Investigations into the problem reveal that kcmshell5 appears to be waiting for qapt..
<ubottu> bug 1530523 in kubuntu-driver-manager (Ubuntu) "kcm_driver_manager: Infinitely shows Collecting information" [High,Incomplete] [21:28] <sick_rimmit> Oh ah right [21:30] <sick_rimmit> Can you reproduce it on your machine ? [21:30] <sick_rimmit> I am on 15.10 here right now [21:30] <clivejo> yes [21:31] <sick_rimmit> OK.. [21:31] <clivejo> I think it does same on 15.10 [21:31] <clivejo> can you try? [21:31] <sick_rimmit> Nope works for me [21:31] <clivejo> hummm [21:31] <clivejo> so whats changed! [21:31] <sick_rimmit> try calling it from the command line, see what output you get [21:32] <clivejo> nothing [21:32] <sick_rimmit> hmmm [21:32] <sick_rimmit> did your new builds of libqapt make it into Xenial, the one for muon ? [21:32] [Notice] -kubuntu-ci to #kubuntu-devel- Project wily_unstable_parley build #142: STILL UNSTABLE in 38 min: [21:32] <clivejo> yes [21:32] <sick_rimmit> hmmm not that then [21:32] <sick_rimmit> Odds are that kcm is using libqapt in a similar way to muon [21:33] <sick_rimmit> try calling it again but this time with strace [21:33] <sick_rimmit> strace kcm-manager or whatever its called [21:33] <clivejo> the only change to libqapt was to make it emmit signals [21:33] <sick_rimmit> that would fit the frame [21:33] <sick_rimmit> I mean the previous version [21:34] <sick_rimmit> where it didn't emit them [21:34] <clivejo> thats why muon was crashing [21:34] <sick_rimmit> If kcm has a slot awaiting a signal then et voila! stuck code [21:34] <sick_rimmit> ok don;t worry too much about that [21:34] <sick_rimmit> can you get strace to run kcm [21:34] <-- Maxiride_ (~Maxiride@ has left this server (Quit: Konversation terminated!). [21:35] [Notice] -kubuntu-ci to #kubuntu-devel- Project wily_unstable_kactivities build #190: STILL UNSTABLE in 40 min: [21:37] <clivejo> it runs and gets stuck [21:37] <clivejo> strace keeps displaying this over and over [21:37] <clivejo> [21:39] * sick_rimmit grabs monacle [21:40] --> Blizzz (~blizzz@ubuntu/member/blizzz) has joined this channel. [21:40] <sick_rimmit> If you sit for a few seconds hands off machine does it continue output [21:41] <clivejo> yes [21:41] <sick_rimmit> strace is a Stack trace utility so it picks up mouse, kdb, everything really [21:41] <clivejo> just sits there doing that [21:41] <clivejo> until I close the window [21:41] <sick_rimmit> Ok so it is stuck in a loop doing something [21:42] <sick_rimmit> question is what ? [21:42] <sick_rimmit> so run it again without strace then ps uax to find its process id [21:42] <clivejo> was hoping you could answer that [21:42] <sick_rimmit> then lets try lsof [21:42] * sick_rimmit needs man pages [21:43] <sick_rimmit> ah yes [21:44] <sick_rimmit> lsof -p <pid> [21:44] <sick_rimmit> that will tell us what it is doing [21:45] <-- SilentGh1 (~SilentGho@unaffiliated/silentghost) has left this server (Ping timeout: 246 seconds). [21:45] <-- adrian (~adrian@unaffiliated/adrian) has left this server (Ping timeout: 268 seconds). [21:46] <-- superfly (quasselcor@ubuntu/member/superfly) has left this server (Ping timeout: 260 seconds). [21:47] <clivejo> looks like it refreshed my package list [21:47] <clivejo> dev/urandom [21:47] --> dougiel ( has joined this channel. [21:47] <clivejo> /tmp/qapt-sock-3bf25b14c38b41b3a3540f48d3546b04 [21:49] <sick_rimmit> Alright that's progress [21:50] <clivejo> it is? [21:50] <sick_rimmit> So it's waiting on the qapt socket [21:50] <clivejo> what does that mean? [21:51] <sick_rimmit> it is an interprocess communication [21:51] --> superfly (quasselcor@ubuntu/member/superfly) has joined this channel. [21:51] <clivejo> ah [21:51] <sick_rimmit> kcm -> qapt [21:51] <sick_rimmit> so now it is qapt that is doing something and kcm is awaiting it [21:51] <sick_rimmit> so ps uax qapt [21:52] <sick_rimmit> and lsof again [21:52] <sick_rimmit> what is qapt doing ? [21:52] <clivejo> nothing [21:53] <clivejo> its not running [21:53] [Notice] -kubuntu-ci to #kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! [21:53] [Notice] -kubuntu-ci to #kubuntu-devel- Project wily_unstable_kpimtextedit build #124: FIXED in 41 min: [21:53] <sick_rimmit> Ah ok, because it's a library [21:53] * sick_rimmit thinking.... [21:54] [Notice] -kubuntu-ci to #kubuntu-devel- Project wily_unstable_purpose build #148: STILL UNSTABLE in 42 min: [22:02] * sick_rimmit running kcm here [22:03] <clivejo> what version of libqapt are you running in wily? [22:03] <sick_rimmit> Ah the one I compiled [22:03] <sick_rimmit> good point [22:06] <sick_rimmit> what is the comand to invoke kcm [22:08] <clivejo> kcmshell5 kcm_driver_manager [22:08] <clivejo> did you install libqapt globally? [22:09] <clivejo> !info libqapt3 wily [22:09] <ubottu> libqapt3 (source: libqapt): QApt library package. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.1-0ubuntu1.1 (wily), package size 133 kB, installed size 418 kB [22:10] <sick_rimmit> Ah brill [22:10] <sick_rimmit> Ah ah [22:10] <sick_rimmit> !paste [22:10] <ubottu> For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [22:10] <sick_rimmit> [22:11] <sick_rimmit> Compare that with what you got [22:12] --> greyback (gerry@conference/canonical/x-syidakyzkrhjalye) has joined this channel. [22:12] <clivejo> Ill have to install it again! [22:12] <clivejo> just a sec [22:17] * soee_ 50 minutes [22:17] <clivejo> ok I dont have /var/cache/apt-xapian-index/index.1/postlist.DB [22:18] <clivejo> I have the tmp/qapt-sock [22:19] <clivejo> but not the anon_inode [22:19] --> ahoneybun_ (~test@ has joined this channel. [22:19] <clivejo> kcmshell5 22846 clivejo 64u unix 0x0000000000000000 0t0 575670 type=STREAM [22:19] <clivejo> I have that instead [22:19] [Notice] -kubuntu-ci to #kubuntu-devel- Project wily_stable_parley build #95: STILL UNSTABLE in 1 hr 6 min: [22:20] [Notice] -kubuntu-ci to #kubuntu-devel- Project wily_unstable_ktp-auth-handler build #97: STILL UNSTABLE in 49 min: [22:21] [Notice] -kubuntu-ci to #kubuntu-devel- Project wily_unstable_kholidays build #89: STILL FAILING in 1 min 22 sec: [22:23] <-- greyback (gerry@conference/canonical/x-syidakyzkrhjalye) has left this server (Ping timeout: 252 seconds). [22:23] <-- ahoneybun_ (~test@ has left this server (Remote host closed the connection). [22:23] <sick_rimmit> hmmm apt-xapian installed ? [22:24] <sick_rimmit> dpkg --get-selections | grep apt-xapian [22:24] <sick_rimmit> wondering if it is a missing dependency [22:24] <-- dougiel ( has left this server (Remote host closed the connection). [22:25] --> dougiel ( has joined this channel. [22:26] --> adrian (~adrian@unaffiliated/adrian) has joined this channel. [22:27] [Notice] -kubuntu-ci to #kubuntu-devel- Project wily_unstable_khelpcenter build #110: STILL FAILING in 6 min 55 sec: [22:29] <clivejo> !info apt-xapian [22:29] <ubottu> Package apt-xapian does not exist in wily [22:30] <clivejo> !info apt-xapian-index [22:30] <ubottu> apt-xapian-index (source: apt-xapian-index): maintenance and search tools for a Xapian index of Debian packages. In component main, is optional. Version 0.46ubuntu1 (wily), package size 55 kB, installed size 328 kB [22:30] --> prth (~prth@ has joined this channel. [22:30] <clivejo> !info apt-xapian-index xenial [22:30] <ubottu> apt-xapian-index (source: apt-xapian-index): maintenance and search tools for a Xapian index of Debian packages. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.47ubuntu8 (xenial), package size 56 kB, installed size 268 kB [22:31] <sick_rimmit> Ah I wonder if it brought it in for me when I did build-dep for Muojn [22:31] <clivejo> valorie mentioned she had xapian when she installed muon [22:32] <clivejo> issues [22:32] <sick_rimmit> xapian seems to be the search library / indexer for apt [22:32] <clivejo> yeah [22:32] <sick_rimmit> I read this today on J Thomas's blog [22:32] <clivejo> tends to just work [22:33] <sick_rimmit> Well.. [22:33] <sick_rimmit> what we do know is that in your instance. kcmshell is blocked by a non returning socket /var/qapt [22:34] <sick_rimmit> I am afraid at this point I am out of my depth [22:34] <clivejo> me too [22:34] <valorie> hmmm, apt-cache policy tells me I have it installed [22:34] <clivejo> I wonder would Carlo know? [22:34] <sick_rimmit> but I reckon pasting all this info to the LP Bug will really help the next person [22:34] <clivejo> Rick, mind doing that? [22:34] <clivejo> Im about ready for bed! [22:35] <sick_rimmit> Can I get a paste of your lsof output [22:36] <clivejo> :( Ive shut it all down [22:36] <clivejo> does yours show a list of drivers you can install? -- You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu. Title: kcm_driver_manager: Infinitely shows Collecting information To manage notifications about this bug go to: -- ubuntu-bugs mailing list