Launchpad has imported 38 comments from the remote bug at
If you reply to an imported comment from within Launchpad, your comment will be sent to the remote bug automatically. Read more about Launchpad's inter-bugtracker facilities at ------------------------------------------------------------------------ On 2005-05-09T21:26:08+00:00 1uf1w-alexander-sd4cm wrote: Version: 2.4 (using KDE KDE 3.4.0) Installed from: Gentoo Packages Compiler: gcc 3.4.3 OS: Linux I use CTRL-D a lot to comment blocks of Perl code. It simply places "# " (a pound sign and a space) at the head of each highlighted line. When I have static word wrap turned on, any lines that are within two characters of hitting the wrap limit have their last word moved to a new line (they're pushed by the two new characters). That's all fine and dandy, but the problem is that the new line _is not commented_. Which means the code doesn't compile and I have to go searching for the problem. Reply at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ On 2005-05-09T22:30:21+00:00 Anders Lund wrote: Monday 09 May 2005 21:26 skrev Xan Charbonnet: > I use CTRL-D a lot to comment blocks of Perl code. It simply places "# " > (a pound sign and a space) at the head of each highlighted line. Yes, as perl does not have multiline comment markers (don't suggest 'podding it out', it's something different ;) ) > When I have static word wrap turned on, any lines that are within two > characters of hitting the wrap limit have their last word moved to a new > line (they're pushed by the two new characters). That's all fine and > dandy, but the problem is that the new line _is not commented_. Which > means the code doesn't compile and I have to go searching for the problem. Right, that is a problem. Reply at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ On 2005-05-10T19:01:24+00:00 1uf1w-alexander-sd4cm wrote: It would also be nice if, upon uncommenting with CTRL-SHIFT-D, the new line's contents went back to the end of the old line. That's probably more of a wishlist thing though. Reply at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ On 2005-05-10T21:06:12+00:00 Anders Lund wrote: Tuesday 10 May 2005 19:01 skrev Xan Charbonnet: > It would also be nice if, upon uncommenting with CTRL-SHIFT-D, the new > line's contents went back to the end of the old line. That's probably more > of a wishlist thing though. Yes :-) Reply at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ On 2007-12-10T19:56:57+00:00 Thomas Friedrichsmeier wrote: *** Bug 125123 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. *** Reply at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ On 2007-12-10T20:01:28+00:00 Thomas Friedrichsmeier wrote: This does not only apply to perl. It's a general problem (at least for languages without multiline comments). Hence retitling. Also confirming this for both KDE 3.5.8 and KDE 4. Reply at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ On 2007-12-11T02:15:03+00:00 Thomas Friedrichsmeier wrote: *** Bug 139892 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. *** Reply at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ On 2009-03-17T11:48:21+00:00 Alessandro Rossini wrote: I can confirm the bug for: Version: 3.2.1 (using KDE 4.2.1) Installed from: Kubuntu Intrepid 8.10 This bug is four years old now, and it is quite annoying since it regards many languages. Any chance to see it fixed? Best regards. Reply at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ On 2009-06-05T00:10:29+00:00 Dhaumann wrote: *** Bug 185110 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. *** Reply at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ On 2009-07-24T23:37:19+00:00 Thomas Braun wrote: *** Bug 201322 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. *** Reply at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ On 2010-04-03T09:58:33+00:00 mokabar wrote: i hope, it won't take another 5 years to fix this. Reply at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ On 2010-06-05T14:06:28+00:00 Michel Ludwig wrote: *** Bug 240610 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. *** Reply at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ On 2010-06-05T14:07:19+00:00 Michel Ludwig wrote: *** Bug 240790 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. *** Reply at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ On 2010-07-03T19:55:16+00:00 Michel Ludwig wrote: *** Bug 243345 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. *** Reply at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ On 2010-07-04T23:23:31+00:00 Dhaumann wrote: *** Bug 170881 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. *** Reply at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ On 2010-07-04T23:24:34+00:00 Dhaumann wrote: *** Bug 243443 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. *** Reply at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ On 2010-08-27T17:38:01+00:00 Michel Ludwig wrote: *** Bug 248766 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. *** Reply at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ On 2011-04-19T18:51:13+00:00 Yngve-levinsen wrote: So this bug is now 6 years old and no one is picking it up? :( It is annoying for me when I use Kile and static word wrap, which is my preferred setup. If I use dynamic word wrap then it makes a problem for svn/git and friends because you have so few lines so the chance that several authors edited the