This problem is solved in upcomming Mustang release. I have downloaded and tested Java 1.6.0-beta2 and the problem is already solved in this version. Java 6 comes with a better implementation of GTK Look and Feel, and in the beta2 release the reported error is not seen anymore.
The support for GTK LAF in Java 5 is not very good, and only some predefined themes are supported. As Human not ClearLooks are officially supported, this probably won't be solved. Java 6 comes with a much improved GTK LAF, which uses native GTK functions to get info related to the GTK theme. Because of this, the GTK LAF implementation will support all GTK themes. (Still GTK LAF has some errors, but the implementation is much better) As the changes are too big, I doubt Sun will backport the new GTK LAF to current Java 5, but in Java 6 we won't see this error anymore. -- Java incompatibilities with GTK theme -- Dapper Flight 5 -- ubuntu-bugs mailing list