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On 2009-12-10T13:37:00+00:00 David wrote:

There is a system-wide NSS db in /etc/pki/nssdb. I have added my
company's internal CA certificates there.

However, firefox still doesn't trust our internal web sites. It doesn't
seem to be using the system database.

Reply at:

On 2009-12-10T13:59:20+00:00 Martin wrote:

I don't believe it's a firefox bug...

Reply at:

On 2009-12-12T09:57:57+00:00 David wrote:

I tried installing the nss-sysinit package and installing certs with
'certutil -d /etc/pki/nssdb'. But it doesn't seem to make any difference
-- neither Evolution nor Firefox seem to know anything about these

/proc/$PID/maps seems to suggest that they don't have
/usr/lib64/ mapped.

Reply at:

On 2009-12-13T14:18:11+00:00 David wrote:

Test procedure... First we fetch a signing cert (just an example; it doesn't 
matter which it is), import it into a new application-specific NSS DB, and it 
works. We remove it from the app's DB, and it doesn't. 
All is well so far...

[root@macbook dwmw2]# curl -k > cacert.crt
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
102  2569  102  2569    0     0  10740      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 51380
[root@macbook dwmw2]# mkdir /tmp/nssdb
[root@macbook dwmw2]# certutil -d /tmp/nssdb -t TC,TC,TC -E -i cacert.crt -n 
[root@macbook dwmw2]# /usr/lib64/nss/unsupported-tools/tstclnt -d /tmp/nssdb -h -p 443
subject DN:,,O=CAcert 
issuer  DN:,CN=CA Cert Signing 
Authority,OU=,O=Root CA
0 cache hits; 1 cache misses, 0 cache not reusable
0 stateless resumes
[root@macbook dwmw2]# certutil -d /tmp/nssdb -D -n cacert
[root@macbook dwmw2]# /usr/lib64/nss/unsupported-tools/tstclnt -d /tmp/nssdb -h -p 443
tstclnt: read from socket failed: Peer's Certificate issuer is not recognized.

Reply at:

On 2009-12-13T14:26:31+00:00 David wrote:

And this shows the failure... this one ought to _work_, surely?

[root@macbook dwmw2]# on
[root@macbook dwmw2]# certutil -d /etc/pki/nssdb -t TC,TC,TC -E -i cacert.crt 
-n cacert
[root@macbook dwmw2]# /usr/lib64/nss/unsupported-tools/tstclnt -d /tmp/nssdb -h -p 443
tstclnt: read from socket failed: Peer's Certificate issuer is not recognized.

The issuer _should_ be recognised -- I just added it to the system database!
It's not just tstclnt that fails; evolution and firefox fail too.

curl does work, but I think that's because it actually uses
/etc/pki/nssdb as its "application" database.

Reply at:

On 2009-12-13T14:30:31+00:00 Kamil wrote:

The behavior looks slightly similar to bug 545779. Could you please try
the patch from there (including the change from comm. #20)?

Reply at:

On 2009-12-13T14:55:50+00:00 David wrote:

You mean just the patch to nsssysinit.c in comm. #18, with the extra one-liner?
I built that and installed the resulting library. But when I 
run 'tstclnt' as described, the atime on the library doesn't change -- it isn't 
even being loaded. The atime on /etc/pki/nssdb/pkcs11.txt doesn't change either.

Are you able to reproduce the problem using the commands given above? It
should be fairly simple.

Reply at:

On 2009-12-13T16:32:41+00:00 David wrote:

I've been playing with this, and reading the documentation at

Apparently, you're supposed to initialise NSS with /etc/pki/nssdb
specified as the database directory (which firefox and evolution aren't
doing), and then the pkcs11.txt file there is supposed to magically add
your ~/.pki/nssdb directory too.

That mostly does actually seem to work, with the caveat that I have to
run ' off' before using certutil to add certs to
/etc/pki/nssdb, otherwise they end up in /root/.pki/nssdb which is a
little suboptimal.

As a normal user, I have to run 'certutil -d ~/.pki/nssdb -N' before I
can import any _personal_ certs to my own store. And once I've done
that, 'certutil -L -d /etc/pki/nssdb' doesn't show any of the system-
wide certs. But they _do_ work.

So, I think the biggest problem is that the various tools aren't using
sql:/etc/pki/nssdb as their database directory as they should? They'll
probably want some kind of migration tool too.