same line is high. Would really appreciate this being improved! Reply at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ On 2011-06-10T14:21:11+00:00 Yngve-levinsen wrote: Created attachment 60859 patch that I believe fixes this bug? I managed to get annoyed enough that I had a look at the source code. Static word wrap is very practical when you keep your code in a revision control system to reduce merge conflicts, but this bug made it very unpractical for at least latex editing (using Kile). I wrote a small patch which at least when I tested it seemed to work. Then again, I realize that the code has dependencies right and left being a tool for so many other programs, so perhaps I with this patch break something else. Please review. Reply at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ On 2011-06-10T17:45:23+00:00 Dhaumann wrote: As a workaround this works. However, if you edit the comment then at some places it will immediately break, and you still run into the problem. But still, this is better than nothing imo. Reply at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ On 2011-06-10T17:47:07+00:00 Dhaumann wrote: As a workaround this works. However, if you edit the comment then at some places it will immediately break, and you still run into the problem. But still, this is better than nothing imo. Reply at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ On 2011-06-10T19:13:41+00:00 Yngve-levinsen wrote: That is true. My current gripe is when I want to comment out a paragraph (or several), and use ctrl+d on a marked set of text. It is not always that I note immediately that one or several lines went "overboard". If I am editing a comment and it does a linebreak I will notice at least (or so I believe). I believe this workaround solves the first situation. I know it is not a perfect patch, and you as experienced developers might have a better idea. This is in fact my first patch to KDE :) Reply at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ On 2011-06-10T19:55:59+00:00 Dhaumann wrote: What we could do is: never wrap single line comments. This however is currently not possible, as we don't have a flag in the highlighting system that tells us whether it's a single or multiline comment. Reply at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ On 2011-06-10T20:26:53+00:00 Thomasdn wrote: 2011/6/10 Dominik Haumann <>: > What we could do is: never wrap single line comments. Or just break it, but add another % in the front of the next line. Isn't this what most other editors/IDEs do? Like, say, Eclipse. Med venlig hilsen/Kind regards Thomas Damgaard Nielsen Reply at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ On 2011-06-11T01:35:42+00:00 Yngve-levinsen wrote: @Thomas I think that is a better solution, absolutely. I just didn't know how to do that since I am not yet very familiar with the source... Reply at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ On 2011-06-11T09:46:39+00:00 Michel Ludwig wrote: *** Bug 274545 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. *** Reply at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ On 2011-06-11T10:45:03+00:00 Dhaumann wrote: Unfortunately it's more complex. Simply inserting e.g. a '%' for wrapped lines does not work if you edit a line as follows: % text text text text text text text text text text text Assume, we wrap in the next column. Insert a word as follows: % word text text text text text text text text text text text Insert another words: % word word text text text text text text text text text text text And so on: % word word word word word word text text text text text text text text text text text In other words: Kate adds the text to be wrapped to the already wrapped text. Now apply your solution, you'd get: % word text text text text text text text text text text % text Another word: % word word text text text text text text text text text % text % text And so on: % word word word word word word text text text text text % text % text % text % text % text % text This is not what you want. Without the smart concatenation, you'd get: % word word word word word word text text text text text % text % text % text % text % text % text Also not what you want. This is btw the reason why it's not fixed. Because it's not that simple. Or maybe a good solution for all cases does not even exist. Reply at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ On 2011-06-11T11:21:27+00:00 Yngve-levinsen wrote: @Dominik good point, which I did not think about. I guess you'd somehow need to treat the comment character (+ whitespaces) as a separate column entity and then the wrapped text would need to start after the comment character. I also realized another difference between my proposed patch and what Thomas suggested. If you comment out a paragraph and then uncomment it again, you are back at the same line count if you do what I propose, since you just halt the word wrap when commenting. If you break the lines when commenting you get some lines with one word. Reply at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ On 2011-06-11T13:37:40+00:00 Dhaumann wrote: Yes, that's why I think the patch you propose in comment #18 is a very good one as workaround. @ comment #27 part b) Yes, another reason for just applying this patch. We (some Kate developers) once had a discussion about static word wrap. And essentially it's probably impossible to always get it right for the user (keep the smart wrapping