru-4a/
  lxc file push add_uat_apt_pocket.sh esm-sru-4a/
  lxc exec esm-sru-4a chmod 755 /add_uat_apt_pocket.sh
  echo "Make a pristine lxc snapshot for 4a and 4b"
  lxc snapshot esm-sru-4a esm-sru-4a-pristine
  echo "Enable esm via ubuntu-advantage enable-esm"
  lxc exec esm-sru-4a -- ubuntu-advantage enable-esm $LEGACY_ESM_TOKEN
  echo "Confirm ansible is available for esm PPA"
  lxc exec esm-sru-4a apt-cache policy ansible
  echo "Upgrade u-a-t to trusty-proposed"
  lxc exec esm-sru-4a /add_uat_apt_pocket.sh trusty-proposed #   or devel
  lxc exec esm-sru-4a -- apt-get update -q;
  lxc exec esm-sru-4a -- apt-get install -qy ubuntu-advantage-tools;
  echo "Confirm ansible is available for esm PPA"
  lxc exec esm-sru-4a apt-cache policy ansible
  lxc exec esm-sru-4a -- find / -xdev | sort > 4a/files.list
  lxc file pull -r esm-sru-4a/etc 4a/
  echo -- BEGIN test 4b: upgrade u-a-t to -proposed version on typical 
trusty-updates cloud-images which already have -updates installed
  lxc restore esm-sru-4a esm-sru-4a-pristine
  echo "Confirm u-a-t is already installed from trusty-updates v. 
  lxc exec esm-sru-4a -- apt-cache policy ubuntu-advantage-tools
  echo "Upgrade u-a-t to trusty-proposed"
  lxc exec esm-sru-4a /add_uat_apt_pocket.sh trusty-proposed   # or devel
  lxc exec esm-sru-4a -- apt-get update -q;
  lxc exec esm-sru-4a -- apt-get install -qy ubuntu-advantage-tools;
  echo "Enable esm via: ua attach <contractToken>"
  lxc exec esm-sru-4a ua attach $UA_CONTRACT_TOKEN
  echo "Confirm ansible is available for esm PPA"
  lxc exec esm-sru-4a apt-cache policy ansible
  lxc exec esm-sru-4a -- find / -xdev | sort > 4b/files.list
  lxc file pull -r esm-sru-4a/etc 4b/
  echo --- BEGIN test 4c: ensure no filesystem diffs between 4a and 4b with 
exception of token used
  diff -urN 4a 4b
- 5. Script reference 
+ 5. Script reference
+ https://gist.github.com/panlinux/e5bda289401660d77ed5eff4d980c30c
   a. Start with a fresh Ubuntu *precise* instance which does have u-a-t 
installed and esm enabled.  Dist-upgrade to trusty, then upgrade to u-a-t from 
  echo --- BEGIN test 5a: dist-upgrade an esm-enable precise-updates to 
trusty-updates, then upgrade to -proposed
  mkdir -p 5a/var/lib/
  echo "Launch precise container with allowing ssh access for <LP_ID>"
  cat >precise.yaml <<EOF
  ssh_import_id: [<LP_ID>]
  lxc launch ubuntu-daily:precise sru-precise -c user.user-data="$(cat 
  echo "Enable esm on precise"
  lxc exec sru-precise ubuntu-advantage enable-esm <legacyToken>
  echo "Dist-upgrade precise -> trusty"
  VM_IP=`lxc list dev-p -c 4 | awk '/10/{print $2}'`
  ssh ubuntu@$VM_IP
  sudo mkdir -p /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades.d
  echo -e "[Sources]\nAllowThirdParty=yes" > allow.cfg
  sudo mv allow.cfg /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades.d
  sudo do-release-upgrade   # respond yes to any interactive prompts
  echo "Confirm ansible is available for trusty esm PPA"
  apt-cache policy ansible
  echo "Upgrade u-a-t to trusty-proposed"
  lxc file push ua_tools_install_from_pocket.sh sru-precise/
  lxc exec sru-precise "bash /ua_tools_install_from_pocket.sh trusty-proposed"
  lxc exec sru-precise -- dpkg -l > 5a/dpkg.list
  lxc file pull -r sru-precise/etc 5a/
  lxc file pull -r sru-precise/var/lib/ubuntu-advantage 5a/var/lib
  lxc stop sru-precise
  lxc delete sru-precise
   b. In an identical instance, dist-upgrade to trusty with -proposed enabled.
  echo --- BEGIN test 5b: dist-upgrade an esm-enable precise-proposed to 
  mkdir -p 5b/var/lib/
  echo "Launch precise container with allowing ssh access for <LP_ID>"
  cat >precise.yaml <<EOF
  ssh_import_id: [<LP_ID>]
  lxc launch ubuntu-daily:precise sru-precise -c user.user-data="$(cat 
  echo "Enable esm on precise"
  lxc exec sru-precise ubuntu-advantage enable-esm <legacyToken>
  echo "Upgrade u-a-t to precise-proposed"   # no-op
  lxc file push ua_tools_install_from_pocket.sh sru-precise/
  lxc exec sru-precise "bash /ua_tools_install_from_pocket.sh sru-proposed"
  lxc exec sru-precise "apt-get dist-upgrade"
  echo "Dist-upgrade precise-proposed -> trusty-proposed"
  VM_IP=`lxc list dev-p -c 4 | awk '/10/{print $2}'`
  ssh ubuntu@$VM_IP
  sudo mkdir -p /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades.d
  echo -e "[Sources]\nAllowThirdParty=yes" > allow.cfg
  sudo mv allow.cfg /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades.d
  sudo do-release-upgrade   # respond yes to any interactive prompts
  echo "Confirm ansible is available for trusty esm PPA"
  apt-cache policy ansible
  lxc exec sru-precise -- dpkg -l > 5b/dpkg.list
  lxc file pull -r sru-precise/etc 5b/
  lxc file pull -r sru-precise/var/lib/ubuntu-advantage 5b/var/lib
  lxc stop sru-precise
  lxc delete sru-precise
   c. Confirm that the on-disk results of a) and b) are identical.
  echo --- BEGIN test 5c: confirm filesytem changes of test 5a and 5b are 
  dirr -urN 5a 5b
  [Regression Potential]
  This is a major rewrite from bash to python3 and there are changes in 
  - new services will be listed, but not avaialble for trusty, only for later 
  - even when ESM is not enabled, an apt hook will advertise the availability 
of updates in that repository. This hook has failed in the past while this 
package was in disco, and that failed the apt transaction. This has of course 
been fixed since then (see #1824523 and #1824523).
  [Other Info]
  This is the FFe bug that got this rewrite into Disco at that time:
  Development of this client is happening on github:
  Recently esm was renamed to esm-infra. Upgrading from an older package
  where it was just "esm" is handled in postinst.
  The ESM-infra GPG key can be verified by checking the signed release
  file over https:
  ESM: https://esm.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty-infra-updates/InRelease
  and https://esm.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty-infra-security/InRelease
  On an upgrade, existing users of trusty esm are expected to run "sudo ua
  attach [<token>]", although not doing it won't disable their existing
  ESM access. The new ua tool just won't recognize esm as being active in
  its "ua status" output until the attach operation is complete. The same
  applies to livepatch, if it was enabled before.

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  Update ubuntu-advantage-client

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