Marc Cuban needs to hear about this. You don't improve the world by
holding the users hostages. Otherwise "Linux for human beings" is a joke
-- or worse, a scam that cheats us into becoming pawns in someone else's
battles, on our time.

This sort of thing has happened way to many times, and now it's time to
stop it.

If you have a blog, please write about this topic, and maybe post a link
here so we can start linking to each other and get a grassroots thing

We should also put together an "ubuntu-fixes" package that reverts
broken defaults (coming from politically-inspired decisions, or
otherwise). People can simply apt-get install ubuntu-fixes after
installing Ubuntu.

If ubuntu-fixes becomes popular, creeps like sparr will be less inclined
to take the userbase hostage just to make a statement -- because it
won't work anymore.

Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

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