in mind explained in comment #26). That's the reason why it right now simply wraps, and that's it. Christoph, ok to commit the patch? Reply at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ On 2011-06-11T20:21:43+00:00 Thomasdn wrote: 2011/6/11 Dominik Haumann <>: > We (some Kate developers) once had a discussion about static word wrap. And > essentially it's probably impossible to always get it right for the user (keep > the smart wrapping in mind explained in comment #26). That's the reason why it > right now simply wraps, and that's it. Impossible? Really? Then, how come other editors can get this right? Eclipse and Vim comes to mind. I am almost sure that I remember seing Emacs doing this right also. Med venlig hilsen/Kind regards Thomas Damgaard Nielsen Reply at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ On 2011-06-11T20:33:05+00:00 Alvaro-aguilera wrote: >This is not what you want. Without the smart concatenation, you'd get: >% word word word word word word text text text text text >% text >% text >% text >% text >% text >% text that would be an acceptable solution for me. it's not perfect, but _way_ better than it currently is. Reply at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ On 2011-06-14T19:26:53+00:00 Yngve-levinsen wrote: Just to add, this is how I believe the logic of the static word wrap for a complete solution should be: - when commenting/uncommenting lines, suspend static word wrap. - when word wrap: - if current line is a comment line: - if next line has comment character at same indentation, push last word from current line to after the comment character (+ whitespace) of next line. - else, push last word from current line to next line, keep indendation, add comment character (+ whitespace) at the beginning of that line. Such logic would be how I'd expect it to work at least (and I realize that others might be of a different opinion). I think it is perfectly possible to implement, and should not have any of the problems mentioned in comment #26. Reply at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ On 2011-07-17T11:22:53+00:00 Jonas wrote: Hi, can we expect this in the next version? I just want to add that for me as a kile-user, it doesn't matter so much if it is the basic variant of the patch, or the more sophisticated one described in #31. It is just that I sometimes want to comment large parts of a document (like several chapters), and with the current implementation that means that I have to scroll through to check for wrapped lines each time. The problem of editing comments is really a comparatively minor one, so the behaviour in this case doesn't matter so much. Thus, instead of searching for a perfect solution, I suggest just including the simple one. Reply at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ On 2011-07-17T19:34:23+00:00 Dhaumann wrote: Git commit 30c06cf383d0fbc8ebdc125fc180dc90b4af7738 by Dominik Haumann. Committed on 17/07/2011 at 21:32. Pushed by dhaumann into branch 'master'. prevent word wrap from breaking comments CCBUG: 105373 M +6 -0 part/document/katedocument.cpp Reply at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ On 2011-07-17T19:35:08+00:00 Dhaumann wrote: Git commit 682fa5ac9376bf5cd6e556259d531c895a31172c by Dominik Haumann. Committed on 17/07/2011 at 21:32. Pushed by dhaumann into branch 'KDE/4.7'. prevent word wrap from breaking comments CCBUG: 105373 M +6 -0 part/document/katedocument.cpp Reply at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ On 2011-07-17T19:38:29+00:00 Dhaumann wrote: Workaround from commment #18 committed for KDE 4.7. This works quite well. The basic problem when manually editing this comment still exists so far. Comment #31 suggests further solution, but this also not always works. Example: /// doxygen comment /// some text ... doxygen list: /// - bla bla bla bla bla bla bla /// - foo foo foo Wrapping bla would lead to /// doxygen comment /// some text ... doxygen list: /// - bla bla bla bla bla bla bla /// bla - foo foo foo Hence, the list would be wrongly interpreted. In other words, since this also does not solve the issue to 100%, I'm against implementing this. Reply at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ On 2011-07-18T07:54:10+00:00 Yngve-levinsen wrote: @Dominik Ah, that one I had not thought of! I checked how static word wrap is done without comments, and then it seems to solve the issue you mention. I guess by reusing the "normal" static word wrap logic, with some added logic to treat the comments as a separate entity would work at least as well as static word wrap without comments.. Or? Then again I don't know enough about Kate (or programming in general) to know how difficult it would be to implement. This bug being open for now 6 years tells me it is probably not an easy matter.. :) Happy to hear my patch made it into KDE, a small feat for me to have my first patch accepted! :) Reply at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ On 2012-10-27T13:04:37+00:00 Cullmann-t wrote: The workaround is ok, more logic will not went into this. Kate doesn't fully understand the text you have, therefore all other "magic" on static word wrap will just make it worse. Reply at: ** Changed in: kile Status: Confirmed => Invalid -- You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu. Title: "Comment tool" does not work properly if static word wrap is on To manage notifications about this bug go to: -- ubuntu-bugs mailing list