listen 0.5 isn't in Debian, so I've updated it. This is the changelog: listen (0.5-0ubuntu1) feisty; urgency=low
* New upstream release (LP: #84946; #74270) * debian/rules - Fixed listen.png path (changed in upstream) - Commented /mutagen/ line, as it no longer exist * debian/patches - 20_notification_area_restore.patch dropped (fixed upstream) - 15_desktop.patch dropped (useless) - 10_fix_exception.patch dropped (fixed upstream) - 05_remove_shebangs.patch dropped (fixed upstream) - 00_Makefile.patch dropped (some fixed, some useless) - 01_images_dir.patch dropped (useless) - 01_desktop_entry.patch added * debian/control - changed project url * debian/copyright - changed download url - updated copyright (included 2007) -- Emilio Pozuelo Monfort <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Tue, 13 Feb 2007 01:55:35 +0100 -- Please update to latest version -- ubuntu-bugs mailing list