Vassilis Pandis at 2007-02-13 wrote
> From my understanding of the situation, bmpX is considered to be the 
> "natural" follower of bmp, with audacious being a fork.

You are not right, did you even used bmp and tried to use bmpX and audacious ?
If not, then please at least look at screenshots of these programs, I think 
it's enough tool look at screenshots, to understand which software could be 
used as bmp replacement. Even BMP developers on BMP homepage recommends to use 
Audacious as "classic" BMP replacement, why you don't you believe them ? Look 
at :

 BMP is discontinued, now enjoy BMPx
BMPx is the codename for the next generation of BMP. It has been written from 
scratch to shed off the XMMS legacy that had been restricting our creativity. 
BMPx reimplements and extends the BMP user interface (UI) we have refined over 
the years.
BMP classic lives on...
 26 October 2005 Submitted By Chong Kai Xiong (descender)
 nenolod has informed us that he has forked BMP into Audacious! If you 
liked BMP classic and have been disappointed by our recent announcement, look 
no further and give Audacious your support :)

So, bmpx is completely new and different project from bmp

> At any rate, since this is no longer supported by upstream, and since
there many open and very old bugs [1] in the Debian BTS, I believe that
bmp should be removed from the archives.

Yea, beep-media-player package should be removed from Ubuntu and Debian and 
replaced by transitional package, which install audacious.
I can patch audacious package to generate transitional beep-media-player 
package if Ubuntu developers agree

bmp is deprecated by upstream ==> please replace it by Audacious

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