$ pidgin -d
(10:49:47) prefs: Reading /home/volodya/.purple/prefs.xml
(10:49:47) prefs: Finished reading /home/volodya/.purple/prefs.xml
(10:49:47) prefs: purple_prefs_get_path: Unknown pref /pidgin/browsers/command
(10:49:47) dbus: okkk
(10:49:47) plugins: probing /usr/lib/pidgin/timestamp_format.so
(10:49:47) plugins: probing /usr/lib/pidgin/xmppconsole.so
(10:49:47) plugins: probing /usr/lib/pidgin/pidgin-otr.so
(10:49:47) plugins: probing /usr/lib/pidgin/xmppdisco.so
(10:49:47) plugins: probing /usr/lib/pidgin/markerline.so
(10:49:47) plugins: probing /usr/lib/pidgin/extplacement.so
(10:49:47) plugins: probing /usr/lib/pidgin/sendbutton.so
(10:49:47) plugins: probing /usr/lib/pidgin/history.so
(10:49:47) plugins: probing /usr/lib/pidgin/unity.so
(10:49:47) plugins: probing /usr/lib/pidgin/convcolors.so
(10:49:47) plugins: probing /usr/lib/pidgin/themeedit.so
(10:49:47) plugins: probing /usr/lib/pidgin/iconaway.so
(10:49:47) plugins: probing /usr/lib/pidgin/vvconfig.so
(10:49:47) plugins: probing /usr/lib/pidgin/gtkbuddynote.so
(10:49:47) plugins: probing /usr/lib/pidgin/pidginrc.so
(10:49:47) plugins: probing /usr/lib/pidgin/timestamp.so
(10:49:47) plugins: probing /usr/lib/pidgin/gestures.so
(10:49:47) plugins: probing /usr/lib/pidgin/spellchk.so
(10:49:47) plugins: probing /usr/lib/pidgin/cap.so
(10:49:47) plugins: probing /usr/lib/pidgin/notify.so
(10:49:47) plugins: probing /usr/lib/pidgin/musicmessaging.so
(10:49:47) plugins: probing /usr/lib/pidgin/ticker.so
(10:49:47) plugins: probing /usr/lib/purple-2/joinpart.so
(10:49:47) plugins: probing /usr/lib/purple-2/libyahoojp.so
(10:49:47) plugins: probing /usr/lib/purple-2/libbonjour.so
(10:49:47) plugins: probing /usr/lib/purple-2/libjabber.so
(10:49:47) plugins: /usr/lib/purple-2/libjabber.so is not usable because the 
'purple_init_plugin' symbol could not be found.  Does the plugin call the 
(10:49:47) plugins: probing /usr/lib/purple-2/pidgin-libnotify.so
(10:49:47) plugins: probing /usr/lib/purple-2/libsametime.so
(10:49:47) plugins: /usr/lib/purple-2/libsametime.so has a prefs_info, but is a 
prpl. This is no longer supported.
(10:49:47) plugins: probing /usr/lib/purple-2/perl.so
(10:49:47) plugins: probing /usr/lib/purple-2/libicq.so
(10:49:47) plugins: probing /usr/lib/purple-2/psychic.so
(10:49:47) plugins: probing /usr/lib/purple-2/statenotify.so
(10:49:47) plugins: probing /usr/lib/purple-2/offlinemsg.so
(10:49:47) plugins: probing /usr/lib/purple-2/libmyspace.so
(10:49:47) plugins: probing /usr/lib/purple-2/nss-prefs.so
(10:49:47) plugins: probing /usr/lib/purple-2/buddynote.so
(10:49:47) plugins: probing /usr/lib/purple-2/tcl.so
(10:49:47) plugins: probing /usr/lib/purple-2/log_reader.so
(10:49:47) plugins: probing /usr/lib/purple-2/idle.so
(10:49:47) plugins: probing /usr/lib/purple-2/libirc.so
(10:49:47) plugins: probing /usr/lib/purple-2/autoaccept.so
(10:49:47) plugins: probing /usr/lib/purple-2/libyahoo.so
(10:49:47) plugins: probing /usr/lib/purple-2/libxmpp.so
(10:49:47) plugins: probing /usr/lib/purple-2/libnovell.so
(10:49:47) plugins: probing /usr/lib/purple-2/libmsn.so
(10:49:47) plugins: probing /usr/lib/purple-2/liboscar.so
(10:49:47) plugins: /usr/lib/purple-2/liboscar.so is not usable because the 
'purple_init_plugin' symbol could not be found.  Does the plugin call the 
(10:49:47) plugins: probing /usr/lib/purple-2/libsimple.so
(10:49:47) plugins: probing /usr/lib/purple-2/libgg.so
(10:49:47) plugins: probing /usr/lib/purple-2/newline.so
(10:49:47) plugins: probing /usr/lib/purple-2/ssl-nss.so
(10:49:47) plugins: probing /usr/lib/purple-2/libzephyr.so
(10:49:47) plugins: probing /usr/lib/purple-2/dbus-example.so
(10:49:47) plugins: probing /usr/lib/purple-2/ssl.so
(10:49:47) plugins: probing /usr/lib/purple-2/libaim.so
(10:49:47) plugins: probing /usr/lib/purple-2/telegram-purple.so
(10:49:47) plugins: probing /usr/lib/purple-2/libmxit.so
(10:49:47) prpl-loubserp-mxit: Loading MXit libPurple plugin...
