Ok, I'm further along in my persuit with Ubuntu on my SunBlade 100.
After booting with `boot net -p` and having it spew dozens of lines of
info that would be nearly impossible to transcribe accurately, I decided
to see if it would be possible to set up a serial connection and get to
the "ok" prompt.  That way I could get my screen buffer setup to capture
the information and then open up a "non-booting kernel" as another bug
(as Fabio has suggested).

So, a few null modem pinouts later, I have a connection to the serial
port.  I issue a break, and I'm at an "ok" prompt.  At this point, I
fiddle with the OBP settings, and issue a `boot net -p`, it continues,
and it actually gets to an install screen!  The Sun monitor, however,
has the

Remapping the kernel...done.
Booting Linux...

stuff still on it's screen.  Hmm, maybe it was always sending info out
its serial port, and nobody was there to listen?

I go through the install, and it completes.   Ok.  The Sun monitor and
keyboard are still out to lunch, but I have a working "text only" ubuntu
linux running on my SunBlade 100 (as long as I have a serial
connection).  It's on my local network (I can ping/ssh out, but sshd
isn't running yet.  Baby steps.).

In summary, I guess things are kinda working, but not quite the way that
I would have expected.  The initial CD problem still exists, but I
figured that I'd follow up my current status here.

SPARC boot failed: Illegal Instruction

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