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On 2014-06-11T09:12:53+00:00 Horst Schirmeier wrote:

This is a summary of the Ubuntu bug reported at
It already has a duplicate at

With certain audio hardware (those where alsamixer shows separate
"headphone" and "speaker" channels) pressing of the mute button on
laptop keyboards causes mute of all three channels: master, headphone
and speaker.  Pressing the button again to unmute unmutes only the
master channel, leaving headphone and speaker muted.

Workaround: There is no other way than opening alsamixer in a terminal
(or open mixer controls from the applet) and manually clicking the two
remaining channels to unmute.


- We already tracked this down not to be an issue with ALSA or
xfce4-volumed: The problem also occurs using a different window manager,
and it disappears when deinstalling PulseAudio.

- This issue has already been seen on "Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9
Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)" (Dell Latitude E6400) and "Intel
Corporation 7 Series/C210 Series Chipset Family High Definition Audio
Controller (rev 04)".

- This issue appeared with Ubuntu 13.10 (AMD64), and persists in 14.04.
I don't know which PulseAudio versions were involved.

- "Raymond" in the original bug report flooded the discussion with lots
of technical information I do not know how to act upon.  Maybe you do.

- In comments #15 to #18 on
we posted the "alsa-info" for a few systems with similar symptoms.

- In comment #28 I successfully implemented a fix (or workaround?) for
the problem on my machine:

[...] changing "switch" from "mute" to "on" under [Element PCM] in 
/usr/share/pulseaudio/alsa-mixer/paths/analog-output.conf.common (see below) 
did have an effect -- pressing the "mute" button now only mutes Master and 
Headphone (not PCM anymore), pressing it again only unmutes Master. Changing 
the same for [Element Headphone] in 
/usr/share/pulseaudio/alsa-mixer/paths/analog-output-headphones.conf fixes the 
Headphone mixer behaviour for me, too.

[Element PCM]
#switch = mute
switch = on

Reply at:

On 2014-06-11T10:27:38+00:00 Tanu Kaskinen wrote:

I suppose this has nothing to do with GStreamer. Can you reproduce this
simpy by muting and unmuting the sink with pactl? The command to use is
"set-sink-mute", see man pactl for details.

Changing "switch = mute" to "switch = on" is not a proper fix. "switch =
mute" means that the switch state should follow the sink mute state, so
unmuting the sink in pulseaudio should unmute the switch in alsa too.

Reply at:

On 2014-06-11T10:35:17+00:00 Horst Schirmeier wrote:

No, I cannot reproduce the behavior with "pactl set-sink-mute 0 toggle".
Running this once mutes "Master", "Headphone" and "PCM" in alsamixer.
Running this a second time correctly unmutes all three.

Reply at:

On 2014-06-11T10:46:44+00:00 Tanu Kaskinen wrote:

Ok, then I guess xfce4-volumed is accessing alsa directly, instead of
doing the muting through pulseaudio.

Explanation for the inconsistency between muting and unmuting:
xfce4-volumed sets the Master switch to muted. PulseAudio notices that
something happened in the alsa mixer, and sees that one of the switches
is muted, so PulseAudio concludes that the device is muted and sets the
internal device state to mute. While setting the internal state,
pulseaudio also mutes the rest of the switches marked as "switch =
mute", including PCM. When xfce4-volumed unmutes the Master switch,
PulseAudio again notices that something happened, but since the PCM
switch is still muted, PulseAudio concludes that the device is still
muted and does nothing.

xfce4-volumed should be changed to talk to pulseaudio instead of
accessing the alsa mixer directly.

Reply at:

On 2014-06-11T10:53:49+00:00 Tanu Kaskinen wrote:

Or another solution would be to change pulseaudio so that it caches the
alsa mixer state, so when one switch is unmuted, pulseaudio would be
able to figure out that unmuting happened. Without caching this is not
possible, because the only notification we get from alsa is that
"something changed".

But from architecture point of view I think there should be only one
component that is controlling the alsa mixers, and that component should
be pulseaudio, so changing xfce4-volumed makes more sense than changing
pulseaudio to cope with other components fiddling with the alsa mixers.