(10:49:47) plugins: probing /usr/lib/purple-2/libymsg.so
(10:49:47) plugins: /usr/lib/purple-2/libymsg.so is not usable because the 
'purple_init_plugin' symbol could not be found.  Does the plugin call the 
(10:49:47) util: Reading file xmpp-caps.xml from directory /home/volodya/.purple
(10:49:47) jabber: creating hash tables for data objects
(10:49:47) gg: Loading Gadu-Gadu protocol plugin with libgadu 1.12.1...
(10:49:47) prefs: /purple/status/scores/offline changed, scheduling save.
(10:49:47) prefs: /purple/status/scores/available changed, scheduling save.
(10:49:47) prefs: /purple/status/scores/invisible changed, scheduling save.
(10:49:47) prefs: /purple/status/scores/away changed, scheduling save.
(10:49:47) prefs: /purple/status/scores/extended_away changed, scheduling save.
(10:49:47) prefs: /purple/status/scores/idle changed, scheduling save.
(10:49:47) prefs: /purple/status/scores/offline_msg changed, scheduling save.
(10:49:47) util: Reading file accounts.xml from directory /home/volodya/.purple
(10:49:47) prpl-telegram: tgprpl_status_types()
(10:49:47) util: Reading file status.xml from directory /home/volodya/.purple
(10:49:47) certificate: CertificateVerifier x509, singleuse requested but not 
(10:49:47) certificate: CertificateVerifier singleuse registered
(10:49:47) certificate: CertificatePool x509, ca requested but not found.
(10:49:47) certificate: CertificateScheme x509 requested but not found.
(10:49:47) certificate/x509/ca: Lazy init failed because an X.509 Scheme is not 
yet registered. Maybe it will be better later.
(10:49:47) certificate/x509/ca: Init failed, probably because a dependency is 
not yet registered. It has been deferred to later.
(10:49:47) certificate: CertificatePool ca registered
(10:49:47) certificate: CertificatePool x509, tls_peers requested but not found.
(10:49:47) certificate: CertificatePool tls_peers registered
(10:49:47) certificate: CertificateVerifier x509, tls_cached requested but not 
(10:49:47) certificate: CertificateVerifier tls_cached registered
(10:49:47) prefs: /purple/logging/format changed, scheduling save.
(10:49:47) prefs: /purple/logging/format changed, scheduling save.
(10:49:47) network: running DNS query for STUN server
(10:49:47) dnsquery: Performing DNS lookup for stun.ekiga.net
(10:49:47) prefs: /purple/proxy/type changed, scheduling save.
(10:49:47) prefs: /purple/proxy/host changed, scheduling save.
(10:49:47) prefs: /purple/proxy/port changed, scheduling save.
(10:49:47) prefs: /purple/proxy/username changed, scheduling save.
(10:49:47) prefs: /purple/proxy/password changed, scheduling save.
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256: Enabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256: Enabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256: Disabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256: Disabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA: Enabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA: Enabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA: Enabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256: Disabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256: Enabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA: Enabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA: Disabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA: Disabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA: Enabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA: Enabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256: Enabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256: Disabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256: Disabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA: Enabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA: Enabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256: Enabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256: Disabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA: Disabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA: Disabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA: Enabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA: Disabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256: Enabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256: Disabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA: Disabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA: Disabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA: Disabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA: Disabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_RC4_128_SHA: Disabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA: Disabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA: Disabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA: Disabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA: Disabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA: Disabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA: Disabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA: Disabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA: Disabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256: Disabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA: Enabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256: Disabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - TLS_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA: Disabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA: Enabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256: Disabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - TLS_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA: Disabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - TLS_RSA_WITH_SEED_CBC_SHA: Disabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - SSL_RSA_FIPS_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA: Disabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA: Disabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA: Disabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5: Disabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA: Disabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA: Disabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - SSL_RSA_FIPS_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA: Disabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - TLS_RSA_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA: Disabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - TLS_RSA_EXPORT1024_WITH_RC4_56_SHA: Disabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - TLS_RSA_EXPORT1024_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA: Disabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - TLS_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_RC4_40_MD5: Disabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - TLS_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_RC2_CBC_40_MD5: Disabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_NULL_SHA: Disabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_NULL_SHA: Disabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_NULL_SHA: Disabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_NULL_SHA: Disabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - TLS_RSA_WITH_NULL_SHA: Disabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - TLS_RSA_WITH_NULL_SHA256: Disabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - TLS_RSA_WITH_NULL_MD5: Disabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - SSL_CK_RC4_128_WITH_MD5: Disabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - SSL_CK_RC2_128_CBC_WITH_MD5: Disabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - SSL_CK_DES_192_EDE3_CBC_WITH_MD5: Disabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - SSL_CK_DES_64_CBC_WITH_MD5: Disabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - SSL_CK_RC4_128_EXPORT40_WITH_MD5: Disabled
(10:49:47) nss: Cipher - SSL_CK_RC2_128_CBC_EXPORT40_WITH_MD5: Disabled
(10:49:47) nss: TLS supported versions: 0x0300 through 0x0303
(10:49:47) nss: TLS versions allowed by default: 0x0301 through 0x0303
(10:49:47) certificate: CertificateScheme x509 requested but not found.
