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On 2014-11-01T00:23:19+00:00 Yanpas wrote:

Desktop icons order resets if there is an equal number of icons in any two or 
more columns.
version 4.11.8-0ubuntu0.1

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On 2014-11-01T00:23:57+00:00 Yanpas wrote:

*** Bug 11194 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

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On 2014-11-03T13:17:57+00:00 Yanpas wrote:

Does this bug occurs on your desktop?

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On 2014-11-03T15:41:48+00:00 Eric Koegel wrote:

I've never encountered this (otherwise I'd happily fix it). Does it
happen when:

- you stop and restart xfdesktop? (xfdesktop --quit; xfdesktop &)

- during a screen size change?

- during login?

Just trying to figure out when it happens for you. Thanks!

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On 2014-11-04T12:25:54+00:00 Yanpas wrote:

Hello! Sorry for delay. I've just tried all of enlisted items, but the icons 
are still OK. I've noticed that after this bug occurs - number of .rc files in 
/home/USER/.config/xfce4/desktop/ incresing with a bit different resolutions 
(First time I have counted 12 rc files). And this happens on two Xubuntu 
machines with magic number of icons (adding or removing the icon may represent 
bug every reboot or fix it) 
Adding another panel - made the icons to fit in one row. Deleting this panel 
reverted changes in icon order (I think it is standart behavior)

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On 2014-11-04T12:32:16+00:00 Yanpas wrote:

Is there a way to make united .rc file for all resolutions?

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On 2014-11-09T14:15:18+00:00 Eric Koegel wrote:

Here's the rationale for the rc files:
The .rc files are how Xfdesktop sees the space left on the screen. Things like 
the xfce4-panel may reserve space and xfdesktop respects that. The overall idea 
is that if your monitor goes through a couple resolution changes when your PC 
starts up or if you decide to play a game then your desktop should return to 
its old layout when it goes back to that resolution. Same thing with 
multi-monitor changes; you can have different layouts when your laptop is 
docked. The downside is that Xfdesktop doesn’t know when an icon position 
change should invalidate the other saved resolutions so in that case icons may 
change positions but Xfdesktop tries to minimize those moves.

Is it just one icon that gets messed up or all of them do? It may be due
to something changing that causes xfdesktop uses an older .rc file
(different panels or something like it on the desktop).

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On 2014-11-09T14:21:06+00:00 Yanpas wrote:

(In reply to Eric Koegel from comment #6)
> Here's the rationale for the rc files:
> The .rc files are how Xfdesktop sees the space left on the screen. Things
> like the xfce4-panel may reserve space and xfdesktop respects that. The
> overall idea is that if your monitor goes through a couple resolution
> changes when your PC starts up or if you decide to play a game then your
> desktop should return to its old layout when it goes back to that
> resolution. Same thing with multi-monitor changes; you can have different
> layouts when your laptop is docked. The downside is that Xfdesktop doesn’t
> know when an icon position change should invalidate the other saved
> resolutions so in that case icons may change positions but Xfdesktop tries
> to minimize those moves.
> Is it just one icon that gets messed up or all of them do? It may be due to
> something changing that causes xfdesktop uses an older .rc file (different
> panels or something like it on the desktop).

All icons change their order. The locate in top left corner.

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On 2014-11-26T21:34:13+00:00 Yanpas wrote:

I have noticed that the order resets when I logout and login. Three
times in row this happened. I will try to remove gnome settings daemon
and gsettings data convert from autostart and keep watching over my

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On 2014-11-26T22:05:38+00:00 Yanpas wrote:

My computer created yet another file with such config

[/home/yanpas/Рабочий стол/Лекции.doc]





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On 2014-12-05T18:04:42+00:00 Mati86dl wrote:

Please, inspects your file /home/USER/.cache/session-***.

It happened to me, and seeing this file, i see that there are many
programs which automatically run multiple times.

I suspect that when you save the session, multipes xfdesktop try to
write the same file, creating problems.

But it's just a suspicion.

