
This sounds like the problem I have. The resolution is fine for me, but if 
I don't first run 915resolution, I get a black screen. The screen is black 
on cold boot until I run 915resolution. Then it is fine, even if I reboot. 
So it looks like that table does not get changed on a reboot.

So that .deb certainly would not fix my current problem!


On Fri, 30 Mar 2007, Timo Aaltonen wrote:

> the new xorg upload should fix the dependancy-issues. Hopefully the
> black screen problems are gone when the final version is released. Rc2
> didn't have those issues when I tested (rc3 does on my machine).
> -- 
> installing 915resolution for the correct resolution shouldn't be necessary
> https://launchpad.net/bugs/63560

Alexis Wilke
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installing 915resolution for the correct resolution shouldn't be necessary

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