Using Mario's 0.20 packages here, the overall upgrade went smoothly
except for two issues:

One, upgrading mythtv-database still won't go because it's trying to
connect to the wrong mysql server (it provides the IP of an old server
I'm no longer connecting to).  I've edited /etc/mysql/my.cnf and
/etc/mythtv/mysql.txt.  Anything I'm missing here?

Second problem is much more substantial; the video playback is extremely
zoomed in and I can't seem to get it zoomed out.  It's tough to get my
bearings looking at the image, but it seems like it zooms into the top
right corner of the screen when watching a recording or livetv.  I
haven't tweaked any settings since 0.19, so what could be the issue
here?  Changing the over/underscan only seems to help resize teh image,
not zoom it in or out.  On the bright side though, the thumbnail of
recordings does show the correct dimensions so the video is being
grabbed correctly, just displaying wrong in fullscreen.

Update to .20

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