I'm running Dapper now, and I've come across similar problems again.

'Find file' doesn't appear in any view profiles that I have.  I don't
know why this is.  It doesn't bother me, since I use other methods, and
the main KDE menu has an item for this on it.

But the other thing is I *still* don't have a way to switch view
profiles.  I've saved a view profile with a load of tabs that I want
opened together, and the Konqueror handbook states I can switch to it
using 'Settings -> Load View Profile', but the menu item doesn't exist.

I really do think these kind of modifications are bad for KDE and for
users.  It also makes the documentation shipped with Kubuntu incorrect,
and makes it very difficult for anyone except a Kubuntu user to provide
support to Kubuntu users.  By removing features like this, you have
effectively forked Konqueror, and things like that shouldn't be
attempted unless you really have the resources to see it through.  As it
is bugs have been introduced (incorrect docs, the ability to save view
profiles, but not load them), which will frustrate both users and KDE

Simplified Konqueror menus cripple the app and makes support difficult

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