(10:49:47) certificate: CertificateScheme x509 registered
(10:49:47) util: Reading file smileys.xml from directory /home/volodya/.purple
(10:49:47) util: File /home/volodya/.purple/smileys.xml does not exist (this is 
not necessarily an error)
(10:49:47) stun: using server stun.ekiga.net
(10:49:47) dnssrv: querying SRV record for stun.ekiga.net: 
(10:49:47) sound: Initializing sound output drivers.
(10:49:47) prefs: /pidgin/conversations/placement changed, scheduling save.
(10:49:47) GLib-GObject: 
/build/glib2.0-7IO_Yw/glib2.0-2.48.1/./gobject/gsignal.c:2517: signal 'destroy' 
is invalid for instance '0x55ba25c27ee0' of type 'GtkStatusIcon'
(10:49:47) gtkblist: added visibility manager: 1
(10:49:47) docklet: GTK+ created
(10:49:47) gtkmedia: Registering media element types
(10:49:47) util: Reading file blist.xml from directory /home/volodya/.purple
(10:49:47) plugins: Loading saved plugin /usr/lib/purple-2/autoaccept.so
(10:49:47) plugins: probing /usr/lib/purple-2/autoreply.so
(10:49:47) plugins: Unable to find saved plugin /usr/lib/purple-2/autoreply.so
(10:49:47) plugins: probing /usr/lib/pidgin/blistops.so
(10:49:47) plugins: Unable to find saved plugin /usr/lib/pidgin/blistops.so
(10:49:47) plugins: Loading saved plugin /usr/lib/pidgin/gtkbuddynote.so
(10:49:47) plugins: Loading saved plugin /usr/lib/purple-2/buddynote.so
(10:49:47) plugins: Loading saved plugin /usr/lib/purple-2/statenotify.so
(10:49:47) plugins: Loading saved plugin /usr/lib/pidgin/extplacement.so
(10:49:47) prefs: /pidgin/conversations/placement changed, scheduling save.
(10:49:47) plugins: probing /usr/lib/purple-2/groupmsg.so
(10:49:47) plugins: Unable to find saved plugin /usr/lib/purple-2/groupmsg.so
(10:49:47) plugins: Loading saved plugin /usr/lib/pidgin/history.so
(10:49:47) plugins: probing /usr/lib/pidgin/hotkeys.so
(10:49:47) plugins: Unable to find saved plugin /usr/lib/pidgin/hotkeys.so
(10:49:47) plugins: Loading saved plugin /usr/lib/pidgin/iconaway.so
(10:49:47) plugins: Loading saved plugin /usr/lib/purple-2/pidgin-libnotify.so
(10:49:47) pidgin-libnotify: Updating status set from pidgin to 'available'
(10:49:47) gtkblist: added visibility manager: 2
(10:49:47) plugins: Loading saved plugin /usr/lib/pidgin/notify.so
(10:49:47) plugins: Loading saved plugin /usr/lib/pidgin/timestamp_format.so
(10:49:47) plugins: Loading saved plugin /usr/lib/purple-2/ssl-nss.so
(10:49:47) plugins: Loading saved plugin /usr/lib/pidgin/pidgin-otr.so
(10:49:47) plugins: Loading saved plugin /usr/lib/purple-2/psychic.so
(10:49:47) plugins: Loading saved plugin /usr/lib/purple-2/ssl.so
(10:49:47) plugins: Loading saved plugin /usr/lib/pidgin/sendbutton.so
(10:49:47) plugins: probing /usr/lib/pidgin/switchspell.so
(10:49:47) plugins: Unable to find saved plugin /usr/lib/pidgin/switchspell.so
(10:49:47) plugins: Loading saved plugin /usr/lib/pidgin/spellchk.so
(10:49:47) plugins: Loading saved plugin /usr/lib/pidgin/vvconfig.so
(10:49:47) gtkmedia: Registering media element types
(10:49:47) Session Management: ICE initialized.
