restricted-manager (0.10) feisty; urgency=low . * RestrictedManager/{fglrx,nvidia}.py: Call dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg instead of dexconf directly, to take advantage of its special magic. This also takes care of writing backup files, so disable our own backup file writing. (LP: #91036) * RestrictedManager/{fglrx,nvidia}.py: Set the 'seen' flags of the modified debconf questions, to reduce the chance of dpkg-reconfigure clobbering them. * RestrictedManager/{fglrx,nvidia}.py: Add some logging to /var/log/restricted-manager.log to debug currently open bugs. This will be removed again later. * restricted-manager: If there are no applicable handlers at all, display an info message box that the hardware does not need any restricted drivers and exit. (LP: #92485) * restricted-manager, RestrictedManager/ Move reboot notification function into core.notify_reboot_required(), so that we can use in the handlers, too. * RestrictedManager/{fglrx,nvidia}.py: Trigger reboot notification on enabling, too. (LP: #92684) * Add modalias_override/fglrx_supported: Script to parse supported product IDs out of /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/ Thanks to Johan Kiviniemi! * RestrictedManager/modalias.append: Replace the 'catch all ATI graphics cards' line with the product ID list generated by fglrx_supported, so that the fglrx driver is not offered any more on models it doesn't support. (LP: #92498) * Renamed RestrictedManager/ to RestrictedManager/ and replaced the few nvidia-specific bits with ctor argument variables. * Reimplement and as XorgDriver subclasses, since they shared 95% of code. * RestrictedManager/ Set xserver-xorg/autodetect_video_card to false when enabling a driver, so that xserver-xorg's postinst does not clobber our freshly selected restricted driver. Enable it again when disabling the restricted driver. * po/ Add missing and * restricted-manager, RestrictedManager/ Add new DefaultHandler method can_change() which checks if r-m can change this driver at all. If not, show an error message with an explanation. * RestrictedManager/ Add can_change() which checks for a modified xorg.conf. (LP: #92690)
** Changed in: restricted-manager (Ubuntu) Status: Fix Committed => Fix Released -- do not offer fglrx for cards that this driver does not support -- ubuntu-bugs mailing list