The use of dash also breaks the (soon-to-be GPL)
Sun Java JDK Makefiles, which have

ECHO = echo -e

(Yes, this is arguably a Sun bug)

6482201: ubuntu 6.10 does not recongnize echo -e

The suggestion of reconfiguring /bin/sh to point back
to bash probably works today, but this is not a
reasonable suggestion for real business customers.
Rule #1 of using an operating system is

"NEVER change the operating system as supplied"

(Putting things in /usr/local is OK.  Don't ever change

Changing /bin/sh to point to a different shell is a
"warranty-voiding" action.  Imagine the havoc if
/bin/sh were set to point to /bin/csh.

If the dash experiment is successful, then over time
"dashisms" will appear in various scripts.  In fact, what
assurance do users have that Ubuntu developers
don't do this *deliberately*?
Users will only have the choice of having different sets of 
broken scripts, depending on how they configure the 
/bin/sh symlink.

sparr seems to have a very Ubuntu-centric point of
view.  People write scripts and Makefiles to run
on a large variety of Unix systems.  Ubuntu is one
of hundreds of such platforms.  Because GNU echo,
Solaris echo, bash echo and zsh echo all allow the
"-e" option, it is quite easy for users to assume that
"-e" is standard.  It is unfortunate that Unix 2003
forbids echo from having any options.  Only the most
masochistic and perfectionistic of us ever consult
the Unix 2003 documentation.

Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

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