This bug was fixed in the package libvirt - 4.6.0-2ubuntu1 --------------- libvirt (4.6.0-2ubuntu1) cosmic; urgency=medium
* Merged with Debian unstable (LP: #1786957). Among many other new features and fixes this includes fixes for (LP: #1754871), Remaining changes: - Disable libssh2 support (universe dependency) - Disable firewalld support (universe dependency) - Set qemu-group to kvm (for compat with older ubuntu) - Additional apport package-hook - Autostart default bridged network (As upstream does, but not Debian). In addition to just enabling it our solution provides: + do not autostart if subnet is already taken (e.g. in guests). + iterate some alternative subnets before giving up - d/p/ubuntu/Allow-libvirt-group-to-access-the-socket.patch: This is the group based access to libvirt functions as it was used in Ubuntu for quite long. + d/p/ubuntu/daemon-augeas-fix-expected.patch fix some related tests due to the group access change. + d/libvirt-daemon-system.postinst: add users in sudo to the libvirt group. - ubuntu/parallel-shutdown.patch: set parallel shutdown by default. - d/p/ubuntu/enable-kvm-spice.patch: compat with older Ubuntu qemu/kvm which provided a separate kvm-spice. - Xen related - d/p/ubuntu/ubuntu-libxl-qemu-path.patch: this change was split. The section that adapts the path of the emulator to the Debian/Ubuntu packaging is kept. - d/p/ubuntu/ubuntu-libxl-Fix-up-VRAM-to-minimum-requirements.patch: auto set VRAM to minimum requirements - d/p/ubuntu/xen-default-uri.patch: set default URI on xen hosts - Add libxl log directory - Automatically switch default libvirt URI for users on Xen dom0 via user profile (was missing on changelogs before) - d/p/ubuntu/apibuild-skip-libvirt-common.h: drop libvirt-common.h from included_files to avoid build failures due to duplicate definitions. - Update README.Debian with Ubuntu changes - Convert libvirt0, libnss_libvirt and libvirt-dev to multi-arch. - Enable some additional features on ppc64el and s390x (for arch parity) + systemtap, zfs, numa and numad on s390x. + systemtap on ppc64el. - d/t/control, d/t/smoke-qemu-session: fixup smoke-qemu-session by making vmlinuz available and accessible (Debian bug 848314) - d/t/control, d/t/smoke-lxc: fix up lxc smoke test isolation - Add dnsmasq configuration to work with system wide dnsmasq (drop >18.04, no more UCA onto Xenial then which has global dnsmasq by default). - d/p/ubuntu/ubuntu_machine_type.patch: accept ubuntu types as pci440fx - Further upstreamed apparmor Delta, especially any new one Our former delta is split into logical pieces and is either Ubuntu only or is part of a continuous upstreaming effort. Listing related remaining changes in debian/patches/ubuntu-aa/: + 0001-apparmor-Allow-pygrub-to-run-on-Debian-Ubuntu.patch: apparmor: Allow pygrub to run on Debian/Ubuntu + 0003-apparmor-libvirt-qemu-Allow-read-access-to-overcommi.patch: apparmor, libvirt-qemu: Allow read access to overcommit_memory + 0007-apparmor-libvirt-qemu-Allow-owner-read-access-to-PRO.patch: apparmor, libvirt-qemu: Allow owner read access to @{PROC}/*/auxv + 0017-apparmor-virt-aa-helper-Allow-access-to-tmp-director.patch: apparmor, virt-aa-helper: Allow access to tmp directories + ubuntu-aa/0020-virt-aa-helper-ubuntu-storage-paths.patch: apparmor, virt-aa-helper: Allow various storage pools and image locations + 0021-apparmor-virt-aa-helper-Add-openvswitch-support.patch: apparmor, virt-aa-helper: Add openvswitch support + 0025-apparmor-fix-newer-virt-manager-1.4.0.patch: Add Apparmor permissions so virt-manager 1.4.0 viewing works (LP 1668681 1747442). Can be dropped >=libvirt 4.7 + 0029-appmor-libvirt-qemu-Add-9p-support.patch: appmor, libvirt-qemu: Add 9p support + 0030-virt-aa-helper-Complete-9p-support.patch: virt-aa-helper: add l to 9p file options. + 0031-virt-aa-helper-Ask-for-no-deny-rule-for-readonly-dis.patch: virt-aa-helper: Ask for no deny rule for readonly disk (renamed and reworded, was virt-aa-helper-no-explicity-deny-for-basefiles.patch) + 0032-apparmor-libvirt-qemu-Allow-reading-charm-specific-c.patch: apparmor, libvirt-qemu: Allow reading charm-specific ceph config + 0033-UBUNTU-only-apparmor-for-kvm.powerpc-LP-1680384.patch: allow commands executed by ubuntu only kvm wrapper on ppc64el (LP 1686621 & LP 1680384). + 0034-apparmor-virt-aa-helper-access-for-snapped-nova.patch: apparmor, virt-aa-helper: access for snapped nova + 0040-apparmor-add-mediation-rules-for-unconfined.patch: apparmor: add mediation rules for unconfined guests Can be dropped >=libvirt 4.7 - d/rules: enable build time self tests on all architectures - run dnsmasq as libvirt-dnsmasq (LP: 1743718) + d/libvirt-daemon-system.postinst: add libvirt-dnsmasq user and group + d/libvirt-daemon-system.postrm: remove libvirt-dnsmasq user and group on purge + d/p/ubuntu/dnsmasq-as-priv-user: write dnsmas config with user libvirt-dnsmasq and adapt the self tests to expect that config + d/libvirt-daemon-system.postinst: fix old libvirt-dnsmasq users - debian/rules: disable the netcf backend. (LP: 1764314) - debian/control: drop libnetcf from Build-Depends. - ddebian/patches/ubuntu/ovmf_paths.patch: adjust paths to secboot.fd UEFI Secure Boot enabled variants of the OVMF firmware and variable store for the paths where we ship these files in Ubuntu. - d/rules: install virtlockd correctly with defaults file (LP: 1729516) * Added Changes - 0032-apparmor-libvirt-qemu-Allow-reading-charm-specific-c.patch: updated to take care of no more silencing and thereby hiding denials (LP 1719579 is an example) - 0032-apparmor-libvirt-qemu-Allow-reading-charm-specific-c.patch: updated to also allow the optionally placed ceph asok file (LP: #1779674) - 0033-UBUNTU-only-apparmor-for-kvm.powerpc-LP-1680384.patch: prepare profile for usrmerge (LP: #1784023) - Finalize the libvirt-bin -> libvirt-* transition in the apport package-hook. - d/p/ubuntu-aa/0050-local-include-for-libvirt-qemu.patch, d/libvirt-daemon-system.postinst: provide a local apparmor include for abstraction/libvirt-qemu (LP: #1786019) - d/p/ubuntu-aa/0051-allow-user-tmp.patch: some features need tmp, but we don't want blanket access. We only allow enumerating the base dir and reading owned files. Further features needing /tmp have to add local overrides, examples are qemu-smb and some modes of local snapshots. (LP: #1365261) Can be dropped >=libvirt 4.7 - d/p/ubuntu-aa/0052-allow-to-preserve-dev-mountpoints.patch: Allow to preserve /dev mountpoints in qemu namespaces (LP: #1786168) Can be dropped >=libvirt 4.7 - avoid service dependency issues on upgrade (LP: #1786179) This will in the long term be resolved in dh_* tools, but to let an upgrade work for now we need to drop the sysV scripts (which we don't use anyway) and slightly modify the systemd service to work with todays dh_systemd_start properly. Can be dropped once Debian bug 905772 is resolved in dh_* tools and libvirt uses those new code. - d/libvirt-daemon-system.virtlogd.init: removed sysV init file - d/libvirt-daemon-system.libvirtd.init: removed sysV init file - debian/libvirt-daemon-system.maintscript: rm_conffile for virtlogd and lbivirtd sysV init file - d/p/ubuntu/avoid-restarting-virtlog-socket.patch: drop Also references to virtlogd/virtlockd sockets as they would imply a restart of virtlogd breaking it. - d/t/smoke-lxc: use systemd instead of sysV