(10:49:47) Session Management: Connecting with no previous ID
(10:49:47) Session Management: Handling new ICE connection... 
(10:49:47) done.
(10:49:47) Session Management: Connected to manager (xfce4-session) with client 
ID 2770d6354-31a6-4b3d-a2ce-636b6367e61f
(10:49:47) Session Management: Using pidgin as command
(10:49:47) imgstore: Error reading 
Failed to open file 
'/home/volodya/.purple/icons/397f38ba6245052ee7519224f9dd35e772acdf1b.gif': No 
such file or directory
(10:49:47) account: Connecting to account [removed by reporter].
(10:49:47) connection: Connecting. gc = 0x55ba260d0100
(10:49:47) oscar: Registered modules: alert (family=0x0018, version=0x0001, 
toolid=0x0010, toolversion=0x0629), auth (family=0x0017, version=0x0000, 
toolid=0x0000, toolversion=0x0000), icq (family=0x0015, version=0x0001, 
toolid=0x0110, toolversion=0x047c), feedbag (family=0x0013, version=0x0004, 
toolid=0x0110, toolversion=0x0629), bart (family=0x0010, version=0x0001, 
toolid=0x0010, toolversion=0x0629), chat (family=0x000e, version=0x0001, 
toolid=0x0010, toolversion=0x0629), chatnav (family=0x000d, version=0x0001, 
toolid=0x0010, toolversion=0x0629), stats (family=0x000b, version=0x0001, 
toolid=0x0104, toolversion=0x0001), userlookup (family=0x000a, version=0x0001, 
toolid=0x0110, toolversion=0x0629), bos (family=0x0009, version=0x0001, 
toolid=0x0110, toolversion=0x0629), popup (family=0x0008, version=0x0001, 
toolid=0x0104, toolversion=0x0001), admin (family=0x0007, version=0x0001, 
toolid=0x0010, toolversion=0x0629), messaging (family=0x0004, version=0x0001, 
toolid=0x0110, toolversion=0
 x0629), buddy (family=0x0003, version=0x0001, toolid=0x0110, 
toolversion=0x0629), locate (family=0x0002, version=0x0001, toolid=0x0110, 
toolversion=0x0629), oservice (family=0x0001, version=0x0003, toolid=0x0110, 
toolversion=0x0629), misc (family=0xffff, version=0x0000, toolid=0x0000, 
(10:49:47) oscar: Registered handlers: 0001/0001, 0001/0005, 0001/000f, 
0001/0013, 0001/001f, 0002/0003, 0003/0001, 0003/0003, 0003/000b, 0003/000c, 
0004/0007, 0004/000a, 0004/000b, 0004/0014, 0007/0003, 0007/0005, 0007/0007, 
0008/0002, 0009/0001, 0009/0003, 000a/0001, 000a/0003, 000d/0001, 000d/0009, 
000e/0001, 000e/0002, 000e/0003, 000e/0004, 000e/0006, 0010/0005, 0013/0001, 
0013/0003, 0013/0006, 0013/0008, 0013/0009, 0013/000e, 0013/0015, 0013/0019, 
0013/001b, 0013/001c, 0017/0003, 0017/0007, 0017/000a, 0018/0001, 0018/0007, 
ffff/0003, ffff/0006, 
(10:49:47) oscar: oscar_login: gc = 0x55ba260d0100
(10:49:47) util: requesting to fetch a URL
(10:49:47) util: Defaulting max download from 
https://api.login.icq.net/auth/clientLogin to 524288
(10:49:47) dnsquery: Performing DNS lookup for api.login.icq.net
(10:49:47) account: Connecting to account [removed by reporter].
(10:49:47) connection: Connecting. gc = 0x55ba260d2a00
(10:49:47) dnssrv: querying SRV record for jabber.org: 
(10:49:47) account: Connecting to account [removed by reporter].
(10:49:47) connection: Connecting. gc = 0x55ba26106160
(10:49:47) dnsquery: Performing DNS lookup for talk.google.com
(10:49:47) account: Connecting to account +[removed by reporter].
(10:49:47) connection: Connecting. gc = 0x55ba261069c0
(10:49:47) prpl-telegram: tgprpl_login()
(10:49:47) prpl-telegram: base configuration path: 
'/home/volodya/.purple/telegram-purple/+[removed by reporter]'
(10:49:47) prpl-telegram: trying global pubkey at 
(10:49:47) prpl-telegram: using global pubkey
(10:49:47) prpl-telegram: 'direct' public key loaded successfully
(10:49:47) prpl-telegram: DC1 'DC' update:
(10:49:47) prpl-telegram: DC2 'DC' update:
(10:49:47) prpl-telegram: DC3 'DC' update:
(10:49:47) prpl-telegram: DC4 'DC' update:
(10:49:47) prpl-telegram: DC5 'DC' update:
(10:49:47) dnsquery: Performing DNS lookup for
(10:49:47) dnsquery: Performing DNS lookup for
(10:49:47) dnsquery: Performing DNS lookup for
(10:49:47) dnsquery: Performing DNS lookup for
(10:49:47) dnsquery: Performing DNS lookup for
(10:49:47) prpl-telegram: on_ready().