Reply at:

On 2009-12-13T18:34:41+00:00 Elio wrote:

Bob wrote this when we where testing system nss back in 3.12.4. There
written by Bob and I have tried to update them for 3.12.5 and must warn
you that there may be some errors. Part 2 should be what you need to
trick Firefox/Thunderbird into using the the sahred database.

Part 1: Enabling system NSS (for 3.12.4 not needed for 3.12.5)

1) As root examine /etc/pki/nssb. If the databases are legacy
(secmod.db, key3.db and cert8.db) but no shared db's (pkcs11.txt,
key4.db and cer8.db) you the need steps 2, 3 and 4.

2) As root run certutil -K -X -d sql:/etc/pki/nssdb  (this will create sql db's
from the local dbm database).

3) as yourself, in your .bashrc or .cshrc (or whatever shell you use) add:
     export NSS_DEFAULT_DB_TYPE=sql
[ for csh/tcsh that sould be setenv 'NSS_DEFAULT_DB_TYPE sql' ]

4) as yourself (not as root!!!) execute 'certutil -N -d sql:/etc/pki/nssdb'. If
you supply a password, this password will eventually become your new
firefox/thunderbird master password.

Part 2: Convince Firefox, Seamonkey, Xulrunner and Thunderbird to use
system NSS. Firefox and Thunderbird still use private directories to
store their NSS databases. It's possible, however, to convince them to
open system NSS. All these steps should be performed as a user. In the
future these applications would handle these steps by themselves

Do each of the following steps in each of the profile directories for
which you wish to use system NSS in. Firefox, thunderbird, and seamonkey
each have their own directories and can have multiple profiles (if you
don't know what a profile is, you probably only have one per
application). You can the base of the profile directories for firefox at
~/.mozilla/firefox and thunderbird at ~/.thunderbird. In that base
directory there is a file called 'profiles.ini' which lists all the
profiles that are known for that application. For each profile there's a
line called 'Path=' which points to the actual profile directory.
Usually it's a subdirectory under the current directory and has a random
'salted' name like 'quxz7me5.default'. do the following instructions
while cd'd to that directory:

1) certutil -K -X -d sql:.
    (if you have a master password set, You'll have to provide it here).
This will create a new sql database from your old dbm database.

2) certutil --merge -d sql:~/.pki/nssdb --source-dir sql:.
    (if you have a password set on sql:~/.pki/nssdb (from step 4 above),
You'll have to provide it here. If that password is different from the
master password for the profile, you'll also have to supply the profile
password. If ~/.pki/nssdb has to password, but the profile database
does, ~/.pki/nssdb will inherit that password (which you will then need
on future instances of this step). If you want to change that password
use 'certutil -N -d sql:~/.pki/nssdb'. Supplying an empty password will
remove any password.

2) edit pkcs11.txt
    2a) in the 'NSS Internal PKCS #11 Module' stanza. change:
..... Flags=internal,critical
     parameters="configdir='sql:/etc/pki/nssdb' .....
    NOTE: the ... represents a very long string of parameters that
should remain the same. Note the addition of the double quotes around
the parameters. This tells NSS to use the parameters as given and now
rebuild them based on application input.
    2b) save pkcs11.txt

3) Make sure you set NSS_DEFAULT_DB_TYPE to sql in your environment
before you start FF or TB

Restoring your system to the old databases:
Simply unset the NSS_DEFAULT_DB_TYPE variable and all your applications
will fall back to their former dbm style database

Reply at:

On 2009-12-13T19:09:37+00:00 David wrote:

That doesn't seem to work. It adds the database specified by
getUserDb(), and then it the database specified by the app
(~/.mozilla/firefox/...) in read-only mode, with a comment saying 'now
the system database'.

It never actually _does_ add the db specified by getSystemDb().

If I change the get_list() function in nssysinit.c to ignore what the
app is asking for and just initialise the userdb and the sysdb, then
everything works as expected.

This is my pkcs11.txt file from my firefox config directory:

[dwmw2@macbook b8v9tyu0.default]$ cat pkcs11.txt
name=NSS Internal PKCS #11 Module
parameters=configdir='sql:/etc/pki/nssdb'  certPrefix='' keyPrefix='' 
secmod='secmod.db' flags= updatedir='' updateCertPrefix='' updateKeyPrefix='' 
updateid='' updateTokenDescription='' 
NSS=Flags=internal,moduleDBOnly,critical trustOrder=75 cipherOrder=100 
 askpw=any timeout=30})

Reply at:

On 2009-12-13T19:14:15+00:00 David wrote:

