** Description changed:

- Binary package hint: linux-image-2.6-686
  After installing the linux-image-686 (or linux-image-686-smp) package on
  a base 6.06 installation the packages sun-java5-bin, sun-java5-jre and
- sun-java5-plugin cannot be installed via apt-get. I'm guessing that this
- will be the same for the rest of the sun-java5-* family of packages.
+ sun-java5-plugin cannot be installed via apt-get, aptitude, gnome-app-
+ install or synaptic. But the Sun Java package *was* listed in gnome-app-
+ install - I just couldn't select it for installation. When I tried, I
+ was returned a message along the lines of "there are no matching
+ packages available in your selected channels".
- Rebooting after installing the new kernel image may or may not be
- required for this to happen, but it definitely occurrs after rebooting
- and loading the new kernel. The error message returned from 'apt-get
- install sun-java-bin' etc, is something like "there are no packages of
- that name in your selected channels".
+ I'm no .deb package expert (I'm a recent convert from rpm-based distros)
+ but I had a look at the file sun-
+ java5-bin_1.5.0-06-1_i386->control.tar.tz->control, and the Architecture
+ line only has "386" in it - will this prevent it from installing ona
+ system with a 686 kernel? If so, I'm guessing that this problem will
+ exist for the rest of the 386-specific sun-java5-* packages.
+ Now for some background/investigation:
+ Rebooting after installing the 686 kernel package may or may not be
+ required for the above problem to occur, but it definitely occurs after
+ rebooting and loading the 686 kernel (which is when I found it).
  Rebooting and loading the default 386 kernel image does not provide a
- workaround, but manually downloading and installing with dpkg does work.
- I did not try uninstalling the 686 kernel.
+ workaround, but manually downloading and installing with dpkg does work
+ (which might contradict what I said above about theArchitecture line in
+ the 'control' file). I did not try uninstalling the 686 kernel, which
+ might also be a workaround.

Installing linux-image-2.6-686 (or 2.6-686-smp) prevents installation of 
sun-java5-* packages

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