2007/4/18, Murray Cumming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> We seem to either fundamentally disagree or misunderstand each other.
> - Ubuntu cannot install Glom without all of its dependencies, so that it
> fails on starting. No Ubuntu packaging (without a large source code patch)
> can change that.

That's cool, but you doesn't need a local postgresql server for glom to
start, only for some functionst to work.

- And as the upstream developer, I don't see a strong reason to cripple the
> application for some sets of users.

And I'm not asking that.

I ask that, the default install is a METAPACKAGE called GLOM, and that
package install a REAL package that contains the glom binary AND postgresql.
That way you have what you want, a full featured glom with local storage
working, but at the same time, I can install de GLOM BINARY ALONE.

May be a schema shows my point better.

GLOM.DEB (empty package that only contains dependencies for GLOM-BIN.DEB AND
GLOM-BIN.DEB (real package containing glom)
POSTGRESQL.DEB (real package containing postgre)

When you install glom (aptitude install glom), the dependencies make the
system install the THREE packages

                     /  GLOM-BIN.DEB  (here is what now is called glom with
all it's dependencies BUT postgresql)
                     \  POSTGRESQL.DEB (here is the real server)

When I as an experienced user choose to install glom-bin (aptitude install
glom-bin), a package with a different name, the dependencies install all
packages needed BUT postgresql (and then I can't use the local storage, but
I know it and choose that).

To do that you doesn't need to change nothing in glom, nor ubuntu needs to
change nothing in the package system, only the control files for the glom
packaging needs changes (files that the ubuntu package maintainer can modify

In general, I think you are concentrating on your own suggested solution
> without just telling us what the problem is. Your problem might be one of
> these:
> - Glom is too big.
>   I'd like numbers to support this argument.
> - Glom does things that I don't need.
>   This is true of all programs, I think, and doesn't seem like a major
> problem to me.
> - Installing Glom on Ubuntu causes an unnecessary Postgres instance to be
> started.
>   This is an actual bug (and should have a bug report)

None of that, but another one you can't see. The WAY glom is PACKAGED is
WRONG. The packages can be made in a different way that make you and me
happy at the same time.

Is it that hard to understand? This isn't a glom problem, nor an ubuntu
problem, but a PACKAGING problem.

May be I'm not using the proper words, I'm spanish and am not using my
mother tongue. But I think it's easy to understand.

Glom: missing dependency - PostgreSQL
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