On Mon, Sep 04, 2006 at 12:16:53PM -0000, Nick Chalk wrote:
> I've been experiencing the same problem, with Ubuntu and XUbuntu 6.06.1.
> The server is Debian Sarge, with a stable, working OpenLDAP
> installation, using TLS.
> I've come across a work-around, though. If /etc/nsswitch.conf is set up
> with the entries like this...
> passwd:     files ldap
> group:        files ldap
> shadow:     files ldap
> ...then you can log in. The other way round (ldap files) hangs.

That may work; however, it means that one can no longer override data in
files with data that is published in LDAP. This is not what I want.

Wouter Verhelst
Louizastraat 14, 2800 Mechelen
T: +32 15 27 69 50 / F: +32 15 27 69 51 / M: +32 486 836 198

pam_ldap and gdm have issues

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