I have to admit that also suspicious of my changes in the distribution of 
icons. This weekend I'll try to test with this change reverted..


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On 2014-12-05T23:51:04+00:00 Mati86dl wrote:


You think this also happens to you?.

If yes, the problem is that the desktop is starting with some theme, this 
implies a font size, etc etc, resulting in a grid size, and therefore, it can 
change the order of icons.
After a second, xfsettingsd set your preferred theme with different fonts, 
spaces, etc, resulting in the final grid size.

The icons were reorganized, but as the screen size is the same, never
save a copy of the pocision icons. Only replacement it by new info.

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On 2014-12-06T00:14:14+00:00 Yanpas wrote:

YES! I've noticed that my shimmer-project theme sometimes doesn't have
time to load. For example Transmission gets default GTK icon on
autostart and only restarting it changes the icon to the theme icon.
Maybe some elements start in default theme and lose their order. Even if
it so the bug persists, but in another component maybe

PS Another example: I have Clementine and Thunderbird on autostart. If I
logout and then log in - thes programs doesn't have my GTK theme.
Clementine is ugly-grey and thunderbird fonts are weird

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On 2014-12-06T01:24:42+00:00 Mati86dl wrote:

In my tests, applying the patch to xfsettingd seems that fix the bug.

Whell, The xubuntu people should add the patch, but surely take time.
You dare to compiling xfce4-settings to test?.

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On 2014-12-06T07:06:36+00:00 Yanpas wrote:

I will try to compile and will be watching bug

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On 2014-12-06T12:30:52+00:00 Yanpas wrote:

Hello. I think you meant patch from bug 11188. But which of them? And how to 
change source code automaticly with these + and -
PS In previous comment I read it from mobile phone and misunderstood.

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On 2014-12-06T13:46:31+00:00 Mati86dl wrote:

The best (Easy) way is compile directly the git version.

> sudo apt-get install git
> sudo apt-get build-dep xfce4-setting
> git clone git://
> cd xfce4-settings
> ./
NOTE: This command should be more complete, but for this test not worry so much.
> make

The next step would be: sudo make install, but recommend overwrite the

> killall xfsettingsd
Note: Not worry by theme change, and maybe here you see changes in yours icons.
> sudo mv ./xfsettingsd/xfsettingsd /usr/bin/
> xfsettingsd &

And restart you desktop.. ;)

Reply at:

On 2014-12-06T14:37:29+00:00 Yanpas wrote:

And where is the patch in these steps, that small file with + and -
lines. Or this patch has been already applied to the project and I need
only to compile newer version from source?

Reply at:

On 2014-12-06T14:47:30+00:00 Mati86dl wrote:

> Or this patch has been already applied to the project and I need only
to compile newer version from source?

Yes. ;)
The patch was added two months ago,but not enough changes to make a new release 
of xfce4-settings.

Reply at:

On 2014-12-10T09:54:57+00:00 Yanpas wrote:

Created attachment 5813
icon bug

(In reply to Matias De lellis from comment #18)
> > Or this patch has been already applied to the project and I need only to 
> > compile newer version from source?
> Yes. ;)
> The patch was added two months ago,but not enough changes to make a new
> release of xfce4-settings.

Hello! Desktop icons behave good, there were no any self-replacements.
But I've found new bug with xfsettingsd, which is not fixed in github.
Transmission non-theme icon. Screenshot is attached. When I start my
computer - I get default ugly icon, only after restaring transmission
app icon becomes normal

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On 2014-12-10T10:18:48+00:00 Yanpas wrote:

Created attachment 5814
Bug again

Oh no! Just after a comment bug reproduced again. All I did before was plaing 
GTA IV in resolution 1680x1050. Then I set my creen to my native resolution 
1920x1080 (everything is still OK). Then I logged out and logged in - and icons 
are mixed.
Also on logging in my clementine player, which is loaded automaticly didn't 
fully catched gtk theme, it has weird and wrong Font.

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On 2014-12-10T15:41:59+00:00 Mati86dl wrote:

Ohh.. Ok. :(

Yesterday also happened to me. I will continue investigating.


