0. Please update BIOS. 
> Need clearer direction why this is necessary.

1. Please include the output of the command "uname -a" in your next response. 
It should be one, long line of text which includes the exact kernel version 
you're running, as well as the CPU architecture.
> Already did that earlier.

2. Please run the command "dmesg > dmesg.log" and attach the resulting file 
"dmesg.log" to this bug report.
> Done

3. Please run the command "lspci -vvnn > lspci-vvnn.log" and attach the 
resulting file "lspci-vvnn.log" to this bug report.
> Done

4. Please run the command "sudo dmidecode > dmidecode.log" and attach the 
resulting file "dmidecode.log" to this bug report.
> Done

Edgy amd64 kernel lockup 

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