Hello, I have a Hercules Control AIR. In Mixxx 1.10 works with some workaround, 
but in Mixxx 1.11 does not, crash when hit "play".
Im on Ubuntu 14.04.
The debug says:

~$ mixxx --debug
Debug [Main]: Mixxx 1.11.0 "(bzr 1.11 r3885+; built on: Apr 25 2014 @ 04:13:53; 
flags: bulk hid hifieq mad optimize=9 qdebug shoutcast vamp verbose 
vinylcontrol)" is starting... 
Debug [Main]: Qt version is: 4.8.6 
Debug [Main]: Configuration file is at the current version 1.11.0 
Debug [Main]: Loading translations for locale "es_AR" from translations folder 
"/usr/share/mixxx/translations/" : success 
Debug [Main]: ConfigObject: Could not read "" 
Debug [Main]: "/usr/share/mixxx/keyboard/es_MX.kbd.cfg"  not found, using 
Warning [Main]: ControlObject::getControl returning NULL for ( "[Channel1]" , 
"vinylcontrol_mode" ) 
Warning [Main]: ControlObject::getControl returning NULL for ( "[Channel2]" , 
"vinylcontrol_mode" ) 
Debug [Main]: JACK client name set 
ALSA lib pcm.c:2239:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM cards.pcm.rear
ALSA lib pcm.c:2239:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM cards.pcm.center_lfe
ALSA lib pcm.c:2239:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM cards.pcm.side
bt_audio_service_open: connect() failed: Conexión rehusada (111)
bt_audio_service_open: connect() failed: Conexión rehusada (111)
bt_audio_service_open: connect() failed: Conexión rehusada (111)
bt_audio_service_open: connect() failed: Conexión rehusada (111)
Cannot connect to server socket err = No existe el archivo o el directorio
Cannot connect to server request channel
jack server is not running or cannot be started
Warning [Main]: ControlObject::getControl returning NULL for ( "[Flanger]" , 
"lfoDepth" ) 
Warning [Main]: ControlObject::getControl returning NULL for ( "[Flanger]" , 
"lfoDelay" ) 
Warning [Main]: ControlObject::getControl returning NULL for ( "[Flanger]" , 
"lfoPeriod" ) 
Debug [Main]: Available QtSQL drivers: ("QSQLITE", "QMYSQL3", "QMYSQL", 
Debug [Main]: DB status: "/home/federico/.mixxx/mixxxdb.sqlite" = true 
Debug [Main]: SchemaManager::upgradeToSchemaVersion already at version 17 
Debug [Main]: TrackDAO::initialize QThread(0x8c35450, name = "Main") 
Debug [Main]: CrateDAO::initialize() 
Debug [Main]: CueDAO::initialize QThread(0x8c35450, name = "Main") 
Debug [Main]: Default quick links: ("/home/federico/Música/", 
"/home/federico/Escritorio/", "/home/federico/Documentos/") 
Debug [Main]: Appending Quick Link:  "Música" --- "/home/federico/Música/" 
Debug [Main]: Appending Quick Link:  "Escritorio" --- 
Debug [Main]: Appending Quick Link:  "Documentos" --- 
Debug [Main]: Creating session history playlist name: "2014-11-29 (6)" 
Debug [Main]: Committing transaction on "qt_sql_default_connection" result: 
Debug [Main]: Traktor Library Location=[ "/home/federico/collection.nml" ] 
Debug [Main]: AnalyserWaveform::AnalyserWaveform() 
Debug [Main]: Setting VAMP_PATH to:  
Debug [Main]: Creating ControllerManager 
Debug [Main]: Extension ".bulk.xml" total 1 presets 
Debug [Main]: Extension ".hid.xml" total 7 presets 
Debug [Main]: Extension ".midi.xml" total 80 presets 
Debug [Main]: Setting VAMP_PATH to:  
Debug [Main]: VampPluginLoader::listPlugins() returned 3 plugins 
