Public bug reported:

Crash log:

[2018-03-26 21:25:45][engine]: running on unix-linux-amd64
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][engine]: arch is little endian
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][storage]: couldn't open storage.cfg
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][storage]: using standard paths
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][storage]: added path '$USERDIR' ('/home/pisi/.teeworlds')
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][storage]: added path '$DATADIR' ('/usr/share/games/ddnet')
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][storage]: added path '$CURRENTDIR' ('/home/pisi')
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound f1 (58) = toggle_local_console
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound f2 (59) = toggle_remote_console
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound tab (43) = +scoreboard
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound equals (46) = +statboard
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound f10 (67) = screenshot
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound a (4) = +left
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound d (7) = +right
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound space (44) = +jump
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound mouse1 (285) = +fire
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound mouse2 (286) = +hook
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound lshift (225) = +emote
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound return (40) = +show_chat; chat all
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound right (79) = spectate_next
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound left (80) = spectate_previous
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound rshift (229) = +spectate
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound 1 (30) = +weapon1
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound 2 (31) = +weapon2
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound 3 (32) = +weapon3
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound 4 (33) = +weapon4
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound 5 (34) = +weapon5
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound mousewheelup (294) = +prevweapon
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound mousewheeldown (295) = +nextweapon
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound t (23) = +show_chat; chat all
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound y (28) = +show_chat; chat team
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound u (24) = +show_chat
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound i (12) = +show_chat; chat all /c 
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound f3 (60) = vote yes
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound f4 (61) = vote no
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound k (14) = kill
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound q (20) = say /pause
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound p (19) = say /pause
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound kp_plus (87) = zoom+
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound kp_minus (86) = zoom-
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound kp_multiply (85) = zoom
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound pause (72) = say /pause
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound up (82) = +jump
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound left (80) = +left
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound right (79) = +right
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound leftbracket (47) = +prevweapon
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound rightbracket (48) = +nextweapon
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound c (6) = say /rank
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound v (25) = say /info
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound b (5) = say /top5
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound x (27) = emote 14
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound h (11) = emote 2
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound m (16) = emote 5
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound s (22) = +showhookcoll
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound x (27) = toggle cl_dummy 0 1
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound pagedown (78) = toggle cl_show_quads 0 1
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound pageup (75) = toggle cl_overlay_entities 0 
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound kp_0 (98) = say /emote normal 999999
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound kp_1 (89) = say /emote happy 999999
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound kp_2 (90) = say /emote angry 999999
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound kp_3 (91) = say /emote pain 999999
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound kp_4 (92) = say /emote surprise 999999
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound kp_5 (93) = say /emote blink 999999
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound mouse3 (287) = +spectate
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound minus (45) = spectate_previous
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound equals (46) = spectate_next
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][console]: executing 'settings_ddnet.cfg'
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][console]: No such command: conn_timeout_protection.
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound a (4) = +left
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound b (5) = say /top5
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound c (6) = say /rank
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound d (7) = +right
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound h (11) = emote 2
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound i (12) = +show_chat; chat all /c 
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound k (14) = kill
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound m (16) = emote 5
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound p (19) = say /pause
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound q (20) = say /pause
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound s (22) = +showhookcoll
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound t (23) = +show_chat; chat all
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound u (24) = +show_chat
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound v (25) = say /info
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound x (27) = toggle cl_dummy 0 1
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound y (28) = +show_chat; chat team
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound 1 (30) = +weapon1
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound 2 (31) = +weapon2
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound 3 (32) = +weapon3
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound 4 (33) = +weapon4
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound 5 (34) = +weapon5
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound return (40) = +show_chat; chat all
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound tab (43) = +scoreboard
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound space (44) = +jump
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound minus (45) = spectate_previous
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound equals (46) = spectate_next
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound leftbracket (47) = +prevweapon
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound rightbracket (48) = +nextweapon
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound f1 (58) = toggle_local_console
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound f2 (59) = toggle_remote_console
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound f3 (60) = vote yes
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound f4 (61) = vote no
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound f10 (67) = screenshot
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound pause (72) = say /pause
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound pageup (75) = toggle cl_overlay_entities 0 
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound pagedown (78) = toggle cl_show_quads 0 1
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound right (79) = +right
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound left (80) = +left
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound up (82) = +jump
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound kp_multiply (85) = zoom
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound kp_minus (86) = zoom-
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound kp_plus (87) = zoom+
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound kp_1 (89) = say /emote happy 999999
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound kp_2 (90) = say /emote angry 999999
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound kp_3 (91) = say /emote pain 999999
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound kp_4 (92) = say /emote surprise 999999
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound kp_5 (93) = say /emote blink 999999
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound kp_0 (98) = say /emote normal 999999
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound lshift (225) = +emote
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound rshift (229) = +spectate
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound mouse1 (285) = +fire
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound mouse2 (286) = +hook
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound mouse3 (287) = +spectate
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound mousewheelup (294) = +prevweapon
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][binds]: bound mousewheeldown (295) = +nextweapon
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][client]: starting...
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][client/sound]: sound init successful
[1522088745:6855] NOTICE: Initial logging level 7
[1522088745:6855] NOTICE: Library version: 1.3 080e6dd
[1522088745:6855] NOTICE: IPV6 not compiled in