(10:49:48) pidgin-libnotify: event_connection_throttle() called
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: seq = 705, pts = 4142, date = 1474573876
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: Sent query #2044055889036 of size 132 to DC 2
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: Sent query #2044055981744 of size 12 to DC 2
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: Sent query #2044056018020 of size 8 to DC 2
(10:49:48) dns: Created new DNS child 4842, there are now 1 children.
(10:49:48) dns: Successfully sent DNS request to child 4842
(10:49:48) dnssrv: res_query returned an error
(10:49:48) stun: got 0 SRV responses, server: stun.ekiga.net, port: 3478
(10:49:48) dnsquery: Performing DNS lookup for stun.ekiga.net
(10:49:48) Session Management: Received first save_yourself
(10:49:48) dns: Created new DNS child 4843, there are now 2 children.
(10:49:48) dns: Successfully sent DNS request to child 4843
(10:49:48) dnssrv: found 2 SRV entries
(10:49:48) dnsquery: Performing DNS lookup for hermes2.jabber.org
(10:49:48) dns: Created new DNS child 4844, there are now 3 children.
(10:49:48) dns: Successfully sent DNS request to child 4844
(10:49:48) dnsquery: IP resolved for
(10:49:48) proxy: Attempting connection to
(10:49:48) proxy: Connecting to with no proxy
(10:49:48) proxy: Connection in progress
(10:49:48) dnsquery: IP resolved for
(10:49:48) proxy: Attempting connection to
(10:49:48) proxy: Connecting to with no proxy
(10:49:48) proxy: Connection in progress
(10:49:48) dnsquery: IP resolved for
(10:49:48) proxy: Attempting connection to
(10:49:48) proxy: Connecting to with no proxy
(10:49:48) proxy: Connection in progress
(10:49:48) dnsquery: IP resolved for
(10:49:48) proxy: Attempting connection to
(10:49:48) proxy: Connecting to with no proxy
(10:49:48) proxy: Connection in progress
(10:49:48) dnsquery: IP resolved for
(10:49:48) proxy: Attempting connection to
(10:49:48) proxy: Connecting to with no proxy
(10:49:48) proxy: Connection in progress
(10:49:48) Session Management: Received save_complete
(10:49:48) dns: Created new DNS child 4845, there are now 4 children.
(10:49:48) dns: Successfully sent DNS request to child 4845
(10:49:48) docklet: embedded
(10:49:48) dns: Got response for 'stun.ekiga.net'
(10:49:48) dnsquery: IP resolved for stun.ekiga.net
(10:49:48) network: set IP address:
(10:49:48) dns: Successfully sent DNS request to child 4842
(10:49:48) dns: Got response for 'talk.google.com'
(10:49:48) dnsquery: IP resolved for talk.google.com
(10:49:48) proxy: Attempting connection to
(10:49:48) proxy: Connecting to talk.google.com:5222 with no proxy
(10:49:48) proxy: Connection in progress
(10:49:48) dns: Got response for 'stun.ekiga.net'
(10:49:48) dnsquery: IP resolved for stun.ekiga.net
(10:49:48) network: Listening on port: 12108
(10:49:48) dns: Got response for 'api.login.icq.net'
(10:49:48) dnsquery: IP resolved for api.login.icq.net
(10:49:48) proxy: Attempting connection to
(10:49:48) proxy: Connecting to api.login.icq.net:443 with no proxy
(10:49:48) proxy: Connection in progress
(10:49:48) dns: Got response for 'hermes2.jabber.org'
(10:49:48) dnsquery: IP resolved for hermes2.jabber.org
(10:49:48) proxy: Attempting connection to
(10:49:48) proxy: Connecting to hermes2.jabber.org:5222 with no proxy
(10:49:48) proxy: Connection in progress
(10:49:48) proxy: Connecting to
(10:49:48) proxy: Connected to
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: outbound rpc connection from dc #2 becomed ready
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: Sent query #2044584823124 of size 120 to DC 2
(10:49:48) proxy: Connecting to
(10:49:48) proxy: Connected to
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: outbound rpc connection from dc #4 becomed ready
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: Sent query #2044602781784 of size 120 to DC 4
(10:49:48) proxy: Connecting to api.login.icq.net:443.
(10:49:48) proxy: Connected to api.login.icq.net:443.
(10:49:48) proxy: Connecting to talk.google.com:5222.
(10:49:48) proxy: Connected to talk.google.com:5222.