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On 2014-12-12T23:32:04+00:00 Mati86dl wrote:

Hi everyone,
Nothing new. Sorry.. I Cannot isolate it :S

I reverted all my changes (I was worried about these. haha).. and the
bug is still there.. :S

Perhaps it is a old bug, and only we discovered it now.

Only one detail. I discovered that it occurs when I close a session with
many open applications and the "Save session" option is activated.

And noticing that is a lot easier reproduce it when restart the machine
instead just close and open the session. Not know what is the
difference. :S

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On 2014-12-13T01:45:40+00:00 Mati86dl wrote:

Not think that is related, but researching a bit found a bug:


In this commit you introduce a big mem leak. Is not noticeable due it's
just when close the session. I doubt the necessity of the commit, but
surely you have your reasons. ;)

Well, the problem is that xfdesktop_application_get() increases the
references and you have to add a unref after use it.

The obvious problem is the mem leak. but not the most worrying

The major problem is that you're assuming that XfdesktopApplication may
be NULL. If XfdesktopApplication already NULL (understood is already
closed), when you call xfdesktop_application_get(), you're starting an
entirely new desktop !!!!.

..and due the missing unref basically never close it. Ends up being
killed by the session. (This last is just supposition. haha. =)

Any idea how to debug this?
For now I'll add some g_print to see the sequence on shutdown.


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On 2015-01-15T23:45:29+00:00 Thomas Schweikle wrote:

This bug seems to be a race condition: xfce config files and desktop directory 
are read in parallel.
At first no icon positions are known. The first icons are placed by default, 
from top-left down to bottom-left.
Then, since the config file reading is slightly faster, than desktop directory 
reading, some icon positions are known and these are placed as expected.
Sometimes reading an icon position and reading the accompanying file might 
overlap: first the file is read, then the icon is placed at default, but 
slightly later it is placed at the expected position. Don't know how this 
happens, but it results in an event "icon moved" forcing the all icons already 
placed to be written to config files, overwriting the config file and reading 
it in again. This leads to loosing all icon positions not read from desktop 
directory. When these are found they are placed by default: top-left to 
At very last, when all files in Desktop are placed the config file is written 
again (since there where "new" icons).

Simple way to confirm what is going on: place your icons you'd like to
have them, then:

chmod 0444 ${HOME}/.config/xfce4/desktop/icons.screen0-<hsize>x<vsize>.rc
chmod 0555 ${HOME}/.config/xfce4/desktop
chown -R root ${HOME}/.config/xfce4

then restart. Depending how many background apps you run, you might find your 
desktop resorted with all icons in default order: top-left to bottom-left, 
filling the screen from left to right.
Log off, then on again. This time (since the config file couldn't be written) 
the icons will be sorted as given in the config file. Why?
Simple: restarting the system requires to load all libraries your background 
apps need, logging off and on again these are loaded already. Result: the first 
time you start your desktop the race is open: it depends on who wins: sometimes 
its the part reading the config file, sometimes it the part reading the desktop 
In case of log off and on reading the config file is normally much faster than 
reading the directory, thus all icons are placed as expected, because there 
positions are known, as they are read from "Desktop".

Conclusion: making sure the config file is fully read *before* "Desktop"
reading starts might solve the problem ...

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On 2015-01-16T00:00:09+00:00 Yanpas wrote:

Nice to hear that reason has been found! Waiting for fix ^^

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On 2015-01-16T00:21:42+00:00 Mati86dl wrote:

Your description seems correct. Eric? Ping.. =)

The commit where the bug is introduced would be this:

Tomorrow I try reverting this commit.

Thanks for all!.


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On 2015-01-29T12:35:01+00:00 Peter de Ridder wrote:

*** Bug 11462 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

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** Changed in: xfdesktop
       Status: Unknown => Confirmed

** Changed in: xfdesktop
   Importance: Unknown => High

** Bug watch added: Xfce Bugzilla #11188

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  [4.11.8] Desktop icons rearrange on each login

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