** Description changed:

  Binary package hint: network-manager
  Distribution: Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn - Herd 3
  Hardware: Zonet ZEW2501
  Chipset: zd1211b
  Driver: zd1211rw
- Upon attempting to configure this wireless device with NetworkManager, the 
window disappears and NetworkManager returns to the system tray.  I am unable 
to configure this device because the window goes away in what appears to be a 
crash although it is still active in the tray and can be reopened.  'ifconfig' 
and 'iwconfig' both show the device and report not conflicts.  The system logs 
appear normal and I didn't find any unusual behavior.
+ Upon attempting to configure this wireless device with NetworkManager, the 
window disappears and NetworkManager returns to the system tray.  I am unable 
to configure this device because the window goes away in what appears to be a 
crash although it is still active in the tray and can be reopened.  'ifconfig' 
and 'iwconfig' both show the device and report no conflicts.  The system logs 
appear normal and I didn't find any unusual behavior.
  Attempted Solutions: 
  Believing it was a hardware conflict I have tried booting Ubuntu with the 
following additional parameters...
  "noapic nolapic"
  "noapic nolapic pci=noacpi" - disables IRQ11 used by the device and causes it 
to not appear
  "noapic nolapic pci=noacpi irqpoll"
  "acpi=off" - disables the device when used with any of the above parameters
  Steps to Reproduce:
  1.) Boot with Zonet ZEW2501 (zd1211b) in Feisty Fawn Herd 3
  2.) Click the NetworkManager icon in the top right
  3.) Select the wireless device from the list
  4.) Click 'Properties'
  5.) The properties dialog may appear briefly for a few seconds before all 
NetworkManager windows disappear.  Both the properties and the nm window 
vanish, but NetworkManager is still running in the system tray on the top right.

NetworkManager crashes when configuring zd1211 wireless device

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