(10:49:48) jabber: Sending ([removed by reporter]): <?xml version='1.0' ?>
(10:49:48) jabber: Sending ([removed by reporter]): <stream:stream 
to='googlemail.com' xmlns='jabber:client' 
xmlns:stream='http://etherx.jabber.org/streams' version='1.0'>
(10:49:48) proxy: Connecting to
(10:49:48) proxy: Connected to
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: outbound rpc connection from dc #1 becomed ready
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: Sent query #2045037734288 of size 120 to DC 1
(10:49:48) proxy: Connecting to
(10:49:48) proxy: Connected to
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: outbound rpc connection from dc #3 becomed ready
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: Sent query #2045062728844 of size 120 to DC 3
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: restarting query 2044584823124
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: Alarm query 2044584823124 (type 'get config')
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: restarting query 2044602781784
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: Alarm query 2044602781784 (type 'get config')
(10:49:48) proxy: Connecting to hermes2.jabber.org:5222.
(10:49:48) proxy: Connected to hermes2.jabber.org:5222.
(10:49:48) jabber: Sending ([removed by reporter]): <?xml version='1.0' ?>
(10:49:48) jabber: Sending ([removed by reporter]): <stream:stream 
to='jabber.org' xmlns='jabber:client' 
xmlns:stream='http://etherx.jabber.org/streams' version='1.0'>
(10:49:48) proxy: Connecting to
(10:49:48) proxy: Connected to
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: outbound rpc connection from dc #5 becomed ready
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: Sent query #2045482800372 of size 120 to DC 5
(10:49:48) nss: SSL version 3.3 using 128-bit AES-GCM with 128-bit AEAD MAC
Server Auth: 2048-bit RSA, Key Exchange: 256-bit ECDHE, Compression: NULL
Cipher Suite Name: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
(10:49:48) nss: subject=CN=api.login.icq.net,OU=IT,O=ICQ Ltd,L=Tel Aviv - 
Jaffa,ST=Israel,C=IL issuer=CN=GeoTrust SSL CA - G3,O=GeoTrust Inc.,C=US
(10:49:48) nss: subject=CN=GeoTrust SSL CA - G3,O=GeoTrust Inc.,C=US 
issuer=CN=GeoTrust Global CA,O=GeoTrust Inc.,C=US
(10:49:48) nss: partial certificate chain
(10:49:48) certificate/x509/tls_cached: Starting verify for api.login.icq.net
(10:49:48) certificate/x509/tls_cached: Checking for cached cert...
(10:49:48) certificate/x509/tls_cached: ...Found cached cert
(10:49:48) nss/x509: Loading certificate from 
(10:49:48) certificate/x509/tls_cached: Peer cert matched cached
(10:49:48) nss/x509: Exporting certificate to 
(10:49:48) util: Writing file 
(10:49:48) nss: Trusting CN=api.login.icq.net,OU=IT,O=ICQ Ltd,L=Tel Aviv - 
(10:49:48) certificate: Successfully verified certificate for api.login.icq.net
(10:49:48) util: request constructed
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: bad_msg_notification: msg_id = 6333431737586414592, 
seq = 2, error = 64
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: bad_msg_notification: msg_id = 6333431737586414592, 
seq = 2, error = 64
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: failing session -3123512207283395805
(10:49:48) dnsquery: Performing DNS lookup for
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: bad_msg_notification: msg_id = 6333431737586574336, 
seq = 2, error = 64
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: bad_msg_notification: msg_id = 6333431737586574336, 
seq = 2, error = 64
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: failing session 3694510989281858641
(10:49:48) dnsquery: Performing DNS lookup for
(10:49:48) jabber: Recv (384): <stream:stream from="googlemail.com" 
id="5995B69B3396B305" version="1.0" 
(10:49:48) jabber: Sending ([removed by reporter]): <starttls 
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: restarting query 2045037734288
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: Alarm query 2045037734288 (type 'get config')
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: restarting query 2045062728844
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: Alarm query 2045062728844 (type 'get config')
(10:49:48) dnsquery: IP resolved for
(10:49:48) proxy: Attempting connection to
(10:49:48) proxy: Connecting to with no proxy
(10:49:48) proxy: Connection in progress
(10:49:48) dnsquery: IP resolved for
(10:49:48) proxy: Attempting connection to
(10:49:48) proxy: Connecting to with no proxy
(10:49:48) proxy: Connection in progress
(10:49:48) util: Response headers: 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/1.10.1
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2016 07:49:48 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 480
Connection: close
Pragma: no-cache
Cache-Control: no-store,no-cache,must-revalidate

(10:49:48) util: parsed 480
(10:49:48) util: requesting to fetch a URL
(10:49:48) util: Defaulting max download from 
 to 524288
(10:49:48) dnsquery: Performing DNS lookup for api.icq.net
(10:49:48) jabber: Recv (50): <proceed xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls"/>