to restart the service * Dropped Changes (upstream) - d/p/ubuntu/virt-aa-helper-Set-the-supported-features.patch: allow parsing of memory slots and other extended features without breaking virt-aa-helper (LP: 1746431). - d/p/stable/0001-Revert-qemu-monitor-do-not-report-error-on-shutdown.patch - d/p/stable/0002-nodedev-Fix-failing-to-parse-PCI-address-for-non-PCI.patch - d/p/stable/0003-qemu-assign-correct-type-of-PCI-address-for-vhost-sc.patch - d/p/stable/0004-qemu-Refresh-caps-cache-after-booting-a-different-ke.patch - d/p/stable/0005-qemu-auto-add-generic-xhci-rather-than-NEC-xhci-to-Q.patch - d/p/stable/0006-libvirtd-Explicit-dependency-on-systemd-machined.patch - d/p/stable/0007-rpc-fix-race-sending-and-encoding-sasl-data.patch - d/p/stable/0008-vhost-user-add-support-reconnect-for-vhost-user-port.patch - d/p/stable/0009-qemu-Fix-memory-leak-in-processGuestPanicEvent.patch - d/p/stable/0010-storage-util-Properly-ignore-errors-when-backing-vol.patch - d/p/stable/0011-conf-Use-correct-attribute-name-in-error-message.patch - d/p/stable/0012-util-json-Add-helper-to-return-string-or-number-prop.patch - d/p/stable/0013-util-storage-Parse-lun-for-iSCSI-protocol-from-JSON-.patch - d/p/stable/0014-virsh-Offer-only-persistent-domains-for-autostart.patch - d/p/stable/0015-blockjob-Fix-a-error-checking-of-blockjob-status-in-.patch - d/p/stable/0016-qemu-Expose-rx-tx_queue_size-in-qemu.conf-too.patch - d/p/stable/0017-qemu-migration-Refresh-device-information-after-tran.patch - d/p/stable/0018-qemuDomainRemoveMemoryDevice-unlink-memory-backing-f.patch - d/p/stable/0019-vbox-fix-SEGV-during-dumpxml-of-a-serial-port.patch - d/p/stable/0020-qemu-Initialize-priv-in-qemuDomainCoreDumpWithFormat.patch - d/p/stable/0021-fix-regex-to-check-CN-from-server-certificate.patch - d/p/stable/0022-storage-Fix-formatting-and-parsing-of-qemu-type-Unix.patch - d/p/stable/0023-util-storage-Remove-detected-authentication-data-for.patch - d/p/stable/0024-qemu-blockcopy-Add-check-for-bandwidth.patch - d/p/stable/0025-conf-move-generated-member-from-virMacAddr-to-virDom.patch - d/p/stable/0026-lxc-Drop-useless-check-in-live-device-update.patch - d/p/stable/0027-Pass-oldDev-to-virDomainDefCompatibleDevice-on-devic.patch - d/p/stable/0028-qemu-Fix-updating-device-with-boot-order.patch - d/p/stable/0030-daemon-fix-rpc-event-leak-on-error-path-in-remoteDis.patch - d/p/stable/0029-lxc-fix-rpc-event-leak-on-error-path-in-virLXCContro.patch - d/p/stable/0031-qemu-fix-memory-leak-of-vporttype-during-migration.patch - d/p/stable/0032-virsh-fixing-segfault-by-pool-autocompleter-function.patch - d/p/stable/0033-qemu-Fix-comparison-assignment-in-qemuDomainUpdateDe.patch - d/p/stable/0034-qemu-Fix-memory-leak-in-qemuConnectGetAllDomainStats.patch - d/p/stable/0035-libvirtd-fix-potential-deadlock-when-reloading.patch - d/p/stable/0036-qemu-Use-correct-bus-type-for-input-devices.patch - d/p/stable/0037-qemu-hostdev-Fix-the-error-on-VM-start-with-an-mdev-.patch - d/p/stable/0038-conf-Fix-crash-in-virDomainDefCompatibleDevice.patch - d/p/ubuntu/lp1688508-tools-avoid-text-spilling-into-variables.patch: avoid hanging on shutdown (LP: 1688508) - d/p/ubuntu-aa/0041-apparmor-add-ro-rule-for-sasl-GSSAPI- plugin-on-etc-g.patch fix issues if sasl is configured (LP: 1696471) - d/p/ubuntu-aa/0042-virt-aa-helper-resolve-yet-to-be-created-paths.patch ensure symlinks are resolved to get valid rules if interim parts of a path are a symlink (LP: 1752361) - d/p/ubuntu/lp1688508-tools-fix-variable-scope-in-in-check_guests_shutdown: avoid issues shutting down more guests than configured for parallel shutdown (LP: 1688508) - d/p/ubuntu-aa/lp1756394-virt-aa-helper-resolve-file-symlinks.patch: