On Fri, 2007-02-23 at 07:49 +0000, Murray Cumming wrote:
> So is this actually two problems? One about what happens when the
> utility executable are missing, and one about what happens when a
> postgres user has particular postgres access rights? Could you provide
> more information about that second problem, such as the steps you take
> and what you see, please? Maybe in a separate bug report.


No, this is only about missing rights.  Nothing to do with missing

I think you have misunderstood me because there is a user access
right/flag called "createdb" and a utility called "createdb".  My DB
user was missing the right/flag "createdb".

I added right/flag "createdb" and then I found I was missing the
"createrole" role.

The behaviour I noticed is reported in my original description of this
bug report.

To reproduce this behaviour I expect you could create a DB user (using
createuser) that has none of these rights, then try and create a new
Glom DB using that user.


Andrew Ruthven
Wellington, New Zealand
At home: [EMAIL PROTECTED]       |  This space intentionally
                                 |        left blank.

Glom has issues if DB user is missing access rights

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