After a clean boot (no hacks or work-arounds applied), this is the output of 
"crm configure show"
node gswhdesv01-nfs2
node ixlhdesv01-nfs1
primitive resCLVMd ocf:lvm2:clvmd \
        params daemon_timeout="100" \
        op start interval="0" timeout="90s" \
        op stop interval="0" timeout="100s"
primitive resDLM ocf:pacemaker:controld \
        params daemon="dlm_controld" \
        op monitor interval="120s" \
        op start interval="0" timeout="90s" \
        op stop interval="0" timeout="100s"
primitive resFidoData ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem \
        params device="/dev/VGshared00/lvFidoData" 
directory="/opt/hogarth/FidoData" fstype="gfs2" \
        op monitor interval="14s" timeout="40" \
        op start interval="0" timeout="60" \
        op stop interval="0" timeout="60" \
        meta resource-stickiness="20"
primitive resGFSD ocf:pacemaker:controld \
        params daemon="gfs_controld" args="" \
        op monitor interval="120s" \
        op start interval="0" timeout="90s" \
        op stop interval="0" timeout="100s"
primitive resGFSNFSmeta ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem \
        params device="/dev/VGshared00/NFSmetadata" 
directory="/opt/hogarth/NFSmetadata" fstype="gfs2" \
        op monitor interval="14s" timeout="40" \
        op start interval="0" timeout="60" \
        op stop interval="0" timeout="60" \
        meta resource-stickiness="30" target-role="Started"
primitive resSQLBckp ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem \
        params device="/dev/VGshared00/lvSQLBckp" 
directory="/opt/hogarth/SQLBckp" fstype="gfs2" \
        op monitor interval="14s" timeout="40" \
        op start interval="0" timeout="60" \
        op stop interval="0" timeout="60" \
        meta resource-stickiness="25"
primitive resVGshared00 ocf:heartbeat:LVM \
        params volgrpname="VGshared00" \
        op monitor interval="10" timeout="50" depth="0" \
        op start interval="0" timeout="P140S" \
        op stop interval="0" timeout="P40S" \
        meta resource-stickiness="10" target-role="Started" is-managed="true"
primitive stonith_sbd stonith:external/sbd \
        params sbd_device="/dev/mapper/HSBC-NFS-STORAGE-part1"
clone cloneCLVMd resCLVMd \
        meta globally-unique="false" target-role="Started" interleave="true"
clone cloneDLM resDLM \
        meta globally-unique="false" target-role="Started" interleave="true"
clone cloneFidoData resFidoData \
        meta interleave="true" ordered="true" target-role="Started"
clone cloneGFSD resGFSD \
        meta globally-unique="false" interleave="true" target-role="Started"
clone cloneSQLBckp resSQLBckp \
        meta interleave="true" ordered="true" target-role="Started"
clone cstonith_sbd stonith_sbd \
        meta globally-unique="false" target-role="Started" interleave="true"
colocation colGFSDDLM inf: cloneGFSD cloneDLM
colocation colGFSFidoData inf: cloneFidoData cloneGFSD
colocation colGFSSQLBckp inf: cloneSQLBckp cloneGFSD
order ordDLMGFSD 0: cloneDLM cloneGFSD
order ordLVMgfs 1: resVGshared00 cloneGFSD
property $id="cib-bootstrap-options" \
        dc-version="1.1.6-9971ebba4494012a93c03b40a2c58ec0eb60f50c" \
        cluster-infrastructure="cman" \
        expected-quorum-votes="2" \
        stonith-enabled="false" \

This is a piece from "/var/log/syslog" at the time of boot
Nov 22 13:54:09 ixlhdesv01-nfs1 LVM[3841]: INFO: Deactivating volume group 
Nov 22 13:54:09 ixlhdesv01-nfs1 LVM[3841]: ERROR: activation/monitoring=0 is 
incompatible with clustered Volume Group "VGshared00": Skipping.