(10:49:48) dns: Successfully sent DNS request to child 4842
(10:49:48) proxy: Connecting to
(10:49:48) proxy: Connected to
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: outbound rpc connection from dc #2 becomed ready
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: Sent query #6333431739339637760 of size 120 to DC 2
(10:49:48) proxy: Connecting to
(10:49:48) proxy: Connected to
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: outbound rpc connection from dc #4 becomed ready
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: Sent query #6333431739279958016 of size 120 to DC 4
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: restarting query 2045482800372
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: Alarm query 2045482800372 (type 'get config')
(10:49:48) dns: Got response for 'api.icq.net'
(10:49:48) dnsquery: IP resolved for api.icq.net
(10:49:48) proxy: Attempting connection to
(10:49:48) proxy: Connecting to api.icq.net:443 with no proxy
(10:49:48) proxy: Connection in progress
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: bad_msg_notification: msg_id = 6333431737586410496, 
seq = 2, error = 64
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: bad_msg_notification: msg_id = 6333431737586410496, 
seq = 2, error = 64
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: failing session -2305999973258301854
(10:49:48) dnsquery: Performing DNS lookup for
(10:49:48) dnsquery: IP resolved for
(10:49:48) proxy: Attempting connection to
(10:49:48) proxy: Connecting to with no proxy
(10:49:48) proxy: Connection in progress
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: bad_msg_notification: msg_id = 6333431737586247680, 
seq = 2, error = 64
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: bad_msg_notification: msg_id = 6333431737586247680, 
seq = 2, error = 64
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: failing session -2920769993941525771
(10:49:48) dnsquery: Performing DNS lookup for
(10:49:48) dnsquery: IP resolved for
(10:49:48) proxy: Attempting connection to
(10:49:48) proxy: Connecting to with no proxy
(10:49:48) proxy: Connection in progress
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: adjusting CLOCK_MONOTONIC delta to 0.539681
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: work_new_session_created: msg_id = 
6333431741185831937, dc = 2
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: regen query from old session 2044584823124
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: regen query from old session 2044056018020
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: regen query from old session 2044055889036
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: regen query from old session 2044055981744
(10:49:48) proxy: Connecting to api.icq.net:443.
(10:49:48) proxy: Connected to api.icq.net:443.
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: Alarm query 2044584823124 (type 'get config')
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: Resent query #2044584823124 as #6333431739339637764 
of size 120 to DC 2
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: DC1 '' update: 
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: DC2 '' update: 
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: DC3 '' update: 
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: DC4 '' update: 
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: DC4 '' update:
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: DC5 '' update:
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: DC5 '' update: 
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: adjusting CLOCK_MONOTONIC delta to 0.528998
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: work_new_session_created: msg_id = 
6333431741281491969, dc = 4
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: regen query from old session 2044602781784
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: Alarm query 2044602781784 (type 'get config')
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: Resent query #2044602781784 as #6333431739279958020 
of size 120 to DC 4
(10:49:48) jabber: Recv (366): <?xml version='1.0'?><stream:stream 
xmlns='jabber:client' xmlns:stream='http://etherx.jabber.org/streams' 
from='jabber.org' id='6ffc416e6e65caa5' 
(10:49:48) jabber: Sending ([removed by reporter]): <starttls 
(10:49:48) nss: SSL version 3.3 using 128-bit AES-GCM with 128-bit AEAD MAC
Server Auth: 2048-bit RSA, Key Exchange: 256-bit ECDHE, Compression: NULL
Cipher Suite Name: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
(10:49:48) nss: subject=CN=googlemail.com,O=Google Inc,L=Mountain 
View,ST=California,C=US issuer=CN=Google Internet Authority G2,O=Google Inc,C=US
(10:49:48) nss: subject=CN=Google Internet Authority G2,O=Google Inc,C=US 
issuer=CN=GeoTrust Global CA,O=GeoTrust Inc.,C=US
(10:49:48) nss: subject=CN=GeoTrust Global CA,O=GeoTrust Inc.,C=US 
issuer=OU=Equifax Secure Certificate Authority,O=Equifax,C=US
(10:49:48) nss: partial certificate chain
(10:49:48) certificate/x509/tls_cached: Starting verify for talk.google.com
(10:49:48) certificate/x509/tls_cached: Checking for cached cert...