Debug [Main]: Plugin output displayname: "mixxxbpmdetection:0" "SoundTouch BPM 
Detector (Legacy)" 
Debug [Main]: Plugin output displayname: "qm-barbeattracker:0" "Bar and Beat 
Debug [Main]: Plugin output displayname: "qm-barbeattracker:1" "Bar and Beat 
Debug [Main]: Plugin output displayname: "qm-barbeattracker:2" "Bar and Beat 
Debug [Main]: Plugin output displayname: "qm-barbeattracker:3" "Bar and Beat 
Debug [Main]: Plugin output displayname: "qm-tempotracker:0" "Queen Mary Tempo 
and Beat Tracker" 
Debug [Main]: Plugin output displayname: "qm-tempotracker:1" "Queen Mary Tempo 
and Beat Tracker" 
Debug [Main]: Plugin output displayname: "qm-tempotracker:2" "Queen Mary Tempo 
and Beat Tracker" 
Debug [Main]: ControllerManager::getControllerList 
Debug [Main]: SoundManager::setupDevices() 
Debug [Main]: SoundDevicePortAudio::open() "0, HDA Intel PCH: ALC269VC Analog 
Debug [Main]: framesPerBuffer: 2048 
Debug [Main]: Requested sample rate:  44100 Hz, latency: 46.4399 ms 
Debug [Main]: Output channels: 0 | Input channels: 1 
Debug [Main]: Opening stream with id 0 
Debug [Main]: Opened PortAudio stream successfully... starting 
Debug [Main]: Dynamically loaded PortAudio library 
Debug [Main]: PortAudio: Started stream successfully 
Debug [Main]:    Actual sample rate:  44100 Hz, latency: 0 ms 
Debug [Main]: SoundDevicePortAudio::open() "2, DJ Control Air: USB Audio 
Debug [Main]: framesPerBuffer: 2048 
Debug [Main]: Requested sample rate:  44100 Hz, latency: 46.4399 ms 
Debug [Main]: Output channels: 4 | Input channels: 0 
Debug [Main]: Opening stream with id 2 
Expression 'r' failed in 'src/hostapi/alsa/pa_linux_alsa.c', line: 2097
Expression 'PaAlsaStreamComponent_FinishConfigure( &self->playback, 
hwParamsPlayback, outParams, self->primeBuffers, realSr, outputLatency )' 
failed in 'src/hostapi/alsa/pa_linux_alsa.c', line: 2738
Expression 'PaAlsaStream_Configure( stream, inputParameters, outputParameters, 
sampleRate, framesPerBuffer, &inputLatency, &outputLatency, &hostBufferSizeMode 
)' failed in 'src/hostapi/alsa/pa_linux_alsa.c', line: 2843
Warning [Main]: Error opening stream: Unanticipated host error 
Debug [Main]: JACK client name set 
ALSA lib pcm.c:2239:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM cards.pcm.rear
ALSA lib pcm.c:2239:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM cards.pcm.center_lfe
ALSA lib pcm.c:2239:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM cards.pcm.side
bt_audio_service_open: connect() failed: Conexión rehusada (111)
bt_audio_service_open: connect() failed: Conexión rehusada (111)
bt_audio_service_open: connect() failed: Conexión rehusada (111)
bt_audio_service_open: connect() failed: Conexión rehusada (111)
Cannot connect to server socket err = No existe el archivo o el directorio
Cannot connect to server request channel
jack server is not running or cannot be started
Debug [Main]: guess the size of the window decoration 
Debug [Main]: DlgPrefVinyl::Apply 
Debug [Main]: in VinylGainSlotApply() with gain: 1 
Debug [Controller]: ControllerManager::getControllerList 
Debug [Main]: JACK client name set 
ALSA lib pcm.c:2239:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM cards.pcm.rear
ALSA lib pcm.c:2239:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM cards.pcm.center_lfe