This is the output of "pvs -vv" from node1
      Setting global/locking_type to 3
      Setting global/wait_for_locks to 1
      Cluster locking selected.
      report/aligned not found in config: defaulting to 1
      report/buffered not found in config: defaulting to 1
      report/headings not found in config: defaulting to 1
      report/separator not found in config: defaulting to  
      report/prefixes not found in config: defaulting to 0
      report/quoted not found in config: defaulting to 1
      report/columns_as_rows not found in config: defaulting to 0
      report/pvs_sort not found in config: defaulting to pv_name
      report/pvs_cols_verbose not found in config: defaulting to 
      Locking VG P_#global CR (VG) (0x1)
    Scanning for physical volume names
      /dev/ram0: No label detected
      /dev/ram1: No label detected
      /dev/sda1: No label detected
      /dev/ram2: No label detected
      /dev/sda2: No label detected
      /dev/ram3: No label detected
      /dev/sda3: lvm2 label detected
      /dev/ram4: No label detected
      /dev/ram5: No label detected
      /dev/ram6: No label detected
      /dev/dm-6: No label detected
      /dev/ram7: No label detected
      /dev/ram8: No label detected
      /dev/dm-8: lvm2 label detected
      /dev/ram9: No label detected
      /dev/dm-9: lvm2 label detected
      /dev/ram10: No label detected
      /dev/dm-10: lvm2 label detected
      /dev/ram11: No label detected
      /dev/ram12: No label detected
      /dev/ram13: No label detected
      /dev/ram14: No label detected
      /dev/ram15: No label detected
      Locking VG V_VGshared00 CR (VG) (0x1)
      /dev/dm-8: size is 3579145535 sectors
      Locking VG V_VGshared00 UN (VG) (0x6)
      Locking VG V_VGshared00 CR (VG) (0x1)
      /dev/dm-9: size is 3579145535 sectors
      Locking VG V_VGshared00 UN (VG) (0x6)
      Locking VG V_VGshared00 CR (VG) (0x1)
      /dev/dm-10: size is 3579145535 sectors
      Locking VG V_VGshared00 UN (VG) (0x6)
      Locking VG V_VG00 CR (VG) (0x1)
      /dev/sda3: size is 973940736 sectors
      Locking VG V_VG00 UN (VG) (0x6)
      Locking VG P_#global UN (VG) (0x6)
  PV         VG         Fmt  Attr PSize   PFree   DevSize PV UUID
  /dev/dm-10 VGshared00 lvm2 a-     1.67t      0    1.67t 
  /dev/dm-8  VGshared00 lvm2 a-     1.67t   1.02t   1.67t 
  /dev/dm-9  VGshared00 lvm2 a-     1.67t      0    1.67t 
  /dev/sda3  VG00       lvm2 a-   464.41g 136.60g 464.41g 

This is the output from "vgs -vv" from node 1
      Setting global/locking_type to 3
      Setting global/wait_for_locks to 1
      Cluster locking selected.
      report/aligned not found in config: defaulting to 1
      report/buffered not found in config: defaulting to 1
      report/headings not found in config: defaulting to 1
      report/separator not found in config: defaulting to  
      report/prefixes not found in config: defaulting to 0
      report/quoted not found in config: defaulting to 1
      report/columns_as_rows not found in config: defaulting to 0
      report/vgs_sort not found in config: defaulting to vg_name
      report/vgs_cols_verbose not found in config: defaulting to 
    Finding all volume groups
      /dev/ram0: No label detected
      /dev/ram1: No label detected
      /dev/sda1: No label detected
      /dev/ram2: No label detected
      /dev/sda2: No label detected
      /dev/ram3: No label detected
      /dev/sda3: lvm2 label detected
      /dev/ram4: No label detected
      /dev/ram5: No label detected
      /dev/ram6: No label detected
      /dev/dm-6: No label detected
      /dev/ram7: No label detected
      /dev/ram8: No label detected
      /dev/dm-8: lvm2 label detected
      /dev/ram9: No label detected
      /dev/dm-9: lvm2 label detected
      /dev/ram10: No label detected
      /dev/dm-10: lvm2 label detected
      /dev/ram11: No label detected
      /dev/ram12: No label detected
      /dev/ram13: No label detected
      /dev/ram14: No label detected
      /dev/ram15: No label detected
    Finding volume group "VGshared00"
      Locking VG V_VGshared00 CR (VG) (0x1)
      /dev/dm-8: lvm2 label detected
      /dev/dm-9: lvm2 label detected
      /dev/dm-10: lvm2 label detected
      Locking VG V_VGshared00 UN (VG) (0x6)
    Finding volume group "VG00"
      Locking VG V_VG00 CR (VG) (0x1)
      /dev/sda3: lvm2 label detected
      /dev/dm-9: lvm2 label detected
      /dev/dm-8: lvm2 label detected
      /dev/dm-10: lvm2 label detected
      Locking VG V_VG00 UN (VG) (0x6)
  VG         Attr   Ext   #PV #LV #SN VSize   VFree   VG UUID
  VG00       wz--n- 4.00m   1   6   0 464.41g 136.60g 
  VGshared00 wz--nc 4.00m   3   3   0   5.00t   1.02t 