(10:49:48) certificate/x509/tls_cached: ...Found cached cert
(10:49:48) nss/x509: Loading certificate from 
(10:49:48) certificate/x509/tls_cached: Peer cert matched cached
(10:49:48) nss/x509: Exporting certificate to 
(10:49:48) util: Writing file 
(10:49:48) nss: Trusting CN=googlemail.com,O=Google Inc,L=Mountain 
(10:49:48) certificate: Successfully verified certificate for talk.google.com
(10:49:48) jabber: Sending (ssl) ([removed by reporter]): <stream:stream 
to='googlemail.com' xmlns='jabber:client' 
xmlns:stream='http://etherx.jabber.org/streams' version='1.0'>
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: Alarm query 2044056018020 (type 'get contacts')
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: Resent query #2044056018020 as #6333431739339637768 
of size 8 to DC 2
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: Alarm query 2044055889036 (type 'get difference')
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: Resent query #2044055889036 as #6333431739339637772 
of size 132 to DC 2
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: Alarm query 2044055981744 (type 'get dialogs')
(10:49:48) prpl-telegram: Resent query #2044055981744 as #6333431739339637776 
of size 12 to DC 2
(10:49:49) nss: SSL version 3.3 using 128-bit AES-GCM with 128-bit AEAD MAC
Server Auth: 2048-bit RSA, Key Exchange: 256-bit ECDHE, Compression: NULL
Cipher Suite Name: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
(10:49:49) nss: subject=CN=*.icq.net,OU=IT,O=ICQ Ltd,L=Tel Aviv - 
Jaffa,ST=Israel,C=IL issuer=CN=GeoTrust SSL CA - G3,O=GeoTrust Inc.,C=US
(10:49:49) nss: subject=CN=GeoTrust SSL CA - G3,O=GeoTrust Inc.,C=US 
issuer=CN=GeoTrust Global CA,O=GeoTrust Inc.,C=US
(10:49:49) nss: subject=CN=GeoTrust Global CA,O=GeoTrust Inc.,C=US 
issuer=OU=Equifax Secure Certificate Authority,O=Equifax,C=US
(10:49:49) nss: partial certificate chain
(10:49:49) certificate/x509/tls_cached: Starting verify for api.icq.net
(10:49:49) certificate/x509/tls_cached: Checking for cached cert...
(10:49:49) certificate/x509/tls_cached: ...Found cached cert
(10:49:49) nss/x509: Loading certificate from 
(10:49:49) certificate/x509/tls_cached: Peer cert matched cached
(10:49:49) nss/x509: Exporting certificate to 
(10:49:49) util: Writing file 
(10:49:49) nss: Trusting CN=*.icq.net,OU=IT,O=ICQ Ltd,L=Tel Aviv - 
(10:49:49) certificate: Successfully verified certificate for api.icq.net
(10:49:49) util: request constructed
(10:49:49) prpl-telegram: bad_msg_notification: msg_id = 6333431737586509824, 
seq = 2, error = 64
(10:49:49) prpl-telegram: bad_msg_notification: msg_id = 6333431737586509824, 
seq = 2, error = 64
(10:49:49) prpl-telegram: failing session 8583554606118926819
(10:49:49) dnsquery: Performing DNS lookup for
(10:49:49) proxy: Connecting to
(10:49:49) proxy: Connected to
(10:49:49) jabber: Recv (ssl)(143): <stream:stream from="googlemail.com" 
id="8816091D1D1E10B2" version="1.0" 
xmlns:stream="http://etherx.jabber.org/streams"; xmlns="jabber:client">
(10:49:49) jabber: Recv (ssl)(197): <stream:features><mechanisms 
(10:49:49) sasl: Mechs found: X-OAUTH2 X-GOOGLE-TOKEN PLAIN
(10:49:49) jabber: Sending (ssl) ([removed by reporter]): <auth 
xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl' mechanism='PLAIN' 
ga:client-uses-full-bind-result='true'>password removed</auth>
(10:49:49) dnsquery: IP resolved for
(10:49:49) proxy: Attempting connection to
(10:49:49) proxy: Connecting to with no proxy
(10:49:49) proxy: Connection in progress
(10:49:49) prpl-telegram: outbound rpc connection from dc #1 becomed ready
(10:49:49) prpl-telegram: Sent query #6333431739623568384 of size 120 to DC 1
(10:49:49) proxy: Connecting to
(10:49:49) proxy: Connected to
(10:49:49) prpl-telegram: outbound rpc connection from dc #3 becomed ready
(10:49:49) prpl-telegram: Sent query #6333431739623923712 of size 120 to DC 3
(10:49:49) jabber: Recv (50): <proceed xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls'/>
(10:49:49) prpl-telegram: 187148740: when=0
(10:49:49) prpl-telegram: mobile
(10:49:49) blist: Updating buddy status for Alyona (Telegram)
(10:49:49) blist: Updating buddy status for Alyona (Telegram)
pidgin: structures.c:1205: tglf_fetch_message_media: Assertion `0' failed.
dns[4845]: Oops, father has gone, wait for me, wait...!
Aborted (core dumped)
volodya@mastodont:~$ dns[4844]: Oops, father has gone, wait for me, wait...!
dns[4843]: Oops, father has gone, wait for me, wait...!
dns[4842]: Oops, father has gone, wait for me, wait...!

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  pidgin: structures.c:1205: tglf_fetch_message_media: Assertion `0'

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