ALSA lib pcm.c:2239:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM cards.pcm.side
bt_audio_service_open: connect() failed: Conexión rehusada (111)
bt_audio_service_open: connect() failed: Conexión rehusada (111)
bt_audio_service_open: connect() failed: Conexión rehusada (111)
bt_audio_service_open: connect() failed: Conexión rehusada (111)
Cannot connect to server socket err = No existe el archivo o el directorio
Cannot connect to server request channel
jack server is not running or cannot be started
Debug [Main]: SoundManager::setupDevices() 
Debug [Main]: SoundDevicePortAudio::open() "0, HDA Intel PCH: ALC269VC Analog 
Debug [Main]: framesPerBuffer: 2048 
Debug [Main]: Requested sample rate:  44100 Hz, latency: 46.4399 ms 
Debug [Main]: Output channels: 0 | Input channels: 1 
Debug [Main]: Opening stream with id 0 
Debug [Main]: Opened PortAudio stream successfully... starting 
Debug [Main]: Dynamically loaded PortAudio library 
Debug [Main]: PortAudio: Started stream successfully 
Debug [Main]:    Actual sample rate:  44100 Hz, latency: 0 ms 
Debug [Main]: SoundDevicePortAudio::open() "2, DJ Control Air: USB Audio 
Debug [Main]: framesPerBuffer: 2048 
Debug [Main]: Requested sample rate:  44100 Hz, latency: 46.4399 ms 
Debug [Main]: Output channels: 4 | Input channels: 0 
Debug [Main]: Opening stream with id 2 
Debug [Main]: Opened PortAudio stream successfully... starting 
Debug [Main]: Dynamically loaded PortAudio library 
Debug [Main]: PortAudio: Started stream successfully 
Debug [Main]:    Actual sample rate:  44100 Hz, latency: 46.4399 ms 
Debug [Main]: Using "DJ Control Air: USB Audio (hw:1,0)" as output sound device 
clock reference 
Debug [Main]: 1 output sound devices opened 
Debug [Main]: 1 input  sound devices opened 
Debug [Main]: Set root GL Context widget valid: QGLWidget(0x99541d8) true 
Debug [Main]: Created root GL Context valid: 0x99543d0 true 
Debug [Main]: Root GL Context format: 
Debug [Main]: Double Buffering: true 
Debug [Main]: Swap interval: 0 
Debug [Main]: Depth buffer: true 
Debug [Main]: Direct rendering: true 
Debug [Main]: Has overlay: false 
Debug [Main]: RGBA: true 
Debug [Main]: Sample buffers: false 
Debug [Main]: Stencil buffers: true 
Debug [Main]: Stereo: false 
Warning [Main]: ControlObject::getControl returning NULL for ( "[Spinny1]" , 
"show_spinny" ) 
Warning [Main]: Requested control does not exist: "[Spinny1],show_spinny" 
Creating it. 
Warning [Main]: ControlObject::getControl returning NULL for ( "[Spinny2]" , 
"show_spinny" ) 
Warning [Main]: Requested control does not exist: "[Spinny2],show_spinny" 
Creating it. 
Warning [Main]: ControlObject::getControl returning NULL for ( "[Samplers]" , 
"show_samplers" ) 
Warning [Main]: Requested control does not exist: "[Samplers],show_samplers" 
Creating it. 
Warning [Main]: ControlObject::getControl returning NULL for ( "[Vinylcontrol]" 
, "show_vinylcontrol" ) 
Warning [Main]: Requested control does not exist: 
"[Vinylcontrol],show_vinylcontrol" Creating it. 
Warning [Main]: ControlObject::getControl returning NULL for ( "[PreviewDeck]" 
, "show_previewdeck" ) 
Warning [Main]: Requested control does not exist: 
"[PreviewDeck],show_previewdeck" Creating it. 