Created attachment 378063

Working patch (including the patch from bug #545799). Note:

    if (filename && 0 /* This doesn't actually work. If we register
                         both this and the sysdb (in either order)
                         then only one of them actually shows up */) {

Reply at:

On 2009-12-14T01:01:24+00:00 David wrote:

Created attachment 378124
firefox patch

We need a patch along these lines in firefox to make it use
sql:/etc/pki/nssdb rather than initialising its own database. The
instructions on the wiki are all very well for testing, but this ought
to be the default behaviour (if nss-sysinit is installed). Untested, and
maybe it ought to fall back to the profile directory if /etc/pki/nssdb

Reply at:

On 2009-12-14T01:19:25+00:00 David wrote:

Created attachment 378127
evolution patch

And something like this should do it for evolution-data-server.

Reply at:

On 2009-12-14T19:48:26+00:00 Bob wrote:

Comment on attachment 378063


I need to look into why the additional directory is not getting
initialized (there should be no limit to adding more directories here.

Reply at:

On 2009-12-14T20:04:32+00:00 Bob wrote:

RE the firefox and evolution patches...

These patches just move to the sql light DB's without moving the
contents of the old DB's. This can be done with certutil by hand using
the --merge or the --update-merge flag, or it can be done in the
application itself. There's an NSS init command which will automatically
check to see if an old database has been merged, and if not initiate the
steps to merge that database. If the old database has already been
merged, or does not exist, the init call functions just like any other
NSS init call.

Instructions for how do do this is available here: Any upstream available
patch should probably include some of this code, though for our uses,
it's certainly cleaner just to switch, giving the users a set of
instructions on how to use certutil. For most users, the biggest loss
they will feel after if you just switch to sqlite is the loss of their
web passwords, which are encrypted with a key stored in their FF

Thanks you very much for creating both this bug and these patches David!


Reply at:

On 2009-12-15T20:12:50+00:00 David wrote:

(In reply to comment #14)
> Instructions for how do do this is available here:

I filed for Evolution.
Is it wrong to assume that someone's already looking at doing the right
thing for firefox, so I don't need to file that in mozilla bugzilla?

Just to confirm: If the applications are fixed to do the right thing,
then my patch in comment #10 is superfluous, right?

I'll open a separate NSS bug for the fact that root can't add certs to
sql:/etc/pki/nssdb with certutil (because the new certs end up in
/root/.pki/nssdb instead). And reassign this bug to firefox where I
believe it belongs.

(should we dupe for xulrunner/tbird/etc.?)

Reply at:

On 2010-01-07T06:35:10+00:00 Fedora wrote:

nss-3.12.5-2.fc12 has been submitted as an update for Fedora 12.

Reply at:

On 2010-01-07T07:23:08+00:00 Elio wrote:

(In reply to comment #16) Mistakenly included this bug in
nss-3.12.5-2.fc12 bugs fixed list. The r+'ed patch was duly included for
its short term benefit. I realize that this bug's request is for Firefox
itself to use the system wide system database.

Reply at:

On 2010-01-11T14:50:04+00:00 David wrote:

We should drop my patch in comment #10 -- it's a dirty hack so that we
can trick legacy apps into using the system database, and it's unlikely
to be acceptable upstream. We should just fix our apps so that they use
the system database properly.

Things are confusing and broken enough already, without adding to it.

Reply at:

On 2010-03-23T19:14:49+00:00 Kai wrote:

I'm not clear on the earlier comments in this bug.

If I understand correctly, this bug requests that Firefox should use the
root CAs that are installed in the global system location /etc/pki/nssdb

However, a Firefox profile clearly shouldn't use that global database
for all certificate that NSS needs to manage, in other words, Firefox
still needs a database that is private to the user, whether it's a user-
global database (using shared db) or a profile-local database (which is
still the default of Firefox).

So, I believe this bug requests some dynamic merge. It probably requests
that Firefox should continue to use an NSS database from /home, and
merge it with the root CA list stored in /etc

I believe we don't have such a feature yet.
If we want this to happen, it must be implemented upstream, in the Mozilla 
platform core code.

We'd have to define how the merge shall happen. Both the global /etc and
the /home database can contain information regarding to roots. For
example, a user can disable trust from builtin roots.

It will require to define the order of preference for conficting trust
settings for a single CA.

Reply at:

On 2010-03-23T21:15:56+00:00 David wrote:

(In reply to comment #19)
> So, I believe this bug requests some dynamic merge. It probably requests that
> Firefox should continue to use an NSS database from /home, and merge it with
> the root CA list stored in /etc
> I believe we don't have such a feature yet.
> If we want this to happen, it must be implemented upstream, in the Mozilla
> platform core code.

