The thing came back, it seems that this is a gconf related problem as you thought first. I now have some messages about gconf in /var/log/syslog (in French) : Sep 16 00:54:31 pc gconfd (yachar-4747): Aucune des adresses résolues n'est accessible en écriture : l'enregistrement des réglages de configuration ne sera pas possible
It means that no resolved address is writeable, and so that no configuration changes will be remembered. Creating a ~/.gconf.path with "xml:readwrite:/home/yachar/.gconf" and gconf-merge-tree ~/.gconf worked. I can't understand why gconf doesn't see the ~/.gconf directory, as my /etc/gconf/2/path is the default one (with xml:readwrite:$(HOME)/.gconf line in it). It's now a gconf related thing so I think that this bug may be closed. I still can't figure out why Evo and Firefox are the only settings lost ?! Anyway, sorry for the inconvenience. -- Evolution losts the accounts settings across reboot -- ubuntu-bugs mailing list