Reply at:

On 2014-06-11T11:04:09+00:00 Horst Schirmeier wrote:

As I said in the description:  We think we tracked this down not to be
an issue with ALSA or xfce4-volumed.  The problem also occurs using a
different window manager (I tried it with Unity IIRC), and it disappears
when deinstalling PulseAudio.

I may be drawing wrong conclusions here, though.  Please instruct me on
which experiments to conduct to gather more information.

Reply at:

On 2014-06-11T11:43:51+00:00 Tanu Kaskinen wrote:

Unmuting via pulseaudio works fine, so whatever does the unmuting when
you press the mute button on your laptop is, with very very high
probability, not using pulseaudio.

I had a look at xfce4-volumed code, and it seems to rely on GstMixer.
xfce4-volumed doesn't seem to care about the mixer implementation, it
will just use the first mixer implementation that it finds. That might
very well be an implementation based on alsa, not pulseaudio.

Reply at:

On 2014-06-12T09:23:30+00:00 Raymond wrote:

you need  to log the changes of alsa playback volume and switch made by
pulseaudio when it switch path

only the driver know which control belong to the audio path of
headphone, line out and speaker for business desktop, notebook or home

Node 0x0a [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x400181: Stereo
  Control: name="Headphone Jack", index=0, device=0
  Pincap 0x0000001c: OUT HP Detect
  Pin Default 0x0421101f: [Jack] HP Out at Ext Right
    Conn = 1/8, Color = Black
    DefAssociation = 0x1, Sequence = 0xf
  Pin-ctls: 0xc0: OUT HP
  Unsolicited: tag=01, enabled=1
  Connection: 3
     0x10 0x11* 0x17

Node 0x0d [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x400181: Stereo
  Control: name="Speaker Phantom Jack", index=0, device=0
  Pincap 0x00000014: OUT Detect
  Pin Default 0x90170110: [Fixed] Speaker at Int N/A
    Conn = Analog, Color = Unknown
    DefAssociation = 0x1, Sequence = 0x0
    Misc = NO_PRESENCE
  Pin-ctls: 0x40: OUT
  Unsolicited: tag=00, enabled=0
  Connection: 3
     0x10* 0x11 0x17

Node 0x0f [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x400181: Stereo
  Control: name="Dock Line Out Jack", index=0, device=0
  Pincap 0x00000014: OUT Detect
  Pin Default 0x23011050: [Jack] Line Out at Sep Left
    Conn = 1/8, Color = Black
    DefAssociation = 0x5, Sequence = 0x0
  Pin-ctls: 0x40: OUT
  Unsolicited: tag=02, enabled=1
  Connection: 3
     0x10* 0x11 0x17
Node 0x10 [Audio Output] wcaps 0xd0c05: Stereo Amp-Out R/L
  Control: name="PCM Playback Volume", index=0, device=0
    ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=Out, idx=0, ofs=0
  Control: name="PCM Playback Switch", index=0, device=0
    ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=Out, idx=0, ofs=0
  Device: name="92HD71B7X Analog", type="Audio", device=0
  Amp-Out caps: N/A
  Amp-Out vals:  [0x6d 0x6d]
  Converter: stream=8, channel=0
  Power states: 
  Power: setting=D0, actual=D0
  Delay: 13 samples
Node 0x11 [Audio Output] wcaps 0xd0c05: Stereo Amp-Out R/L
  Control: name="Headphone Playback Volume", index=0, device=0
    ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=Out, idx=0, ofs=0
  Control: name="Headphone Playback Switch", index=0, device=0
    ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=Out, idx=0, ofs=0
  Amp-Out caps: N/A
  Amp-Out vals:  [0x6d 0x6d]
  Converter: stream=8, channel=0
  Power states: 
  Power: setting=D0, actual=D0
  Delay: 13 samples

Reply at:

On 2014-06-15T05:25:21+00:00 Raymond wrote:

Created attachment 101077
pcm_playback_switch need to be on instead of mute

as pcm playback switch is regarded by pulseaudio as common to all paths,
it should be on instead of mute

Reply at:

On 2014-06-16T16:07:13+00:00 Tanu Kaskinen wrote:

I don't follow. PulseAudio uses PCM for all paths, but why does that
imply that PCM should not be muted when the sink is muted?