This is the output from "lvs -vv" on node 1
      Setting global/locking_type to 3
      Setting global/wait_for_locks to 1
      Cluster locking selected.
      report/aligned not found in config: defaulting to 1
      report/buffered not found in config: defaulting to 1
      report/headings not found in config: defaulting to 1
      report/separator not found in config: defaulting to
      report/prefixes not found in config: defaulting to 0
      report/quoted not found in config: defaulting to 1
      report/columns_as_rows not found in config: defaulting to 0
      report/lvs_sort not found in config: defaulting to vg_name,lv_name
      report/lvs_cols_verbose not found in config: defaulting to 
    Finding all logical volumes
      /dev/ram0: No label detected
      /dev/ram1: No label detected
      /dev/sda1: No label detected
      /dev/ram2: No label detected
      /dev/sda2: No label detected
      /dev/ram3: No label detected
      /dev/sda3: lvm2 label detected
      /dev/ram4: No label detected
      /dev/ram5: No label detected
      /dev/ram6: No label detected
      /dev/dm-6: No label detected
      /dev/ram7: No label detected
      /dev/ram8: No label detected
      /dev/dm-8: lvm2 label detected
      /dev/ram9: No label detected
      /dev/dm-9: lvm2 label detected
      /dev/ram10: No label detected
      /dev/dm-10: lvm2 label detected
      /dev/ram11: No label detected
      /dev/ram12: No label detected
      /dev/ram13: No label detected
      /dev/ram14: No label detected
      /dev/ram15: No label detected
      Locking VG V_VGshared00 CR (VG) (0x1)
      /dev/dm-8: lvm2 label detected
      /dev/dm-9: lvm2 label detected
      /dev/dm-10: lvm2 label detected
      Locking VG V_VGshared00 UN (VG) (0x6)
      Locking VG V_VG00 CR (VG) (0x1)
      /dev/sda3: lvm2 label detected
      /dev/dm-9: lvm2 label detected
      /dev/dm-8: lvm2 label detected
      /dev/dm-10: lvm2 label detected
      Locking VG V_VG00 UN (VG) (0x6)
  LV          VG         #Seg Attr   LSize   Maj Min KMaj KMin Origin Snap%  
Move Copy%  Log Convert LV UUID
  home        VG00          1 -wi-ao  37.25g  -1  -1 252  2                     
  opt         VG00          1 -wi-ao 111.76g  -1  -1 252  1                     
  root        VG00          1 -wi-ao  37.25g  -1  -1 252  0                     
  swap        VG00          1 -wi-ao  29.80g  -1  -1 252  5                     
  tmp         VG00          1 -wi-ao  74.50g  -1  -1 252  4                     
  var         VG00          1 -wi-ao  37.25g  -1  -1 252  3                     
  NFSmetadata VGshared00    1 -wi--- 120.00m  -1  -1 -1   -1                    
  lvFidoData  VGshared00    2 -wi---   2.00t  -1  -1 -1   -1                    
  lvSQLBckp   VGshared00    2 -wi---   1.98t  -1  -1 -1   -1                    

To me this looks incredibly similar to this issue in bug 833368. Do you agree?

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Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu.

  clustered lvm commands fail with "activation/monitoring=0 is
  incompatible with clustered Volume Group" error

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