adept review:

- Detailled explanation of the changes in the changelog, please.
- No updated build/binary dependencies for the new kdelibs API?
- kubuntu_08_no_unique_application.diff: funny that an 'unique' app forks where 
a non-unique doesn't :) can you elaborate about this change a bit? (preferably 
in the changelog); anyway, this looks innocent enough, I trust your testing and 
KDE code experience for this patch.
- kubuntu_02_dist_upgrader.diff: entirely new code, I cannot verify 
correctness; however, integration into existing code parts looks sane, thus 
this should be heavily tested before allowing this in to edgy stable.

This entire update makes me nervous as hell, though. I would not normally 
consider it SRU-worthy. I will consider myself overruled if:
 - above points get solved
 - the patches are reviewed by a second person with KDE programming skills
 - I get explicit confirmation from mdz and the Kubuntu community that we 
really, really want this feature for edgy already, at the risk of breaking 
existing applications.
 - We get written feedback (as bug comments) from at least 10 different testers 
 (using different languages, mirrors, a local mirror, etc.) that these changes 
do not break the existing functionality of adept, correctly upgrade edgy to 
Feisty (modulo Feisty package bugs, of course), and other KDE applications (C++ 
and Python ones).

SRU: updates necessary for Kubuntu Upgrade Tool in Edgy

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