[1522088745:6855] NOTICE: libev support not compiled in
[1522088745:6855] NOTICE:  static allocation: 4496 + (16 x 1024 fds) = 20880 
[1522088745:6855] NOTICE:  canonical_hostname = Pisi-UNPC
[1522088745:6856] NOTICE:  per-conn mem: 200 + 2068 headers + protocol rx buf
[1522088745:6857] NOTICE:  Listening on port 30819
[1522088745:6858] NOTICE: Initial logging level 7
[1522088745:6858] NOTICE: Library version: 1.3 080e6dd
[1522088745:6858] NOTICE: IPV6 not compiled in
[1522088745:6858] NOTICE: libev support not compiled in
[1522088745:6858] NOTICE:  static allocation: 4496 + (16 x 1024 fds) = 20880 
[1522088745:6858] NOTICE:  canonical_hostname = Pisi-UNPC
[1522088745:6858] NOTICE:  per-conn mem: 200 + 2068 headers + protocol rx buf
[1522088745:6859] NOTICE:  Listening on port 18677
[1522088745:6860] NOTICE: Initial logging level 7
[1522088745:6860] NOTICE: Library version: 1.3 080e6dd
[1522088745:6860] NOTICE: IPV6 not compiled in
[1522088745:6860] NOTICE: libev support not compiled in
[1522088745:6860] NOTICE:  static allocation: 4496 + (16 x 1024 fds) = 20880 
[1522088745:6860] NOTICE:  canonical_hostname = Pisi-UNPC
[1522088745:6860] NOTICE:  per-conn mem: 200 + 2068 headers + protocol rx buf
[1522088745:6861] NOTICE:  Listening on port 21863
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][engine/mastersrv]: refreshing master server addresses
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][host lookup]: host='' port=0 11
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][localization]: loaded 'languages/turkish.txt'
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][textrender]: loaded pFont from 
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][textrender]: default pFont set 0x56389f835bb0
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file for 
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file)
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file)
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][text]: pFont memory usage: 2097152
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file for 
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file)
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file for 
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][host lookup]: host='' port=0 11
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file for 
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file for 
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file)
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file for 
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file for 
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file for 
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file for 
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file for 
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file)
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file for 
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file)
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file for 
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file for 
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file for 
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file)
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file)
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file for 
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file)
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file)
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file for 
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file for 
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file)
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file)
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file)
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file for 
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file for 
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file for 
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file for 
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file for 
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file)
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file)
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file)
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file)
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file for 
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file)
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file for 
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file)
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file for 
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file for 
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file)
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file for 
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file for 
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file)
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file for 
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file for 
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file for 
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file for 
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file)
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file for 
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file for 
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file for 
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file for 
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file for 
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file for 
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file)
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file)
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file)
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file for 
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file)
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file for 
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file for 
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file for 
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file)
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file)
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file)
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file for 
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file for 
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file for 
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file for 
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file)
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file)
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file for 
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file)
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file)
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file)
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file)
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file)
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file)
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file)
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file)
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file)
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file)
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file)
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file for 
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file)
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file)
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file)
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file for 
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file for 
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file)
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file)
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file for 
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file for 
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file for 
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file for 
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file)
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file)
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file)
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file for 
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file for 
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file)
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file)
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file)
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file for 
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file for 
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file)
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file for 
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file)
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file for 
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][sound/wv]: failed to decode sample (can't open file)
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][host lookup]: host='' port=0 11
[2018-03-26 21:25:45][host lookup]: host='' port=0 11
[2018-03-26 21:25:46][gameclient]: initialisation finished after 901,60ms
[2018-03-26 21:25:46][client]: version 0.6 626fce9a778df4d4
[2018-03-26 21:25:46][fetcher]: downloading ddnet-info.json.tmp
[2018-03-26 21:25:46][engine/mastersrv]: saving addresses
[2018-03-26 21:25:46][text]: pFont memory usage: 2359296
[2018-03-26 21:25:46][text]: pFont memory usage: 2883584
[2018-03-26 21:25:46][text]: pFont memory usage: 3014656
[2018-03-26 21:25:46][text]: pFont memory usage: 3276800
[2018-03-26 21:25:46][text]: pFont memory usage: 3407872
[2018-03-26 21:25:46][text]: pFont memory usage: 3538944
[2018-03-26 21:25:46][text]: pFont memory usage: 3801088
[2018-03-26 21:25:48][fetcher]: task failed. libcurl error: error setting 
certificate verify locations:
  CAfile: data/ca-ddnet.pem
  CApath: /etc/ssl/certs
[2018-03-26 21:25:49][ddnet-info]: download failed
[2018-03-26 21:25:49][text]: pFont memory usage: 3932160
[2018-03-26 21:25:49][text]: pFont memory usage: 4063232
[2018-03-26 21:25:49][text]: pFont memory usage: 4194304
[2018-03-26 21:25:50][text]: pFont memory usage: 4325376
[2018-03-26 21:25:50][text]: pFont memory usage: 4390912
[2018-03-26 21:25:50][text]: pFont memory usage: 4521984

** Affects: ddnet (Ubuntu)
     Importance: Undecided
         Status: New

** Tags: bionic

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  No sound in DDNet "failed to decode sample"

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