Hi Cristian,

Right now, I don't have access to the computer where I originally had
the problem in. I will do as you suggest when I can, although I'm afraid
that the kernel version has been updated since, so I'm not sure that it
will be of much use.

However, I could reproduce the problem this way:

 - Create a file called /etc/modprobe.d/libata
 - Write "options libata printk=255" in the file 
 - Recreate the initrd (either manually or by updating the kernel) - that will 
get the /etc/modprobe.d/libata file on the initrd
 - Reboot. When loading the initrd, libata will refuse to load because it will 
not recognize the 'printk' parameter. Then, the root partition will not be 
accessible, and booting will fail at the early stages.

I don't know where the /etc/modprobe.d/libata file first came from. I
have another computer which I usually upgrade more or less at the same
time and it did not show the problem. So maybe it was some strange bug
in modutils or something like that. I searched extensively and, although
there were a few reports of similar problems, they are very rare, so
whatever happened is probably not an issue now. If you consider that to
be enough, feel free to close the bug.

However, I'd personally vote for making the libata module handle
erroneous parameters more gracefully (printing a warning and ignoring
them instead of failing to load), since I think that making a critical
module not load because of a misspelled argument is not exactly the best
way to handle the error.

Best regards.

[feisty] very nasty bug with libata

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