Running feisty. I don't know if it's the same bug, but my system hangs
when I do this:

- I login as user A
- I use the Switch user... option to go back to the login window.
- Then I login as user B
- Now if I want to go back to user A, I select Switch user... again, but then I 
get a black screen, with only the mouse pointer visible. I can move the mouse 
pointer, but I can not restart X (ctrl-alt-backspace) or go to another terminal 
(ctrl-alt-f1). I can only reboot with Alt-SysRq-B, so I think it's a problem 
with gdm or X?

Everything goes well if I logout first, but it's quite annoying,
sometimes I forget to logout and choose switch user and everything

If you need more info, or if I have to open a new bug for this, please
let me know. I use latest feisty with all updates, and the binary nvidia

fast-user-switch-applet crashes X when switching back to original login

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