Searching for glBegin on debian yielded only the result previously mentioned, in stable. The package is absent from unstable/testing.
On ubuntu, it seems the package disappeared after hoary which had it in a package of the same name: It's not present in breezy or dapper. Google doesn't report any other packages that have picked up the man page: But some packages have (obviously) picked up the slack in terms of say, libgl.a. +-xlibmesa-gl-dev I'm not sure which of these new packages *should* contain the man pages, if any, but hopefully you'll have a better idea then me :). R On 8/13/06, Paul Sladen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hi Russell, > > This is from the stable version of Debian (aka 'sarge'); if you can > find the equivalent testing/unstable package that the manpages from > moved to they should be in the same place in Ubuntu. > > The package, as included above is a virtual package that is present to > support migrations between versions of Debian/Ubuntu. > > I apologise that I don't off-hand know which package they would be in > now; if you find the name of one of the manpages that you have > installed and try searching with it on: > > > > or then we maybe able to track down if they've been > moved somewhere else; and if not, to look into repackaging them. > (Ideally first by getting them back into Debian and synching across to > Ubuntu). > > -- > OpenGL subroutine man pages missing > > -- OpenGL subroutine man pages missing -- ubuntu-bugs mailing list