This problem still occurs even in the latest build on my oldest system (
AMD-K6 500mhz with 377mb ). The solution is to also install the linux-
image-<version>-generic. This way if the server kernel does not work,
the admin can use the generic kernel to correct the problem. Which in my
case was to install linux-image-2.6.20-8-386 and make it the default.
Without including another image to boot from make ubuntu-server useless
on systems that can not boot the server kernel.

The work-a-round was to boot into rescue mode, then chroot and install
the i386 kernel image, then reboot. Once the i386 kernel was booted I
was able to change /boot/grub/menu.lst to boot from that kernel. After
that the system boots with no issues.

Ubuntu server kernel will not boot.

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