Do you just use the .pot files from kde-3.5.4 or do you generate new .pot files for Ubuntu's kopete backport? If you do the latter and just import the exisitng translation of kdenetwork-3.5.4, this could cause some trouble with the upstream translation teams.
Kopete-0.12.2 has been backported to kde 3.5.5 and the upstream translation teams are already translating the missing strings (about 350). If you make your own backport at this moment, you will have about 350 untranslated strings in Rosetta too. This will cause doubled work (Ubuntu and Upstream) and also cause a fork of Kopete's translation in Rosetta. I see two possible soultions for this issue: 1. Just use the existing translation (.pot and .po) of kdenetwork-3.5.4 and accept that there are missing strings. This is of course not very elegant and not really a solution. 2. Delay the generation of kopete-0.12.2 .pot files, announce the problem to the upstream translators (kde-i18n-doc) and ask them to provide translations soon. kdenetwork-3.5.5 with kopete 0.12.2 inculuded will be tagged about October 1st. So give the upstream translators some time to provide translations and import this translations (although for kde-3.5.5 should match exactly) together with .pots. This procedure will prevent unnecessary translation work and unwanted forks and also shows that Ubuntu really cooperates with upstream :) -- no kopete translations in edgy -- ubuntu-bugs mailing list