I downloaded Kubuntu Feisty Herd5, and tested using the Live CD.

I can say it is promising.

Issuing the following commands on my Toshiba laptop:

# sudo bash
# /etc/acpi/sleep.sh

Causes the blue power LED to become flashing amber (meaning it did go to
suspend). Pressing it makes it go back normally to a functioning
desktop. No more hourglass/respawn problem.

On a whim, I tried with the Kubuntu Edgy CD as a live CD. Doing the same
steps above causes the screen to blank, but the LED stays blue (i.e.
power on), and nothing happens.

This means I cannot reproduce the problem with Edgy as a live CD, but
there sure is hope with Feisty.

I will wait till Feisty is officially released before I plunge into an

i810 Xv crashes after suspend -> infinite resprawn

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