fix using devices that are symlinks (LP: 1756394) - Fix nvdimm memory and passthrough input devices for hotplug via domain security callbacks backporting upstream commits (LP: 1755153). + d/p/ubuntu-aa/lp1755153-apparmor-add-Set-Restore-InputLabel.patch + d/p/ubuntu-aa/lp1755153-apparmor-add-Set-Restore-MemoryLabel.patch - Fix nvdimm memory and passthrough input devices in initial guest description via virt-aa-helper (LP: 1757085). + d/p/ubuntu-aa/lp1757085-virt-aa-helper-nvdimm-memory.patch + d/p/ubuntu-aa/lp1757085-virt-aa-helper-passthrough-input.patch - Fix clean shut down of guests on system shutdown (LP: 1764668) + d/p/ubuntu/lp-1764668-do-not-report-unknown-guests.patch + d/p/ubuntu/lp-1764668-fix-check_guests_shutdown-loop.patch - SECURITY UPDATE: QEMU monitor DoS + debian/patches/CVE-2018-1064.patch: add size limit to src/qemu/qemu_agent.c. + CVE-2018-1064 - SECURITY UPDATE: Speculative Store Bypass + debian/patches/CVE-2018-3639-1.patch: define the 'ssbd' CPUID feature bit in src/cpu/cpu_map.xml. + debian/patches/CVE-2018-3639-2.patch: define the 'virt-ssbd' CPUID feature bit in src/cpu/cpu_map.xml. + CVE-2018-3639 - d/p/ubuntu-aa/lp1775777-vfio-usage-without-initial-hostdev.patch: fix hotplug use cases where the initial guest had no hostdev at all and therefore vrit-aa-helper did not allow /dev/vfio/vfio (LP: 1775777) - debian/patches/ubuntu/lp-1758037-nwfilter-increase-pcap-buffer-size.patch: Fix nwfilters that set CTRL_IP_LEARNING set to dhcp failing with "An error occurred, but the cause is unknown" due to a buffer being too small for pcap with TPACKET_V3 enabled (LP: 1758037) - SECURITY UPDATE: code injection via + debian/patches/CVE-2018-6764-1.patch: determine the hostname on startup in src/util/virlog.c. + debian/patches/CVE-2018-6764-2.patch: fix syntax-check in src/util/virlog.c. + debian/patches/CVE-2018-6764-3.patch: fix deadlock obtaining hostname in, src/util/virlog.c. + CVE-2018-6764 * Dropped Changes (no upgrade path left that needs those) - Backwards compatible handling of group rename (can be dropped >18.04). - Modifications to adapt for our delayed switch away from libvirt-bin (can be dropped >18.04). + d/p/ubuntu/libvirtd-service-add-bin-alias.patch: systemd: define alias to old service name so that old references work + d/p/ubuntu/libvirtd-init-add-bin-alias.patch: sysv init: define alias to old service name so that old references work + d/control: transitional package with the old name and maintainer scripts to handle the transition - fix conffile upgrade handling to avoid obsolete files and inactive duplicates (LP 1694159) - conffile handling of files dropped in 3.5 (can be dropped >18.04) + /etc/init.d/virtlockd was sysv init only + /etc/apparmor.d/local/usr.sbin.libvirtd and /etc/apparmor.d/local/usr.lib.libvirt.virt-aa-helper are now generated by dh_apparmor as needed - d/libvirt-daemon-system.maintscript: remove the now dropped conffile /etc/cron.daily/libvirt-daemon-system * Dropped Changes (cleanups) - d/test/smoke-lxc workaround for debbug 848317/867379 (systemd has fixed one issue and the other is solved in libvirt by ensuring to move to the right cgroups.) - remove no more used libvirt-dnsmasq user (this was redundant since 4.0.0-1ubuntu5 reintroduced a libvirt-dnsmasq user) - Disable selinux (now in main) -- Christian Ehrhardt <> Sat, 18 Aug 2018 14:40:58 +0200 ** Changed in: libvirt (Ubuntu) Status: Confirmed => Fix Released ** CVE added: ** CVE added: ** CVE added: -- You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu. Title: Apparmor denies qemu access to /tmp directory To manage notifications about this bug go to: -- ubuntu-bugs mailing list