
I tried to make a backtrace two times, but at the end of the process 
there was always a failure. Because it took too long for me (nearly a 
day to compile), I decided to try it later again.
Later never came :) .

But I can say, that with the final release of the 6.06 release the bug 
was still there. So it wasn't a problem depending on the beta status of 
the distribution.

Now i have switched back to my debian sarge installation for daily work 
again. (ubuntu was just a tryout for me, although I was very satisfied 
with it).
In Sarge I use the precompiled version of OOo 2.0.3 from 
www.de.openoffice.org (the debs of it). The problem I described is no 
longer there. Despite I have now some stability problems but thats 
another one.

So as it seemed for me to be a upstream problem of the OOo source I 
don't think this was especially a problem of the ubuntu build. With an 
update of OOo there will be no longer this kind of problem.

When i get back the hands on the ubuntu build of OOo I try that again. 
When experiencing something similiar I will restart a bug report, and 
mail you directly (if you wish that).
For now I think this problem must be thought of as solved, because no 
one can handle that now.

In my opinion OOo has alway some kind of stability issues may depending 
on the original source code that handles linux specific tasks rather 
than depending on the special distri builds. Windows users have not the 
same problem with OOo. May it be better tested there??? But i'm not an 
expert. For personal interest: What do you think about this?


Stefan Willenbrock

OO crashes when filling the last cell of a tabular

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