Well to my dismay I checked the file I uploaded and find it didn't
reproduce the error. But I did figure out a key needed to reproduce the
error the hyphen in the text file must be in bold. so if it was written
in simple html <b>Test - </b>tset I found this to be critical in
reproducing this problem. I haven't figured out why but sometimes the
hyphen goes unbold when I do ctrl b for bold and then the error doesn't
occur. But here is a file that I have double checked that the error
occurs. I had written an entire document for school with bold in front
and then a definition after and all the words where medical and I had to
add them a dictionary and they always got retyped it was very annoying
cause it happened 240 times.. ;)

** Attachment added: "Has the bug in it... I swear this time."

Openoffice Writer - Spell check makes words bold if word next to it is bold

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