It _has_ been implemented in upstream NSS already. That's the whole
point in the 'shared db' stuff.

Reply at:

On 2010-03-23T22:31:21+00:00 Elio wrote:

The request is for Firefox to open the system-wide certificate store as
well as its own. That is, take advantage of the nss-sysinit module when
available in the the OS - only Fedora at the moment. It would first have
to become shared db aware which it isn't yet AFAIK. I guess a review of
the nss-sysinit design document at may help clarify things
a bit.

Reply at:

On 2010-06-11T15:03:06+00:00 David wrote:

Now fixed in Evolution 2.30 branch and HEAD

Reply at:

On 2010-06-12T10:48:56+00:00 David wrote:

(In reply to comment #22)
> Now fixed in Evolution 2.30 branch and HEAD    

... but see bug 603313.

Reply at:

On 2010-06-15T18:31:00+00:00 David wrote:

Created attachment 424256
xulrunner patch to make firefox use system nssdb

With the NSS patch I recently added to bug 603313, and this xulrunner
patch, I now have firefox properly using the system NSS database
(importing the contents of the old DBM database in the profile

If the system database isn't enabled, it should just continue to use the
old DBM database.

Reply at:

On 2010-06-15T19:26:34+00:00 David wrote:

This is all basically working now. We should be able to do a Fedora 14
feature for using the system database, and then we can fix bug 466626
(as part of the feature)

Reply at:

On 2010-07-02T14:52:28+00:00 Ken wrote:

Can someone add Mozilla bug 449498 under "External Bugs". I don't have

Reply at:

On 2010-07-02T15:13:45+00:00 David wrote:

See also the discussion in

Reply at:

On 2010-08-03T22:35:52+00:00 Elio wrote:

This reflects portability-oriented modifications I made to your own patch to 
have it as an NSS patch whic is desirable. It's sleeping in a samples bug where
it doesn't belong and gets ignored. I could submit it as an NSS bug fix. 
The other option would be for the xulrunner-only fix in which case we could
make similar portability modifications to your patch here in attachment 424256. 
There is something to be said to having in NSS proper for all applications to 
benefit. Some might argue for the more conservative road of just patching here 
xulrunner, at least initially. Any preferences?

Reply at:

On 2010-08-03T22:46:35+00:00 David wrote:

Other applications (chrome, evolution, etc.) are already doing the check
for themselves, and opening the system database or the user's database
accordingly. I think we might as well do the same in xulrunner.

It'll be nice when NSS makes it easier, but I don't think we want to
require a new version of NSS before this finally starts to work.

Reply at:

On 2010-09-07T20:54:23+00:00 Fedora wrote:

This package has changed ownership in the Fedora Package Database.
Reassigning to the new owner of this component.

Reply at:

On 2010-09-12T21:42:03+00:00 Kaj wrote:

I stumbled on the same for RHEL6 beta 2. It would be very nice to have
all users use the system wide certificate store instead of their own for
verifying private enterprise CA certificates.

Reply at:

On 2010-09-12T22:46:30+00:00 Elio wrote:

I agree, the nss part is done so I have changed the component to
xulrunner where it now properly belongs.

Reply at:

On 2010-09-12T23:58:52+00:00 Elio wrote:

The patch as it is works in fedora but one should consider portability as 
eventually it needs to be submitted upstream to mozilla. To start I would 
suggest using the NSPR types and NSPR functions.
+#include "prio.h" to pickup the NSPR functions
using PRBool instead of int for the boolean variable, and replacing the use of 
::fopen, ::fgets, ::strcomp, and ::flose with PR_Open, PR_Read, PORT_Strcmp, 
and PR_Close

It would look like this:
+#define NSS_SYSTEM_DB "/etc/pki/nssdb"
+    SECStatus init_rv = SECFailure;
+    const char *nssdb = profileStr.get();
+    FILE *f = PR_Open(NSS_DEFAULT_SYSTEM "/pkcs11.txt", PR_RDONLY, 0);
+    if (f) {
+        PRBool found = PR_FALSE;
+        char buf[80];
+        /* Check whether the system NSS db is actually enabled */
+        while (PR_Read(f, buf, 80) && !found) {
+          if (!PORT_Strcmp(buf, "\n"))
+            found = PR_TRUE;
+        }
+        PR_Close(f);
+        if (found) {
+          nssdb = "sql:"NSS_SYSTEM_DB;
+          init_rv = ::NSS_InitWithMerge(nssdb,
+                                        "", "", SECMOD_DB,
+                                        profileStr.get(), "", "",
+                                        profileStr.get(), profileStr.get(), 0);
+        }
+    }
+    /* If no sysdb found, or opening it failed, try opening the
+       old db from the profile directory. If that fails, subsequent
+       (readonly, nodb) attempts will be on the system db */
+    if (init_rv == SECFailure)
+      init_rv = ::NSS_InitReadWrite(profileStr.get());
The NSS_DEFAULT_SYSTEM is a unix/linux path so a function like 
find_default_system_db_dir() may be needed to be even more cross-platform.

