The suspects - and indeed they've tried to escape:
" vs. '

In /tmp/foomatic-rip.log we have:

renderer command: level=0; /usr/bin/printf "%%!\n%%%% %%%%\n<</Duplex
false>>setpagedevice\n"; if [ $level -gt 0 ]; then if [ $level -lt 99 ];
then level=" -dLanguageLevel=$level"; else level=""; fi; gs -q
-dPARANOIDSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pswrite$level -sOutputFile=-
-; else cat; fi

This is from line 3567 of /usr/bin/foomatic-rip which tries to run:

See the nested, unescaped double quotes colliding...

Now even on the plain shell prompt we can only expect garbled output from
:~$ /usr/bin/printf "%%!\n%%%% %%%%\n<</Duplex false>>setpagedevice\n"
bash: !\n%%%%: event not found

...and nor does the following look right to me:
else cat; fi

Now if someone more familiar with that code could figure out where the 
/usr/bin/printf statements used in the invocations of rendercmd and the 
subsequent cmd and currentcmd are constructed, and if they are what makes the 
script fail 
[at least it terminates without error, albeit without proper results as well, 
as soon as the above is changed to system('$commandline');],
I'd suggest replacing them with single quotes - rather than doing the same only 
for the system() calls which would make CUPS believe the jobs had been 
completed while producing empty output.

** Description changed:

  System is Xubuntu 6.06.1 LTS.
  Printer is a Brother HL-1650 (BRScript3, i.e. probably PostScript in all but 
name) over Samba (this does not seem to be an smbspool issue though).
  CUPS can print its own test page.
  lp works as well - but plaintext files 
( takes some script code as an example) and attempts to 
print from applications (e.g. acroread, GIMP) result in stopped jobs.
  BTW while the user might be expected to find http://localhost:631 (after some 
googling), it's been tricky enough to have to figure out
  sudo adduser cupsys shadow
  /etc/init.d/cupsys restart
  to even be allowed to add a printer. This should probably be considered 
automagically in future versions...
  I assume something goes wrong in foomatic's attempt to convert into
  PostScript and found the ways to make it write a debug log, but the
  parameters it is called with are a mystery to me (and apparently to
  itself either, judging from the output linked above) - so I can't tell
  yet whether it fails because of wrong parameters, missing input or
  insufficient rights to write its output.
- Note: the original reporter indicated the bug was in package 'cups';
- however, that package was not published in Ubuntu.

Printing only works for PostScript files or CUPS' own test page

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