Observation (which may or may not be relevant):
It doesn't seem to get anywhere near main or libc startup (gdb  break on main 
or __start or anything like that just doesn't stop).
Break'ing on _GLOBAL__sub_I_error.cc  does stop and is an initialisation 
routine from the error.cc which is known to be broken.
objdump of the error.opic misdisasembles the first word of this function as:

00000000 <_GLOBAL__sub_I_error.cc>:
   0:   4d08b538        .word   0x4d08b538    <<<<<<<<<<<!!!
   4:   4c08            ldr     r4, [pc, #32]   ; (28 
   6:   447d            add     r5, pc
   8:   3508            adds    r5, #8
   a:   447c            add     r4, pc
   c:   4628            mov     r0, r5
   e:   f7ff fffe       bl      0 <_ZNSt8ios_base4InitC1Ev>
  12:   4b06            ldr     r3, [pc, #24]   ; (2c 
  14:   4628            mov     r0, r5
  16:   58e1            ldr     r1, [r4, r3]
  18:   4b05            ldr     r3, [pc, #20]   ; (30 
  1a:   58e2            ldr     r2, [r4, r3]
  1c:   e8bd 4038       ldmia.w sp!, {r3, r4, r5, lr}
  20:   f7ff bffe       b.w     0 <__aeabi_atexit>
  24:   0000001a        .word   0x0000001a
  28:   0000001a        .word   0x0000001a

That's actually a push and ldr; in gdb the instruction actually seems to
be there, but when you break on _GLOBAL__sub_I_error you seem to be left
at the 1st instruction after the push.


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