Here is my experience with the i810 driver (ThinkPad X41) and a dell
2007WFP 1680x1050 monitor.

With the standard i810 driver i can get the native resolution by using a 
modeline but the picture is not aligned and blurry.
With the i810 modesetting driver haven't managed to get anything else then 
Then i noticed a log message in the xorg log, something like:
Valid modes must be between 320x200-1024x768
So i downloaded the package source 
(xserver-xorg-video-i810-modesetting-1.6.5.git20061014.ac1) and manually 
changed i830_bios.c around line 196 to hardcode the resolution:
pI830->PanelXRes = 1680;
pI830->PanelYRes = 1050;
Built and reinstalled the package and to my surprise it worked, native 
resolution and sharp picture!
It's not a very good solution because i want the use the normal laptop screen 
sometimes :)

I have look at the freedesktop git repository for the i810 driver and i
think this bug have been solved, maybe time for an update from upstream?

i810 driver: Using external widescreen monitor on a laptop needs a lot of 
complicated manual configuring

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