Debug [Main]: Invalid node name in skin: "manifest" 
Debug [Main]: Making property binder for "visible" 
Warning [Main]: WaveformSignalColors::fallBackFromSignalColor - skin do not 
provide low/mid/high signal colors 
Warning [Main]: ControlObject::getControl returning NULL for ( "[Sampler1]" , 
"" ) 
Warning [Main]: WaveformSignalColors::fallBackFromSignalColor - skin do not 
provide low/mid/high signal colors 
Warning [Main]: ControlObject::getControl returning NULL for ( "[Sampler2]" , 
"" ) 
Warning [Main]: WaveformSignalColors::fallBackFromSignalColor - skin do not 
provide low/mid/high signal colors 
Warning [Main]: ControlObject::getControl returning NULL for ( "[Sampler3]" , 
"" ) 
Warning [Main]: WaveformSignalColors::fallBackFromSignalColor - skin do not 
provide low/mid/high signal colors 
Warning [Main]: ControlObject::getControl returning NULL for ( "[Sampler4]" , 
"" ) 
Debug [Main]: Making property binder for "visible" 
Warning [Main]: ControlObject::getControl returning NULL for ( "[PreviewDeck1]" 
, "" ) 
Debug [Main]: Recordings folder set to "/home/federico/Música/Mixxx/Recordings" 
Debug [Main]: BaseTrackCache(0x9296ef0) updateIndexWithQuery took 64 ms 
Debug [Main]: PrepareLibraryTableModel(0xa402510) select() took 103 ms 
Debug [Main]: PrepareLibraryTableModel(0xa402510) select() took 37 ms 
Debug [Main]: DlgPrepare(0xa3d1668, name = "DlgPrepare") analysisActive false 
Debug [Main]: Making property binder for "visible" 
Debug [Main]: Making property binder for "visible" 
Debug [Main]: WSpinny(): Created QGLWidget, Context Valid: true Sharing: true 
Debug [Main]: Created QGLWidget. Context Valid: true Sharing: true 
Warning [Main]: WaveformSignalColors::fallBackFromSignalColor - skin do not 
provide low/mid/high signal colors 
Warning [Main]: ControlObject::getControl returning NULL for ( "[Channel1]" , 
"" ) 
Debug [Main]: WaveformWidgetFactory::setWaveformWidget - waveform widget added 
in factory, index 0 
Debug [Main]: Created QGLWidget. Context Valid: true Sharing: true 
Warning [Main]: WaveformSignalColors::fallBackFromSignalColor - skin do not 
provide low/mid/high signal colors 
Warning [Main]: ControlObject::getControl returning NULL for ( "[Channel2]" , 
"" ) 
Debug [Main]: WaveformWidgetFactory::setWaveformWidget - waveform widget added 
in factory, index 1 
Debug [Main]: Making property binder for "visible" 
Debug [Main]: WSpinny(): Created QGLWidget, Context Valid: true Sharing: true 
Debug [Main]: Making property binder for "visible" 
Warning [Main]: WaveformSignalColors::fallBackFromSignalColor - skin do not 
provide low/mid/high signal colors 
Warning [Main]: ControlObject::getControl returning NULL for ( "[Channel1]" , 
"" ) 
Warning [Main]: WaveformSignalColors::fallBackFromSignalColor - skin do not 
provide low/mid/high signal colors 
Warning [Main]: ControlObject::getControl returning NULL for ( "[Channel2]" , 
"" ) 
Warning [Main]: ControlObject::getControl returning NULL for ( "[Microphone]" , 
"show_microphone" ) 
Debug [Main]: MixxxLibraryFeature::activate() 
Debug [Main]: LibraryTableModel(0x92acd48) select() took 50 ms 
Debug [Main]: WSearchLineEdit::restoreSearch( "" ) 
Debug [Controller]: ControllerManager: Setting up devices 
Debug [Controller]: Scanning PortMIDI devices: 
Debug [Main]: Constructed LibraryScanner 
Debug [Main]: iTunes Album Art path is: "" 
Debug [Main]: Displaying mixxx 
Debug [Controller]:  Found output device # 2 DJ Control Air MIDI 1 
Debug [Controller]:  Found input device # 3 DJ Control Air MIDI 1 
Debug [Controller]:     Linking to output device # 2 "DJ Control Air MIDI 1" 
Debug [Controller]: Scanning USB Bulk devices: 
Debug [Controller]: Scanning HID devices: 
Debug [Controller]: Found 0x0 0x0 "r256" S/N 0x0 "Interface 0" 
Warning [Controller]: USB permissions problem (or device error.) Your account 
needs write access to USB HID controllers. 
Debug [Controller]: ControllerManager::getControllerList 
Debug [Controller]: Loading controller preset from 
Debug [Controller]: "DJ" settings found 
Debug [Controller]: MidiControllerPresetFileHandler: Input mapping parsing 
Debug [Controller]: MidiPresetFileHandler: Output mapping parsing complete. 
Debug [Controller]: Opening controller: "DJ Control Air MIDI 1" 
Debug [Controller]: Controller in script engine is: "DJ Control Air MIDI 1" 
Debug [Controller]: Applying controller preset... 
