UVF exception granted by Matt - so once knot 3 is done, it'd be nice to
get this done and I'll ask all PDATesters for excessive testing - the
sync can now also be done from unstable, not from experimental.

** Summary changed:

- please sync pilot-link from experimental to edgy
+ please sync pilot-link from sid

** Description changed:

-  pilot-link  (0.12.0-1) experimental; urgency=low
-    * New upstream release
-     - Closes: #269731 "pilot-link: pilot charset is hard-coded in
-     libpisock/util.c"
-     - Closes: #360963: "pilot-link: pilot-xfer ignores PILOTRATE and uses 9600
-     bps"
-     - Closes: #340818: "pilot-xfer.1.gz: -f: thought one could get more than
-     one file"
-     - Closes: #342128: "install-todo.1.gz: non standard formatting"
-     - Closes: #351435: "read-todos -w not on man page"
-     - Closes: #351438: "memos -p mandatory, contrary to man page"
-     - Closes: #351439: "pilot-xfer: $? when memory full"
-     - Closes: #375734: "install-user has no default so don't say there is"
-     - Closes: #383537: "pilot-link: don't say SEE ALSO pilot-link"
-     - Closes: #20782: "pilot-link suggestion"
-     - Closes: #24357: "pilot-link has namespace pollution"
-     - Closes: #148190: "pilot-link: Clock synchronization would be nice"
-    * To avoid namespace pollution a lot of commands from pilot-link have been
-      renamed from foo to pilot-foo. See
-      /usr/share/doc/pilot-link/NEWS.Debian.gz file
-    * (try to) use the new Python policy
-  -- Ludovic Rousseau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Fri, 1 Sep 2006 18:22:14
- +0200
+ +pilot-link (0.12.1-3) unstable; urgency=low
+ +
+ +  * upload to unstable
+ +  * patch ./configure to correcty detect Python
+ +
+ + -- Ludovic Rousseau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Tue, 12 Sep 2006 23:27:53 +0200
+ +
+ +pilot-link (0.12.1-2) experimental; urgency=low
+ +
+ +  * Install some missing files. Thanks to Norbert Preining for the patches
+ +
+ + -- Ludovic Rousseau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Fri,  8 Sep 2006 21:10:38 +0200
+ +
+ +pilot-link (0.12.1-1) experimental; urgency=low
+ +
+ +  * New upstream release
+ +  * Closes: #385871: "libpisock-dev: pilot-link.pc not installed in
+ +    /usr/lib/pkgconfig"
+ +
+ + -- Ludovic Rousseau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Tue,  5 Sep 2006 22:28:03 +0200
+ +
+ +pilot-link (0.12.0-1) experimental; urgency=low
+ +
+ +  * New upstream release
+ +   - Closes: #269731 "pilot-link: pilot charset is hard-coded in
+ +   libpisock/util.c"
+ +   - Closes: #360963: "pilot-link: pilot-xfer ignores PILOTRATE and uses 9600
+ +   bps"
+ +   - Closes: #340818: "pilot-xfer.1.gz: -f: thought one could get more than
+ +   one file"
+ +   - Closes: #342128: "install-todo.1.gz: non standard formatting"
+ +   - Closes: #351435: "read-todos -w not on man page"
+ +   - Closes: #351438: "memos -p mandatory, contrary to man page"
+ +   - Closes: #351439: "pilot-xfer: $? when memory full"
+ +   - Closes: #375734: "install-user has no default so don't say there is"
+ +   - Closes: #383537: "pilot-link: don't say SEE ALSO pilot-link"
+ +   - Closes: #20782: "pilot-link suggestion"
+ +   - Closes: #24357: "pilot-link has namespace pollution"
+ +   - Closes: #148190: "pilot-link: Clock synchronization would be nice"
+ +  * To avoid namespace pollution a lot of commands from pilot-link have been
+ +    renamed from foo to pilot-foo. See
+ +    /usr/share/doc/pilot-link/NEWS.Debian.gz file
+ +  * (try to) use the new Python policy
+ +
+ + -- Ludovic Rousseau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Fri,  1 Sep 2006 18:22:14 +0200
+ +

please sync pilot-link from sid

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