Reply at:

On 2014-06-26T05:36:59+00:00 Raymond wrote:

e.g  hda codec cs4213 has only one hardware volume control for both
headphone and speaker

when did pulseaudio setup those control which is common To all paths ?

Reply at:

On 2014-06-26T09:11:07+00:00 Tanu Kaskinen wrote:

When the port changes from headphones to speakers, for example, alsa
mixer is updated at that point to reflect the previously saved state of
the speakers port.

Reply at:

On 2014-11-03T10:32:48+00:00 Horst Schirmeier wrote:

BTW, I'm seeing this on a Dell Latitude E4300, too.  (Not surprising, as
it's also using a 82801I.)

What else do you need to fix this?

Reply at:

On 2014-11-03T15:39:53+00:00 Raymond wrote:

 pcm volume of some hda codecs seem to be renamed but the name of ac97
codecs are unlikely to be changed

Reply at:

On 2014-11-03T15:52:54+00:00 Horst Schirmeier wrote:

Raymond, your comment is, again, very cryptic.  How is this related to
my problem, what am I supposed to do about it, and what needs to be
changed to fix the issue?

I'm not into PulseAudio details, so please tell me exactly what to do
(if the comment was directed to me at all, and not rather another
PulseAudio developer).  For example, if I am supposed to provide log
output, tell me how to enable logging (for the particular tool/daemon),
where to find the log file, and what action I need to trigger to provoke
something interesting to be logged (e.g., press the "mute" button

Reply at:

On 2014-11-03T16:14:21+00:00 Raymond wrote:

you have to follow  if your dell e430 use stac9200 which is a two
channel hda codec

Reply at:

On 2014-11-03T16:56:24+00:00 Horst Schirmeier wrote:

I don't think the Dell Latitude E4300 has a stac9200.  Again, if you
talk about some funny ALSA or PulseAudio details, please tell me on what
information to provide here, and how to gather it.  I'm just *guessing*
the output of "aplay -l" or alsamixer may be relevant here (is it?):

$ aplay -l
**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: 92HD71B7X Analog [92HD71B7X Analog]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 3: HDMI 0 [HDMI 0]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0

alsamixer says "Card: HDA Intel" and "Chip: Intel Cantiga HDMI".

Reply at:

On 2014-11-03T16:58:52+00:00 Horst Schirmeier wrote:

And, just to reiterate my initial bug report (as you're pointing me to
an ALSA mailing list thread):

"- We already tracked this down not to be an issue with ALSA or
xfce4-volumed: The problem also occurs using a different window manager,
and it disappears when deinstalling PulseAudio."

Reply at:

On 2014-11-04T02:18:32+00:00 Raymond wrote:

it is because your notebook have speaker, headphone and dock line out
with two audio output

david 's patch is to change "pcm" to "speaker+LO" for those with 2+2 HDA
codec and three ports

for those notebook with dock headphone,  you need to follow up with

Node 0x10 [Audio Output] wcaps 0xd0c05: Stereo Amp-Out R/L
  Control: name="PCM Playback Volume", index=0, device=0
    ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=Out, idx=0, ofs=0
  Control: name="PCM Playback Switch", index=0, device=0
    ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=Out, idx=0, ofs=0
  Device: name="92HD71B7X Analog", type="Audio", device=0
  Amp-Out caps: N/A
  Amp-Out vals:  [0x6d 0x6d]
  Converter: stream=8, channel=0
  Power states: 
  Power: setting=D0, actual=D0
  Delay: 13 samples

Reply at:

On 2014-11-04T02:42:22+00:00 Raymond wrote:

for those two channel ac97 codec and some for channel ac97 codec

ac97 analog mixer have many input : DAC, mic , line in,  CD, Aux,

pcm playback volume/switch control the DAC input to AC97 analog mixer

ac97 analog mixer has it own ouput volume controls which are master
playback volume/switch and mono playback

Reply at:

On 2014-11-04T15:10:45+00:00 Raymond wrote:

for those hda codecs which have ac97 like analog mixer (e.g. ad1986a, 

the alsa driver already removed the corresponding "PCM" playback volume
and playback switch when those codec use hda_generic.c to create the

it use set volume to 0dB and unmute without creating any control

the remaing hda codecs are those without analog mixer need change of control 
name to indicate whether it is shared by two or more ports

Reply at:

On 2014-11-04T16:00:24+00:00 Horst Schirmeier wrote:

What are you saying?  That the core reason for the bug is known and
worked on?  Or do you need more input from me to analyze the issue?

