I can confirm it too. 
Edgy i386 ran on VirtualBox VM under WinXP.

I did some investigation and here are the results:

Synaptic works fine when proxy settings are specified in a
'user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]' form either in apt.conf or in synaptic gui (prefs
-> network). Although it's somewhat confusing, because synaptic doesn't
show if it is using settings from apt.conf (prefs -> network set to
direct) and all works. It will be better to store settings from gui
directly to apt.conf, or to provide a third option 'use proxy settings
from apt.conf'.

Now I set proxy settings in gnome config (prefs -> network proxy).
And this is where the real fun is :)
If specified in the form 'user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]', then synaptic works fine! 
But apt-get fails! Because 'env' says, that var http_proxy is set to 
'user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:[EMAIL PROTECTED]'. Now let's start synaptic from the 
terminal: 'gksu synamptic' - it fails as apt-get.

Now I specify 'proxy.com' in gnome network proxy settings (creditentials
are specified now only in 'details'). 'env' says, that http_proxy is set
to 'user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]' and now apt-get works. But synaptic doesn't (407
proxy auth required)! And when started from term as 'gksu synaptic' -
guess what? Of course, it works! :)

The real mess, right?

But here is more:
(don't know - maybe it's better to file it as a new bug)

All previos test were done with a login and password generously provided by my 
Because I didn't manage to succed with my own creditentials. The reason is that 
my pwd contains following sequence of characters like '&%f)'.

When such pwd is specified in apt.conf nor synaptic, neither apt-get
work. When specified as env var all is fine. So, I think, that apt-get
(and synaptic) doesn't handle some characters correctly. When specified
through apt.conf synaptic even showed (in it's prefs -> network) some
ugly special symbol instead of '&%f)' in the middle of my password - as
it handled it like a html entity.

Hope, that my comments will help you to resolve the problem.

No good proxy conf, for synaptic...

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