Reply at:

On 2010-11-04T03:43:14+00:00 Bug wrote:

This message is a reminder that Fedora 12 is nearing its end of life.
Approximately 30 (thirty) days from now Fedora will stop maintaining
and issuing updates for Fedora 12.  It is Fedora's policy to close all
bug reports from releases that are no longer maintained.  At that time
this bug will be closed as WONTFIX if it remains open with a Fedora 
'version' of '12'.

Package Maintainer: If you wish for this bug to remain open because you
plan to fix it in a currently maintained version, simply change the 'version' 
to a later Fedora version prior to Fedora 12's end of life.

Bug Reporter: Thank you for reporting this issue and we are sorry that 
we may not be able to fix it before Fedora 12 is end of life.  If you 
would still like to see this bug fixed and are able to reproduce it 
against a later version of Fedora please change the 'version' of this 
bug to the applicable version.  If you are unable to change the version, 
please add a comment here and someone will do it for you.

Although we aim to fix as many bugs as possible during every release's 
lifetime, sometimes those efforts are overtaken by events.  Often a 
more recent Fedora release includes newer upstream software that fixes 
bugs or makes them obsolete.

The process we are following is described here:

Reply at:

On 2010-11-04T03:53:47+00:00 David wrote:

Still not fixed in F14 -- I'm still having to build my own xulrunner
package to fix it.

Reply at:

On 2010-11-04T15:12:28+00:00 Martin wrote:

We need to move this patch upstream.

Reply at:

On 2010-11-29T14:58:30+00:00 David wrote:

Gr, yet another Fedora xulrunner update breaks this for me; yet another
local rebuild with the required patch to fix it again...

Reply at:

On 2010-11-29T19:18:45+00:00 Elio wrote:

I was hoping the patch could receive review downstream in Fedora before
moving upstream. For upstream submission it would be for the Personal
Security Manager, see

Reply at:

On 2010-12-20T14:31:55+00:00 Martin wrote:

Filled as

Reply at:

On 2011-08-15T22:33:48+00:00 David wrote:

Still broken in Fedora 15.

Reply at:

On 2012-05-07T13:13:47+00:00 Martin wrote:

So what's up with this one? Do we want to use this patch or not? Kai, I
think it's your area, right? So It may not be assigned to me. If you'd
like to have this patch in Firefox/Fedora, just put it there or ping

Reply at:

On 2012-08-07T19:33:57+00:00 Fedora wrote:

This message is a notice that Fedora 15 is now at end of life. Fedora
has stopped maintaining and issuing updates for Fedora 15. It is
Fedora's policy to close all bug reports from releases that are no
longer maintained. At this time, all open bugs with a Fedora 'version'
of '15' have been closed as WONTFIX.

(Please note: Our normal process is to give advanced warning of this
occurring, but we forgot to do that. A thousand apologies.)

Package Maintainer: If you wish for this bug to remain open because you
plan to fix it in a currently maintained version, feel free to reopen
this bug and simply change the 'version' to a later Fedora version.

Bug Reporter: Thank you for reporting this issue and we are sorry that
we were unable to fix it before Fedora 15 reached end of life. If you
would still like to see this bug fixed and are able to reproduce it
against a later version of Fedora, you are encouraged to click on
"Clone This Bug" (top right of this page) and open it against that
version of Fedora.

Although we aim to fix as many bugs as possible during every release's
lifetime, sometimes those efforts are overtaken by events. Often a
more recent Fedora release includes newer upstream software that fixes
bugs or makes them obsolete.

The process we are following is described here:

Reply at:

** Changed in: firefox (Fedora)
       Status: Unknown => Won't Fix

** Changed in: firefox (Fedora)
   Importance: Unknown => Medium

** Bug watch added: GNOME Bug Tracker #604644

** Bug watch added: Mozilla Bugzilla #620373

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  Updating system certificates requires rebuild

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