I was bitten by this bug and have been beating my head against the wall
over possibly another bug.  I downgraded my 2.6.20-13 kernel to
2.6.20-12-lowlatency (With the kernel headers to match).  apt-get remove
--purge nvidia-glx cleared the restricted modules.

Well to make a long story short I reinstalled the older 9631 nvidia-glx
package and older restricted-modules.  Then attempted to reistall the
drivers from nvidias website.  No go...   Why not?

Tried deleting everything nvidia wise and reinstall to no avail.
Finally I tried the 2.6.20-12-generic and reinstalled again and
everything works.  So the 2.6.20-12-lowlatency kernel or kernel headers
must be borked somehow.

MASTER: Request for new-legacy nvidia drivers (9631)

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