ah, we deturmined that to be the KDE services editor!

also, maybe there should be a script that checks  rc*.d for crud like

Running something twice shouldn't screw it all up?!

Our initscripts should have a bit of falt tollerance built in for
stupid users like me who want an error message regarding what is
acutally broken instead of not being able to log into the box.

On 3/19/07, directhex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Something unknown is causing bad entries in /etc/rc*.d
> Specifically, /etc/rc2.d/S*udev should not be there
> The bug isn't that /dev/null has permission denied, it's that
> *something* is causing spurious init script entries
> --
> /dev/null: Permission denied
> https://launchpad.net/bugs/63031

/dev/null: Permission denied

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