... Hi, thank you very much... I missed to change xstartup replacing twm
with gnome-session.

Now all is working well.

I'm going to post on launchpad.net...

Thanx again, Alessio

2007/5/29, Chribu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I managed to get it working following this howto:
> First off, the window manager you see (tweed) is the twm window manager.
> There is no mouse support, because this window manager isn't fully
> installed
> on your system. Specifically, the menu package is not installed. If you
> start aptitude or synaptic and properly install twm, you would have a
> working system. But what you really want is GNOME, right?
> Well to get that you need to get vncserver operating with the correct
> config
> files. The HOWTO steps don't cover creating a xstartup config file for VNC
> to use that will allow you to choose your window manager (you're getting
> twm
> just by pure default). The easiest way to do this is as follows (cut from
> my
> personal TWIKI, so forgive the format hack job):
> * Installation with aptitiude
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# aptitude install vnc4server xinetd
> * First as root, we want to first establish configuration files in the
> /root/.vnc directory. This requires creating a VNC password.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# vncpasswd
> Password:
> Verify:
> * Next, invoke the vncserver to cause the rest of the configuration files
> to
> be created. Immediately kill the server, since we won't be using it
> (instead
> xinetd will start the vncserver on demand when we try to VNC in).
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# vncserver
> New 'heckmedia:1 (root)' desktop is heckmedia:1
> Creating default startup script /root/.vnc/xstartup
> Starting applications specified in /root/.vnc/xstartup
> Log file is /root/.vnc/heckmedia:1.log
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# vncserver -kill :1
> Killing Xvnc process ID 12108
> * Now change the session window manager in the /root/.vnc/xstartup file
> from
> 'twm' to 'gnome-session'
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# cd .vnc/
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/.vnc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]:%7E/.vnc># ls
> heckmedia:1.log passwd xstartup
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/.vnc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]:%7E/.vnc># emacs xstartup
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/.vnc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]:%7E/.vnc># diff xstartup xstartup~
> 12c12
> < gnome-session &
> ---
> > twm &
> * Next we need some configuration to start Xvnc as a service under xinetd.
> Create the file /etc/xinetd.d/Xvnc using cat and input redirection. Close
> the input stream with a Control-D.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/.vnc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]:%7E/.vnc># cd /etc/xinetd.d/
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/etc/xinetd.d# cat > Xvnc
> service Xvnc
> {
> type = UNLISTED
> disable = no
> socket_type = stream
> protocol = tcp
> wait = yes
> user = root
> server = /usr/bin/Xvnc
> server_args = -inetd :1 -query localhost -geometry 1280x1024 -depth 24
> -once
> -DisconnectClients=0 -NeverShared passwordFile=/root/.vnc/passwd
> -extension
> port = 5901
> }
> * Now stop and restart the xinetd daemon, killing any Xvnc processes in
> between.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/etc/xinetd.d# /etc/init.d/xinetd stop
> Stopping internet superserver: xinetd.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/etc/xinetd.d# killall Xvnc
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/etc/xinetd.d# /etc/init.d/xinetd start
> Starting internet superserver: xinetd.
> * A reboot seems necessary at this point. I have not been successful using
> VNC the first time without it.
> * Finally try to login from a remote computer to IP Address:1 using a VNC
> client.
> * It is also possible to test using vncviewer to localhost:1
> * Sessions will not end when you close the VNC client unless you log out!
> That should just about do it. You should now be able to remotely login.
> Good luck,
> h_h
> --
> vnc4server does not start Desktop environment after security update
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/78282
> You received this bug notification because you are a direct subscriber
> of the bug.

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