Debug [Controller]: ControllerEngine: Loading & evaluating all script code 
Debug [Controller]: ControllerEngine: Watching JS File: 
Debug [Controller]: ControllerEngine: Loading 
Debug [Controller]: ControllerEngine: Watching JS File: 
Debug [Controller]: ControllerEngine: Loading 
Warning [Controller]: ControllerEngine: No "" object in script 
Debug [Controller]: Connection: "[Channel1]" "beat_active" 
Debug [Controller]: Connection: "[Channel1]" "play" 
Debug [Controller]: Connection: "[Channel2]" "beat_active" 
Debug [Controller]: Connection: "[Channel2]" "play" 
Debug [Controller]: Controller polling started. 
Debug [Main]: resize QSize(1366, 726) 
Debug [Main]: Running Mixxx 
Debug [Main]: ControllerManager::getControllerList 
Warning [Main]: WaveformRenderBackground::generateImage() - file( 
"/usr/share/mixxx/skins/LateNight1366x768-WXGA/style/style_bg_waveform1.png" ) 
1050 x 72 do not fit the waveform widget size 859 x 74 
Warning [Main]: WaveformRenderBackground::generateImage() - file( 
"/usr/share/mixxx/skins/LateNight1366x768-WXGA/style/style_bg_waveform2.png" ) 
1050 x 74 do not fit the waveform widget size 859 x 74 
Debug [Controller]: Not a function 
Debug [Controller]: Not a function 
Debug [Controller]: Not a function 
Debug [Controller]: Not a function 
Debug [Controller]: Not a function 
Debug [Controller]: Not a function 
Debug [Controller]: Not a function 
Debug [Controller]: Not a function 
Debug [Controller]: Not a function 
Debug [Controller]: Not a function 
Debug [Controller]: Not a function 
Debug [Controller]: Not a function 
Debug [Controller]: Not a function 
Debug [Controller]: Not a function 
Debug [Controller]: Not a function 
Debug [Controller]: Not a function 
Debug [Controller]: Not a function 
Debug [Controller]: Not a function 
Debug [Main]: New BeatGrid 
Debug [Main]: Successfully deserialized BeatGrid 
Debug [Main]: m_sTracks.count() = 1 
Debug [AnalyserQueue 1]: Prioritizing "Reflekt - Need To Feel Loved (Adam K _ 
Soha Vocal Mix) FULL" "/home/federico/Música/Electronicos/Progressive 
Trance/Reflekt - Need To Feel Loved (Adam K _ Soha Vocal Mix) FULL .mp3" 
Debug [AnalyserQueue 1]: Analyzing "Reflekt - Need To Feel Loved (Adam K _ Soha 
Vocal Mix) FULL" "/home/federico/Música/Electronicos/Progressive Trance/Reflekt 
- Need To Feel Loved (Adam K _ Soha Vocal Mix) FULL .mp3" 
Debug [AnalyserQueue 1]: AnalysisDAO fetched 2 analyses, 3149508 bytes for 
track 11 in 41 ms 
Debug [AnalyserQueue 1]: Reading waveform from byte array: allSignalSize 348964 
visualSampleRate 441 audioVisualRatio 100 
Debug [AnalyserQueue 1]: Reading waveform from byte array: allSignalSize 3842 
visualSampleRate 4.85277 audioVisualRatio 9087.6 
Debug [AnalyserQueue 1]: AnalyserWaveform::loadStored - Stored waveform loaded 
Debug [AnalyserQueue 1]: Beat sub-version has not changed since previous 
analysis so not analyzing. 
Debug [AnalyserQueue 1]: Beat calculation will not start 
Debug [AnalyserQueue 1]: Skipping track analysis because no analyzer 
PortMidi call failed...
  PortMidi: `Invalid MIDI message Data'
type ENTER...
Violación de segmento (`core' generado)

Can be that the libportmidi in ubuntu is not fixed for now? How i can know that?
Should i install the debian libportmidi package instead? I cant because the 
ubuntu package is higher than debian package.
Should i wait?


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  PortMIDI is compiled in debug mode which calls exit() instead of
  handling errors gracefully.

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