Reply at:

On 2014-11-05T00:44:26+00:00 Raymond wrote:

you need to add some code in alsa-sink.c or alsa-util.c to  log all the
mute switch/volume events when pulseaudio change those alsa playback
switch/volume to prove the mute of pcm playback switch is done by
pulseaudio instead of driver or other alsa application

Reply at:

On 2014-11-05T08:34:47+00:00 Raymond wrote:

You need to log e->alsa_name and value of b for
snd_mixer_selem_set_playback_switch_all in

static int element_set_switch(pa_alsa_element *e, snd_mixer_t *m, bool b) {
    snd_mixer_elem_t *me;
    snd_mixer_selem_id_t *sid;
    int r;


    SELEM_INIT(sid, e->alsa_name);
    if (!(me = snd_mixer_find_selem(m, sid))) {
        pa_log_warn("Element %s seems to have disappeared.", e->alsa_name);
        return -1;

    if (e->direction == PA_ALSA_DIRECTION_OUTPUT)
        r = snd_mixer_selem_set_playback_switch_all(me, b);
        r = snd_mixer_selem_set_capture_switch_all(me, b);

Reply at:

On 2014-11-05T08:41:10+00:00 Raymond wrote:

and log the path name

int pa_alsa_path_set_mute(pa_alsa_path *p, snd_mixer_t *m, bool muted) {
    pa_alsa_element *e;


    if (!p->has_mute)
        return -1;

    PA_LLIST_FOREACH(e, p->elements) {

        if (e->switch_use != PA_ALSA_SWITCH_MUTE)

        if (element_set_switch(e, m, !muted) < 0)
            return -1;

    return 0;

Reply at:

On 2014-11-05T11:32:39+00:00 Raymond wrote:

this mean that when pulseaudio switch from path A to path B, the mute
switch which is common to both path should not set to

this also imply those elements in output.common should not set to

you should send your patch to pulseaudio-discuss mailing list for review

Reply at:

On 2015-02-12T03:34:04+00:00 Raymond wrote:

seem new bug as the driver already changed by this patch, this create a
Line out playback volume when the computer only have speaker and header

Reply at:

On 2015-03-26T12:36:25+00:00 Jarno Suni wrote:

Please note, that if you use Indicator Plugin or pavucontrol to unmute,
it also unmutes several channels.

Reply at:

On 2015-03-26T12:40:13+00:00 Jarno Suni wrote:

(In reply to Raymond from comment #26)
> seem new bug as the driver already changed by this patch, this create a Line
> out playback volume when the computer only have speaker and header
> pci/hda/hda_generic.c?id=3abb4f4d0e7aaad0d12004b5057f4486a688752b

Yes, different bug:

Reply at:

On 2015-03-26T13:00:51+00:00 Jarno Suni wrote:

Suggestion in the last paragraph:

Reply at:

On 2015-03-26T13:08:51+00:00 Jarno Suni wrote:

Update: another workaround when using xfce4-mixer (or Xfce Audio Mixer
in panel): Choose Playback:...(PulseAudio Mixer) instead of (Alsa mixer)
as sound card in properties.

Reply at:

On 2015-03-26T13:35:59+00:00 Horst Schirmeier wrote:

(In reply to Jarno Suni from comment #30)
> Update: another workaround when using xfce4-mixer (or Xfce Audio Mixer in
> panel): Choose Playback:...(PulseAudio Mixer) instead of (Alsa mixer) as
> sound card in properties.

Confirmed.  This works around the symptoms for me.  Thanks!

Reply at:

** Changed in: pulseaudio
       Status: Unknown => Confirmed

** Changed in: pulseaudio
   Importance: Unknown => Medium

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  Pulseaudio: incoherent muting of ALSA channels (mutes master,
  headphone and speaker, but unmutes only master)

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