I don't know how to tell again, but I tried to install and play doomIII
for linux and the reason I couldn't was because the Mesa driver couldn't
handle it.

When I run the command #sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg It doesn't
have any mesa driver available, and shows vesa instead.

I will try to go back and look for the command used to determine the
driver I'm using, but Whatever it is, Dapper selected it automatically
upon install.  I have not been able to get an Edgy CD to work properly,
but I also have not been able to get a freely shipped cd.  I have been
upgrading using #gksu "update-manager -c" and the update manager.  But I
won't do that again because of the "301 moved permanently" problem with
the repositories.

I will attemp to find all of the information I should have had to begin
with when going to report this bug.  I still don't know what all you
might need though.  I think that it is great how well my bug reports
have been recieved!

Thanks for the cooperation!

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Wed, 21 Feb 2007 16:53:39 -0000
> Subject: [Bug 86550] Re: Video card no longer supported by Ubuntu
> Is the mesa driver the one you use in Dapper?
> --
> Video card no longer supported by Ubuntu
> https://launchpad.net/bugs/86550

Video card no longer supported by Ubuntu

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