Find attached "apport" dump.

** Attachment added: "Apport bug report crash dump"

** Description changed:

  This is in inkscape 0.44-1ubuntu1, when trying to save a file
  First I encountered the message "error accessing
  'file:///home/oem/drawing.svg': File not found", and clicked ok.
  The current folder is blank (an unusual state), and I then just typed
  "test" in the filename box (with append default extension ticked by
  default), and then  hit save.
  Then inkscape died and apport took over.
  So to reproduce:
  * With a relatively fresh Edgy Install  (alternate, OEM)
  * Install Inkscape
  * Open Inkscape
  * Add at least one element (otherwise you wont be able to save it)
+ * Click save (in menu or toolbar, doesn't matter)
  * Click ok when you see the above message.
  * Type any name into the Name box
  * Click Save

Crash saving file in edgy

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