I've now tried out the DataTraveler on two other machines running
Ubuntu, one 5.10 and another 6.06.  The problem occurs on both machines,
though the one running 5.10 seems to be rather quicker to recognise the
device as automountable.  Typically it takes 45 seconds to a minute or
two to get round to mounting it.  6.06 can take long enough to go to
town, have three coffees while reading the paper, do some

A further quirk is that on the system running 5.10, if I first insert
the Kingston DataTraveler I normally get the 'looping' behaviour.  If I
insert another, generic, USB flash drive, not only does that mount
normally but the Kingston device nearly always mounts *immediately*
afterwards.  This does not seem to work on the 6.06 system...

However, the problem may be to do with the quirks of the Kingston
DataTraveler with the U3 feature that shows up as an external CD drive.
This is preloaded with applications (for Windows) to allow you to (for
example) take your own copy of Firefox with you from machine to machine.
Is there perhaps a problem with a single physical device that announces
itself as two logical ones?  Are we looking at hardware or bios quirks
here?  I do know that the device behaves fine with my Windows 2000

I'm considering removing the U3 feature from the drive and reformatting
it as a standard VFAT device to see if this helps.  (However, this is a
onetime operation, once the U3 pseudo CD has been removed it is not user

Suggestions please!

Mounting my USB drive take long

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